No-One Wants to Sell Me Fast Food!

No-one wants to sell me fast food.

Yes, I am a bit overweight, but I'm not sure that's the cause.

The other day, I went to Hungry Jack's. I had to repeat parts of my order four times before the cashier got it right. I then held out my card to pay. As I did so, the manager dropped a bag on the counter next to the cashier. Instead of taking my payment, she said "<Whatever meal it was!>". No-one responded. "<Whatever meal it was!>" Still no response. She looked in the bag. "<Whatever meal it was!>". No-one responded.

Now, while doing all of this, she could have had the EFTPOS machine ready to take my payment (I was holding my card up), and my payment would have well and truly been made. Nope. So I sighed and walked out.

Next door was a Red Rooster, so I went there. I joined the queue. There was no-one at the counter when I joined the queue, but a minute later someone came out. "Can I help anyone?" she asked. She looked at a guy standing near the queue but not in it, who shook his head. As the person who was at the front of the queue stepped forward, she walked back out the back!

I facepalmed and walked off, as I did also have to use an ATM. I then got grumpy, because I was hungry, and there weren't other options nearby. So I went back to the Red Rooster and joined the queue (which had shortened - I'd gone from fifth to third).

The girl came out from the back again, carrying a box of drinks. She put it down next to the fridge. "Okay," I thought, "she'll now come serve us." Nope. She began unpacking the box, paying no attention to the queue whatsoever.

Am I missing something here?


    • +1


    • Why are you reversing the quotes?

      • +1

        I have made a huge mistake

        • +2

          Don't you mean

          I have made a huge mistake?


    • I read it lol 👍

  • I'd say the once or twice that I went to the maroubra maccus, the staff were either racist or don't give a f$@#

    Really depends on where you go nowadays. Never had a problem in the city though

  • Welcome to the so called first world!

  • +1

    No update from op, nor has he logged in since. Maybe he's still waiting in queue…

    • Maybe he is still looking for a place that will sell him fast food

    Funny thing is with people, you demand respect one place, you will often get it without even trying elsewhere. Somehow it shows.

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