This was posted 8 years 6 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Manhunt on PS4 40% off @US PSN Store - $8.99 (USD) Est $11.70 (AUD)



They just killed Cash. Now, they want to kill him again.

America is full of run down, broken rust-belt towns where nobody cares and anything goes. In Carcer City, nothing matters anymore and all that's left are cheap thrills. The ultimate rush is the power to grant life and take it away, for sport. This time James Earl Cash, you are the sport. They gave you your life back. Now, they are going to hunt you down.

You awake to the sound of your own panicked breath. You must run, hide and fight to survive. If you can stay alive long enough, you may find out who did this to you.

This is a brutal blood sport.

Experience Manhunt on your PS4 with full 1080p up-rendering and enhanced features such as Trophies, Shareplay & Remote Play with 'PS Vita'.

(single player game)

Note: requires a US account on PS4 to play, but that is easy to set up.

I buy normally my PSN gift cards from here… but Amazon should work too. (I like these guys as they take PayPal and it doesn't take long to be emailed your code after purchase) *edit - it took about 10 mins for code to be delivered, I just received it :)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Why would anyone party US$13 for US$10 credit!? That's just stupid when you can get it for face value from Amazon.

  • wish this was on oz psn. i dont want to start a new login for this one game and want all my saves to be on the same profile. oh well.

    • +1

      No, in-fact I don't think it has been released to the AU store yet…probably won't because of censors. Pretty sure it was pulled from AUS shelves way back when.

      • +2

        Yeah it won't. It got refused classification in Australia after a year being on the shelves. Was good for me as I got to keep the stock we had in the store I worked in as we were meant to destroy them. Still plenty of copies floating around on eBay/Gumtree if you are desperate and still have a PS2.

        • How was it able to be on the shelves? I thought it would have to pass classification first.

        • Yeah I think I bought a pair cheap second hand years ago. Must check what they're worth

        • +2


          It passed classification with an MA rating when first released. The game then got linked to a murder in 2004 and subsequently got banned.

  • +2

    This brings back memories of suffocating someone with a plastic bag. Those were the days…

    On the topic of violent Rockstar Games titles: Does anyone remember State of Emergency? From memory there was no plot other than shooting people in a shopping centre lol

    • +1

      I do remember than when I had my modded PS2..actually pretty sure I still have that!

    • loved it, on Xbox. Crazy multiplayer.

  • Probably cheaper on Canadian PSN.

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