hi, Can anyone tell me if i have knocked my own fence down with my car can I claim on insurance?
Which Insurance Can You Claim

No you are wrong. He states he knocked his own fence down with his car, hence he can only claim on car insurance as he was at fault in his car. This will raise so many red flags though i suspect.
Wrong about which part?
the fence, towball got it
How bad? Pictures?
no pics, knocked it down
Home insurance will come after party that caused the fault, ie the OP or the car insurance.
OP can really only claim on car insurance at this point.Yeah let the insurance companies work it out though. If I were OP I would call both, tell them what happened and I'm sure it'l get sorted out. We pay insurance companies to work this stuff out for us.
No if its rented car.
Depends on the policy coverage.
Whether you could even claim on your house insurance would depend on whether you have accidental damage cover.
Yes, whats damaged - the car, the fence or both?
If both, you can claim on both your home insurance and car insurance but will likely have to pay excess for both…