The Ultimate Incredible deal is back due to high demand!
We are offering a 1 Year FREE Pass to all our Kung Fu classes!
Our classes are situated in North Melbourne.
Please note spots are limited per class. Currently 55 spots left.
The Ultimate Incredible deal is back due to high demand!
We are offering a 1 Year FREE Pass to all our Kung Fu classes!
Our classes are situated in North Melbourne.
Please note spots are limited per class. Currently 55 spots left.
Are you kidding?
That's Karate…
Oh. So Mr. Miagi doesn't approve!
Mr. Miagi is Japanese…
Our classes are situated in North Melbourne
You got kicked out of Prahran ?
You got kicked out of Prahran ?
straight outta Compton
We moved to a larger venue a whole stadium gym. So upgraded.
兵无常法 水流无形
@chinezejew: hey man, I'm a quarter Chinese and a quarter Jew as well. Ni Hao and Shalom to you but let's just stick to English so others can understand what we say in public. :)
WOW !!! I would love to…but unfortunately I work on Saturdays.
Interesting, not sure though if Kung Fu is suitable for fat and overweight people. Videos they are all skinny!
Maybe they started out fat and overweight. Martial Arts training can give you quite a good workout
Take the classes grasshopper and you may also become skinny
Don't you remember Jackie Chan's fat buddy in the old movies? A strong fat guy is someone to be wary of!
Sammo Hung.
I've been to other Kung Fu classes and seen people of varying fitness levels and ages doing classes.
I can't comment on this school and what they suggest though.
Kung fu panda he's still fat. so not just for skinny people.
Disagree. Proper martial arts is more about training the mind than the body. The body will follow if the mind understands.
Thanks for ruining my anonymity.
That is what all the martial arts that are useless for actual fighting say, kung fu and aikido are two of the first that spring to mind. If you want to get fit and have fun they are great though.
EDIT: Great deal by the way. Even a cheap MA club would normally set you back $500/yr.
Typical clueless idiot.
Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of aikido, was a samurai versed in many arts, such as jujutsu, and actually faced death, unlike most MA practitioners.
try grabbing an aikido trained person sometime, then if you can still speak through the pain, tell us how useless it is. :)
Thanks for making me laugh ><
"Be like water my friend"
Get mad if you want, but he's right. Useless martial art but at least you're being active.
@furiousgeorge: Been there, done that, and i can say pretty confidently it is crap.
But if you don't believe me, try getting an aikido or kung fu practitioner along to an MMA,BJJ,Muay Thai, Boxing or Wrestling gym and see how they do.
Surely the Gracie challenges, the UFC (especially the early UFC) and MMA is enough to show what does and doesn't actually work as a true martial (combat) art.
@yoyomablue, Forget the legends you are told about the founders of the arts, which may or may not be true and the arts which may or may not be the same. My comments are purely about the effectiveness of the art here and now.
@AsSeenOnTv: another uneducated BJJ fanboy, not realising that the art is founded in jujutsu, what Samurais used.
Good to see Royce Gracie had has his arse handed to him, twice, by Sakuraba
With a ridiculous amount of rules, MMA is a sport like boxing, not fighting
@yoyomablue: I know the history but it doesn't change my point about the present effectivness.
I dont disagree with your point on the amount of rules in most current MMA orgs hence my specific ref to the early UFC which had about three rules and was style against style-before MMA evolved. But even with the rules, MMA is the closest thing to real fighting.
Also agree sakuraba is great but still doesn't address the ineffectiveness of aikido.
@AsSeenOnTv: Surely it depends on how good the person is. I have seen how effective Karate can be, and it's all about how well the person trains. I take it as a means to defend yourself anyway, not competing. If you take it seriously, it's amazing what you can achieve. Its effectiveness will depend on what applications you use, and in a real fight, it's usually who strikes first and how hard they connect. If you know how to fight, or street fight, one blow is enough.
@justmiike: yep, it was refreshing to see a stand up striker like Cung Le do so well in recent times, even against grapplers such as MMA champion Frank Shamrock.
As for Aikido, ignoramuses don't realise it wouldn't work in competition because it is the truest definition of self defence; no attacks are instigated. Hence they have to wait for an attack & keep two steps distance. MMA fighters are not stupid to rush over such a distance, hence nothing would happen and it would be decided no contest.
@AsSeenOnTv: the mechanics/physics of aikido are what make it so intelligent & so effective. If an aikidoka fails, it's because the technique was not executed properly, not because of the technique itself.
@yoyomablue: There was a guy on the Joe Rogan experience a while ago trying to defend Aikido….Worth a watch, he/they couldn't come up with any evidence of it actually working against a non-compliant opponent, and in fact found a youtube video of an Aikido practitioner vs a fairly sloppy wrestler/grappler who took him down repeatedly and subbed the Aikido guy.
Then again Steven Seagal does Aikido and he tough half the UFC guys including Anderson Silva :P
@justmiike: Definitely, but that is not the MA itself as much as the talented individual which is why relying on a small sample size is risky.
Karate is definitely more effective than Aikido too, look at Steven Thompson who is currently ripping it up in the UFC for a good example.
@AsSeenOnTv: poor practitioner then, as I indicated.
it's always people ignorant of aikido that put it down
@yoyomablue: Can you please provide any good demonstration of a good practitioner - not demonstrated on a compliant training partner but rather an opponent with a relative or reasonable level of training? Certainly seems to be very illusive if such a thing exists.
For the record, I have actually trained several years of JJJ and have a black belt in hapkido, the first being the parent art and the other a sister art of Aikido, so my judgement of Aikido as largely useless is not uninformed. So I would say it is those blinded by their commitment to Aikido that are ignorant to the fact it is ineffective.
You have to start somewhere, and you can go at your own pace. Nothing to lose, except for some kgs.
Great deal OP, every time you guys offer this I cannot help but be impressed. If I was in the district, I'd happily pay to train with you guys even if the free offer wasn't available, purely on principle.
I also cannot help but be disgusted every time by the same halfwits that always come in here to take the piss, time to grow up kids.
Agreed there. No need for flippant condescending remarks. Grow up indeed.
Why do you need my address?
Surprise training, they'll see how good you are with ninjas
Kawasaki Ninjas?
Nah, they're too loud and green. Too easy to spot, yet easy to take down
So who is going next Saturday?
jv and friends
Vs "Zhou Jia Quan"
Yup it's Zhou Jia Quan in Mando
An amazing offer, I wish you guys were based in QLD!!
awesome, 5 minutes from home and a good reason to get out of bed before noon. I'm in.
That sounds way too familiar, please do the thing, stick to it and let us live vicariously through you
Would this be useful for self defence at all?
Better than nothing. But if you come across anyone who has even basic knowledge in a reputable martial art, you will get schooled.
Agreed. I would say it will improve your skills to a limited extent but the risk is that it actually gives you a false sense of capability which could make you stay and fight when you should turn and run.
Ahhh, the older I get, the more tight (with money) I become…. I would take this up if it was in Sydney - then I could also do some moves in the Fringe show coming up
Does it include the Wax on, wax off class