Hi, I currently use Netflix to watch movies and have added turbo flix but wondering if this is the best, is presto or stan better? Would I be able to use google chrome with them? Thankyou
Hi, I currently use Netflix to watch movies and have added turbo flix but wondering if this is the best, is presto or stan better? Would I be able to use google chrome with them? Thankyou
Thankyou 😀
Presto and Stan both have 1 month free trials. Why don't you try them out and see if they have the shows you want to watch. We don't know your likes/dislikes. In fact Presto often have codes where you can get 6 months worth of Presto for free. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/search/node/presto
What do you mean by "Would I be able to use google chrome with them?" All three sites work with the Google Chrome browser. If you have a Chromecast dongle you can cast all three natively to it as well.
I personally have found Netflix (Australian version) to be sufficient. I have used Getflix to access other countries version of Netflix but it's not something I do often. If you find that there's nothing to watch on Netflix, you can suspend your subscription for as long as you like and start watching Stan. Once you've exhausted Stan's library you can move onto Presto. etc. etc.