Natural remedies to cure/relieve cold symptoms

Hey guys,

I've had a super sore throat for 4 days now. It's on fire. I expected to deteriorate into full sick mode over the weekend but this is like the slowest decline in history. Only progressed to slight headache, sniffles and light cough.

I've been having lemon/ginger/honey/garlic and using betadine mouth gargle..and either that's been helping to slow the sickness from fully developing or it's merely delaying it or it's doing nothing.

I'm sure this is just a cold so medicine won't work but I'm curious if anyone has some tricks or secret remedies they swear by I'm all ears!

I really can't afford to get sick sick or stay in this half assed pergatory state much longer!



  • Get plenty of rest & fluids…salt water gargle for throats is pretty effective too…oh, and codeine, opioids are natural too, right! ;)

    If it makes you feel any better, it went through our offices too, 2-4 days acute phase, then 2-4 weeks lingering cough…all any of us could really do was tough it out unfortunately…I wish I had better news for you.

    • Haha i wish you had better news too! Yeh it's definitely going thru our office too. I think i know the culprit who started it too =/

      The cough came on last night. I can feel it tracking down my chest. UGLY CRY

  • +1

    You can try what you want, but huge sudden doses of vitamin C certainly does not work, so don't bother buying that gigantic bottle of Vit C chews and dumping them down your throat. You're just wasting money :)

    Honey actually works well, it coats your throat when taken as-is (without hot water) and is useful for treating cough.

    One US study did find honey was better at reducing a cough's severity, frequency and annoyance when compared to either no treatment, or honey-flavoured dextromethorphan (the main ingredient in most over-the-counter cough remedies). In another 2012 study, 300 children were assigned to one of four different night-time cough treatments: three were different types of honey and the fourth was a placebo. The researchers found any one of the types of honey was more effective at treating night-time cough than the placebo treatment.

    Also if you have trouble sleeping due to runny or stuffy nose, try taking some Promethazine, AKA Phernergan.

    Drug type: Anti-histamine
    Oral dose: 25mg
    Sold in Australiam pharmacists as 'Phernergan", very cheaply for $11.95 for 50 tablets, 25mg, no prescription required
    Causes Drowsiness: True

    • Yeh I've done a bit of reading on basically how ineffective everything is. Most things just suppress or soothe rather than fix…which is why i was hoping for some home remedies!

      It's crazy how much BS products are out there!

      • Home remedies tend to be BS.

        If you chanced upon Ephedra Sinica (plant), you can prepare a very effective natural remedy. No BS.

  • Sleep. Lots of sleep!

  • Oral prednisolene, only thing I found that will fix up a really bad sore throat fast. Yes it's not natural, but it works quick, basically it reduces the swelling.

    • I'll check it out, thanks!

      • you'll need a prescription for that.

  • hot toddy - scotch, honey, lemon juice - mix with hot water. can have it with cinnamon as well.

    • Funny. I do believe in the scotch theory and i have a bottle sitting on my kitchen bench :')

    • When I have man flu I pull out the Johnny red label. Leave the top shelf stuff for when I can enjoy the taste.

  • Ditto!!!!!

    Got the same as you so just lurking around for remedies

  • +1

    the betadine iodine gargle helped a lot with my sore throat :)

    if your nose is blocked however my mum passed me down this 'family trick' - microwave some coca cola + lemon juice until its hot, and then drink it down (has to be hot or fairly warm!) , sounds gross but it doesnt taste too bad, seems to help me declog my nose :) she says its something to do with the bubbles.

  • Only remedy I can advise is to head to your nearest bikie club house, knock on the door and call them a bunch of pussies. A minute or so later you will forget all about the sore throat and focus on the other pain you are in.

  • +1

    I just had episodes of flu/cold recently as well and I found out that gingers actually are very effective for sore throat problem.
    I bought something called "naked ginger" from Woolworths and just eat them (like 10 a day) and my sore throat was gone in 2 days.

    Those are pretty much gingers soaked in sugar syrup, so they taste ok as well.

  • Well i like to think i "rejected" my illness haha

    I lingered at about 75% wellness for about 8-9 days but i didn't get completely sick.

    Loaded up on ginger, garlic, lemon and honey tea concoctions and a few panadol and betaine mouth gargle.

    I've read that "sweating it out" doesn't work but in my experience it does. Over the years when ive felt a little shit I've jumped on the treadmill and i think it's a combination of psychological and physical effects that makes it help. So despite reading otherwise, i did it again this time. Definitely struggled a bit but I'm utterly convinced it helped a lot.

    Of course there's a threshold. Once you're too sick, strenuous exercise is dangerous.

    I'm not one for believing in BS stuff. I'm a complete realist that believes in modern medicine etc. However, i think psychology / emotions can make you feel better or worse. I just think of all the fake sickes I've taken over my life, backdating to school, where i started off fine then seemingly willed myself sick lol I'm sure we've all experienced that! So Def think it can work in the other direction (for things like colds, not actual illness/infections/diseases etc)

  • The simpliest addition to your life to help improve/maintain health has not been mentiond yet… The sun!!

    A lack of Vitamin D can have profound impact on your wellness. Always amazes me at the numbe of people who barely see the sun Mon-Fri but then always seem to get run down.
    15/20mins daily without cream (obviously depends on your skin type) so you can absorb the suns goodness works wonders for body & mind :)

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