AU$5 off for minimum spend of AU$30 @ ezbuy Australia -
Apply for New members (create a new account with email address and phone number). For existing customer who did not place any order before, please feel free to contact customer service to get the $5 OFF voucher.
Voucher valid for 7 days from the date it is created.
About ezbuy Australia
ezbuy Australia - is a shopping agent site for you to shop from China (taobao, tmall, etc), USA and Taiwan. The newly launched “ezbuy” service allows customer browse products from the website directly (mainly from China) and pay for the products & shipping/delivery cost in one shot. There are also the traditional shopping agent service available called “buy-for-me” (2 time payment required). Detail of the service can check Here
There are a lot of cheap stuff to choose, no minim order quantity required. Example for parcel weight between 1.5kg to 2kg, ship from China, shipping by economy air plus Australia local delivery fee in total only cost 13 dollars under current promotion rate. Parcel delivered via economy air normally takes 5-7 working days to reach destination once shipped out from China warehouse.
How to get the voucher:
- Go to
- Register as a new member
- Once done, go to “My account”
- Below profile image and user name, there is “Voucher”, click to check the voucher detail and expiration date.
How to use the voucher:
- Choose the products you like to add to cart
- Click “User Voucher” before “CHECKOUT” in cart
- $5 OFF will show on the bill page
Tips of buying from ezbuy Australia:
For "ezbuy" service, products from Taobao/Tmall have been translated into English
Pros: it's easier to browse; No need to worry about the uncertainty of international shipping fee, everything has been calculated and make it "ez" for customer with onetime payment.
Cons: the searching and classification is not as convenient as original site.If you have no problem browsing products with Chinese description, use "buy-for-me" service.
Pros: Tons of millions products on taobao to search and compare. No hassle to track different orders with multiple merchants, use ezbuy as one-stop agent.
Cons: 2nd payment of shipping cost is required, it will be known until the goods arrived ezbuy warehouse and been measured. Customers can make use of “cost calculator” to estimate the shipping cost in advance. For exceptional bulky item, please contact customer service for enquiry before decidingBe care of scams when choosing from Taobao, always check review and merchant ranking.
Avoid buying bulky item because big volume will leads to high shipping fee (not only weight)
Avoid wooden texture, and fragile items since extra cost might incurred due to packaging.
MAny other questions, feel free to contact customer service [email protected] Or use the online chat
For a AU$130 item on taobao, ezbuy charges $190…the seller is from taobao so if there is a dispute, it can take time (like aliexpress).