Gr8 Game at Gr8 Price for those who missed previous deals.
Below is the link for Battlefield Hadline:…
Gr8 Game at Gr8 Price for those who missed previous deals.
Below is the link for Battlefield Hadline:…
Yes that's true. You don't own the game. You're just renting out a license to play it so long as you have an active and paid Xbox Live Gold Membership subscription. You stop paying for an Xbox Live Gold subscription renewal, you lose any license to play the game after the current subscription expires. That's true when it comes to Xbox One.
I think if you buy discounted games you own them. Although with bf you need live gold to access xbox servers if you want to play multiplayer online. The only games you might loose access to are the free monlthly live gold game dloads if youre subscription runs out.
It's definitely true for games under the Games with Gold banner.
When did MS start this? This is the first I've heard them doing anything like this
When Microsoft released the Xbox One. It only applies to Xbox One Live Gold accounts and games under the Games with Gold banner.
"You can no longer play your Xbox One Xbox Live Gold games: Xbox One Xbox Live Gold games on the other hand work a little differently than the Xbox 360 titles as instead of giving ownership of the games to the user, the membership grants access to them for as long as they’re a member. This isn’t an issue for most Xbox One owners as the majority remain Xbox Live Gold members for the lifetime of their console, but for those that terminate their membership (or forget to renew) all access to any Xbox One titles claimed under the Games with Gold banner is removed, even though the game data will remain on their console and in the cloud. The good news is that whenever a membership is reactivated, access to all previously claimed titles is renewed and all of the save data is made immediately accessible."…
Games with Gold is the free monthly games which do require Gold - Deals With Gold does not require you to have the Live membership, and works like a normal sale - you own the game.
Yeah only problem with ea is that you always need the Xbox Live Gold Membership. So if you want to play offline with bots you can't unlike the older battlefields.