Mi Pad 2 - Trusted Sellers?

Seeking advice on which trusted seller to purchase a Mi Pad 2 + Accessories (Bluetooth keyboard, cover) from.

Gearbest and Geekbuying seem to have really poor reviews.

Tried looking at eBay don't know how to choose from the many sellers, some of them have had poor reviews and I don't feel confident enough :(

Any advice would be appreciated!



  • People are far more likely to put bad reviews than good reviews for websites. When you've got a Geekbuying rep active on Ozbargain it's not much of a problem ;)

  • +2

    Banggood have some good deals on the mi pad 2 at the moment. They seem relatively well reviewed, I ordered some power banks from them earlier this month, yet to turn up though.

    16gb for $150 US with the voucher in the description (~$200AUD) http://www.banggood.com/XIAOMI-Mipad-2-16G-Intel-Cherry-Trai…

    64gb for $203 US with the voucher in the description (~$275AUD) http://www.banggood.com/XIAOMI-Mipad-2-64G-Intel-Cherry-Trai…

    Be prepared for a few weeks delivery.

    I'm currently considering the 64gb version or the huawei mediapad m2.

    • Thanks heaps - I've ordered through the link you provided!

  • +1

    I bought mine off an ebay store called buybuybox. it came within 2 days of confirmation! was very impressed with the delivery time.

    i found out later that they have their own website, and prices on it were significantly cheaper as they dont have to pay Ebay fees. http://buybuybox.com/

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