Mymemory Germany USB deals just continue to get cheaper and cheaper, make sure to change currency and pay in GBP to obtain the lowest price.
Lexar JumpDrive S45 128GB USB 3.0 £19.96 (~AU $34) Delivered @ MyMemory Germany

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How does this compare to the Samsung fit drive?
Great price, but this is what would put me off:
One thing worth noting is that the Samsung flash drive does not seem to include a status indicator light, whereas the Lexar incorporates what is essentially a room-illuminating flashlight, in the form of its blue LED status indicator light. Seriously, if you are using this drive in a dark room, it will illuminate the entire room with blue flickering…
One of my pet peeves is overly bright LEDs on gadgets. :/
And blue! The lovely colour that messes with your sleeping patterns. I think I'll buy 10 lol
All I'd need is a bright red one to compliment the blue & the neighbours would be saying Ha, the cops finally got him, we knew there was something up with that guy! ;)
Can always cover it up with black nail polish?
Better light than heat?
"make sure to change currency and pay in GBP to obtain the lowest price"
You can change it in the menu bar at the top right corner of the page.
Bought one—-
click on the currency button on top right and select from the drop down list.
Good Boy Points?
Damn. I spent all mine on tendies
did you guys receive some sort of not trusted connection message when connecting to PayPal (Tracking Protection Attempt)?
How's the speed?
From amazon: Stores and transfers content quickly with USB 3.0 performance (up to 150MB/s read and 45MB/s write)
As geekomatic said, claimed speeds are 150Mb/s read and 45Mb/s write. Real-life speeds should be lower though from looking at amazon reviews.
Any issues with heat?
Some small usbs have had heat issues in the past.
From a few Amazon reviews, you should be fine:
It indeed gets warm but not hot after copying a few GB files to it
Does not get hot like the San Disk
I have no issues with mine running hot
It runs very hot, BUT it does NOT cut out like the san disk model I tried first
the performance is super fast and it does not get hot
Haven't noticed any heat issues
never became more than slightly warm, even during extended write operations taking over 10 minutes
you're a legend, thanks!
thanks got one.
How to put the code? To me it shows Euro 24.95 and does not accept the code. Is it over now? Thanks
Still works, code is in caps
This is a bit off topic, but it's relevant to USB drives.
Recently, someone posted a PNY Turbo Elite 256GB stick for around AU$76 from Amazon,…I bit the bullet and bought one. I reformatted it at NTFS. My crystaldiskmark speeds were
Write: 119mb/sec
Read: 220mb/secThe real-world performance was unbelievable. If you don't mind the extra $ for the extra capacity, I'd recommend the PNY. I was sceptical of PNY before, but, on this baby, i'm sold.
The retaining ring is on the wrong part of this USB drive. Should be on the electronics part of the drive, not the dust cap.
Sandisk and Sumsung designed their drives correctly.
just logged in to write this. i highly reccomend going with the sandisk ultra fit instead. is so annoying! Who cares about the dust cap, imagine if it falls out and you lose your drive!?!
Mymemory Germany USB deals just continue to get cheaper and cheaper
Memory has been getting cheaper and cheaper for the last 50 years.
I cant read German 😩
If you use chrome just right click the page and select translate.
Thanks OP, got one!
just copped! surely gonna help my MacBook Air with 2gb remaining lol
How much power do these need?
Could I plug four of these into my Raspberry Pi 3?
Thanks got one.
The code doesn't seem to work anymore?
doesnt work for me too :/
me three
Has anyone received their order yet?
Update: Received mine today
Good price