Currently im using my iPad for 'white noise' playback on YouTube overnight to help my son sleep. Works a treat except it consumes my iPad which is a tad annoying. What cheap alternative can I buy to stream white noise to a Bluetooth speaker? I already have a Bluetooth speaker a Logitech boom, just need something to power it, ideally that can run on battery all night. Suggestions?
Cheapest alternative for mobile YouTube sound via Bluetooth speaker.

Last edited 09/08/2016 - 17:51
Chromecast Audio lets you stream from Youtube and even if the device you started it with turns off it keeps streaming.
Careful of getting him used to that sort of stuff (unless of course there's other reasons (autism etc))
there are heaps of " sleep apps" ( some free) for white noise / or nature sounds / or medical use
my favourite is the SLEEP BUG PRO ( once offered on the free app a day)
please check your optionsApps are great except I don't have a spare iPhone or iPod touch to let it run all night. And I want to use my iPad/iPhone for myself in the evenings.
So I'm looking for a cheap device that can either stream YouTube or install an app to play white noise on. There are hundreds of options I guess I'm asking what's the cheapest way to do it? Apple products are expensive, even the basic iPod touch.
What about Gumtree? You should be able to find an iPod touch (4th gen) 8+GB model for less than $50. Less than that if you can live with a smashed screen (which wouldn't make any difference for what you're using it for).
why not an elcheapo android phone and small plug in speaker?
A few months ago I picked up a HTC desire 300 for less than $10.
use it in airplane mode as a MP3 player or with an app
This is the right answer. Pick up a cheap prepaid Android handset from Coles or similar and pair it to your speaker. Or call in at your local pawn shop and grab whatever is cheapest. Shouldn't cost any more than $20-30 for something that's quite capable.
This is what I'm after! Does it have Bluetooth?
Yes. Bluetooth.
what kind of Youtube white noise are you playing? there are dedicated apps to play all kinds of white noises as far as I know.