Telegraphic Transfer in USD to China - Pay supplier


Im guessing there are lots of business owners here. I have to send payment of few thousand usd to Chinese bank to pay supplier into alipay amount.

Just seeing how do you guys send it and give the best rate?


  • +1

    If the bank can take local currency, I'd use Transferwise.

  • +1

    I've used (Formerly ozforex) for the same purpose in the past - Transfer in USD to a bank account in China. This was about 2 years ago but at the time I got the best exchange rate from them. Definitely far better than the banks.

  • Paid the Chinese supplier in USD for OzBargain t-shirts a few times over the years (most recently last month), and have always used OFX. CurrencyFair & TransferWise might be a bit cheaper though. I used CurrencyFair once and it was quite an effort setting the account up.

    • Thanks scotty.
      Seems like i missed the meetup. Didn't come up on my radar. I look forward to when you have the next one.

  • I am assuming ofx works out cheaper than doing tt transfer from my hsbc amount?

    • It should be easy to compare — same as CurrencyFair & TransferWise. Use the converter on their home page for the spot rate and then compare with HSBC's rate, which I believe you can obtain from HSBC's online banking.

      • Thanks.

      • TransferWise seems slightly cheaper compared to ofx. I'll try them out.

      • Thanks. Transferwise didn't work as I need to send in US dollars. I ended up using OFX. I found your referral link for Fee Free discount :).

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