I currently have NBN and the NBN device is in my garage. I get speeds of about 100/40 wired, but around 20/10 wireless. What device can I buy to increase my wireless speed?
Thank you
Increase Wi-Fi Speed

It has to be placed in the garage, that is where the NBN connection box is. Plus my home phone is connected from the NBN box to the modem as well. So moving it will be difficult
the modem that's attached to the nbn box…
What device are you using?
Generally a wired connection is superior to wifi.It is a Sagemcom Gateway F@ST 3864OP NBN IMS
have a look on youtube for diy vids on how to cable room to room.
What wireless devices are you using, and which router do you have? Could either be the router or the device and its wireless adapter.
Move your router inside the house. The NBN connection unit can stay in the garage but move the router by extending the cabling (might have to get an expert in to do that for you).
My sister has NBN , the NBN connection unit is just outside her front door to the side, the router is upstairs and she gets wireless all thru the house no probs.
What device/wifi card are you using? Have you tested other devices and gotten similar speeds?
My brother's laptop wifi was a piece of shit until I bought a wireless dongle
Get a Netgear R8000 router. They are only around $200 and give awesome wifi speeds.
Yeah it would be helpful to know what router you are currently using.
It is a Sagemcom Gateway F@ST 3864OP NBN IMS
From first impressions (a quick Google search) it seems as expected this is just a modem and router combo. Also seems this modem/router is pretty poor performance wise (what you're experiencing). Generally these provide slow wifi speeds as opposed to a separate modem and router.
You may be able to 'bridge' the Sagemcom with a much better router (as suggested earlier by another user, the Netgear R8000 is one of the best). May need to do some research to see if it's possible for this exact Sagemcom model.
The R8000 is pretty pricey, any cheaper alternatives around the $100 mark?
@cr7: the r7000 is the model before and provides pretty close speeds to that of the 8000. But again, just need to ensure you can bridge the Sagemcom
Here are some instructions on how to bridge the modem
https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsd…NOTE: These instructions may be outdated by a few months and are not guaranteed to work on your device's firmware
Wifi signals, just like radio signals, bounce around corners and other hard surfaces. They can also penetrate thin materials, say wood / glass, but double brick walls will just kill it.
So, it's not a good idea to actually hide your router inside a closed room, such as your garage, where the only way for the signals to get into your home is through a closed wooden door.
Do what you can and snake some ethernet cable from your Network Termination Device, through the nearest door and into your house, and then connect your router there.
If you have a second floor to your home, you might want to purchase a second router, or a Wifi Access Point (such as a Unifi AP-LR) to further extend your signal to the second floor. UAP-LR's are only $129 each
Or, pay for ethernet ports to be installed in your home. For any cabling work that happens in your roof space, or in the gaps of your walls, it must be done by a licensed cabler with a permit.
Also don't be silly and attempt to hide your router amongst your clutter either — proudly stick it out in the central area of your house so that you can maximise wifi reach. Put it away from your microwave too.