Found a surprising deal in a catalogue today, Fallout Monopoly for 40 bucks at Simply Pharmacy. This is fairly cheap for a themed Monopoly edition. Picture included, can't seem to find listing online.
Apologies if this doesn't belong in Gaming
Found a surprising deal in a catalogue today, Fallout Monopoly for 40 bucks at Simply Pharmacy. This is fairly cheap for a themed Monopoly edition. Picture included, can't seem to find listing online.
Apologies if this doesn't belong in Gaming
It seems Simply Pharmacy has the monopoly on this deal. Wonder of there will be any fall out with the ACCC?
Just saying I hope they don't get the boot or even have to go straight to jail.
I think your jokes mayfare better when given a chance?
I wonder if there are connections to Kings Cross Station or Liverpool (St) Station
I wonder… Does Simply Pharmacy offer Free Parking?
With all The Institute regulators board these days, I wouldn't be surprised if they have a Get out of Jail free card. They might have to pay a couple bottlecaps fine.
my son loves fallout and shelter boy, there is a simply pharmacy near me.
dohhh im in melbourne and they seem NSW based, and EB are such a pain lately and don't price match as often :-(
what an odd shop to find a Monopoly board in,
Maybe they specialise in radiation medication? :P
Would you like the cheaper generic Iodine, or the name-band RadAway?
We don't bulk bill, so make sure you have health insurance pre-Atomic bombing.
Don't forget the Rad-X!
A board game. Themed around a video game. On sale in a pharmacy.
Good luck categorising this deal.
And so I thought I've seen them all. Lol
Does it come with medication?
Yeh , stimpacks, addictol, mentas….
NSW only :(
So, who wants to try to pricematch? (Not that I expect it to be done. Please prove me wrong).
Bonus points if pricematched in a non-NSW state.
There's a few merchants at Diamond City that you could probably price match with.
I also would love to know (am also in QLD)
Also in QLD and would love to know!
Are the properties in this just the names of the DLC? Oh, they won't be able to fit them all into the properties; they'll just have to use only all the building ones and not the ones that actually expand the game's content.
They have a couple of stores in Wallsend. More like Wasteland. amirite?
This wouldn't be at Chemist warehouses? Same company right? …though never seen monopoly in there…
Weirdest deal of the day
Don't forget to use nuka-cola rewards.
Oh, so this is a thing.
Oh, and it's cheapish