Hay all,
Seems the loose change menu is no more. Hash Browns $2 again and a large frozen coke has moved to $4.25 (up from $1).
Probably good for the summer waistline !
Confirmed this morning at Maccas Kirrawee (NSW)
Hay all,
Seems the loose change menu is no more. Hash Browns $2 again and a large frozen coke has moved to $4.25 (up from $1).
Probably good for the summer waistline !
Confirmed this morning at Maccas Kirrawee (NSW)
Not gone, just 2x expensive. They still call it penny pinchers tho
Thats the Jumbo frozen cokes are $2.. Large ones are still $1
Was $1, 2 days ago at HJs for me.
Frozen Cole at Coles express:
80c small
$1.50 Medium
$2.00 Large
Keeping up with their coffee prices!
(Down Down and staying Down)
Hmmm frozen Coles…
Lol. Now that you replied I cant fix it….thanks
Got one last night and still $1.
I got a frozen passion fruit at maccas yesterday for $1. This is at TUGGERANONG, ACT
Yup, as of today they are no more. Loose change seems to have gone as well (all the signs have gone).
Seems to have kicked in at midnight as yesterday I had $1 frozen coke…
What time did you purchase? They are always full price from midnight until breakfast ends since the start of the promotion.
Yes, but only for some stores
I've found it to be the case at every store I've visited, whether they happen to be 24hr stores or not, and its pretty clearly stated on the bottom of the menu and on the website: https://mcdonalds.com.au/winter-loose-change-menu
@Oz-bargainer: Yes, technically "Loose change" is 10.30am to Midnight, but most stores around where I am (except for one that I've found) still offer it for $1 after midnight anyway. I am in SE Suburbs Melbourne. I am just reporting fact from my own experience, no need to neg me.
Hmmmmm, odd as the website still has is as current :- https://mcdonalds.com.au/winter-loose-change-menu
Price in store is $4.25 including on the digital menus and the wall menu
Maybe it's store specific?
It'll be back, once they realise just how many people these loss leaders would have actually been bringing in, they'll reneg on the renegging! ;)
I doubt they were even making a loss on them. 5c of bulk bought coke in a 1c cup. Unless the machines are extremely expensive.
Fair enough, but labour/infrastructure costs notwithstanding, the salient point here is that the cheap crap brings in business they wouldn't otherwise get, and those people often buy other crap whilst they are there.
The bulk coke and cups are nowhere near that cheap.
Then you also need to factor in all the other costs. Straws, Lids, overhead operating costs like labour, rent, electricity, licensing, maintenance, marketing, etc…
It all adds up. they are definitely not making 0.96$ profit on a 1.00$ coke. definitely not taking a loss on them either… but your statement is definitely a gross over-exaggeration.
Source: Did purchasing for many years in mcdonald's restaurants.
Loose change menu was to lure people in so that the team member at the front counter could suggestive sell up other products.
Problem is you could make yourself a meal using the loose change menu and end up alot chepaer than one of the main stream meals which defeated the purpose.
Maccas will think up a new strategy or recycle an old one. Bring back the shaker fries
Night Owl has $1 frozen coke. But they might follow suit.
Yep it's still being advertised on their website.
Regular – $1
Maxi – $1.50
Mega – $2
*For a limited time only!
Macca's has to pay for the Olympics sponsorship somehow! 😷
Maybe when its over they'll bring it back
That's what I was going to say.
Will wait for the corresponding drop in diabetes cases.
Will wait for the corresponding drop in fatal brain freeze cases
that is bs…, just go to Hungry Jack's but wait.., they're gone too, ;(
Still ongoing at Maccas Flemington on racecourse rd.
Why wasn't this in the news? Stupid ABC not reporting the things in our interest.
I have it on good authority that maccas monopoly is coming back pretty soon :)
It feels like we just finished the last round.
It gets worse everytime. Last one was only for those crappy chicken burgers.
I would like shaker fries to come back and the legendary caramel thickshake. Both should be permanents on the menu.
Oh well, there goes my reason for going to McDonald's. Everything else is too expensive for what you get.
A friend treated me to brekkie there the other day and the wraps were tiny, the hash brown was much smaller than I remember, the ham and cheese toastie was hilarious.
You & I (and I suspect a boatload of others) are precisely the reason why they'll bring it back again soon. ;)
You have a generous friend.
He won't be so generous again, he was shocked at how small and expensive everything was too!
Omg no wai!
Is this confirmed? which states?
No wai? LOL
Still $1 Melbourne CBD on Sunday.
Got a $1 frozen coke last night (7th Aug) at Williamtown Maccas NSW.
And got one today (8th Aug) at Hungry Jacks Maitland NSW.
If they're going to stop I'll miss them, but honestly probably for the best.
Those things are full of sugar.
85c @ Coles Express!
But do they taste any good?
It will all be the same. Coke and raspberry at 7-Eleven use the same syrup as Maccas. I doubt Coles Express would have some new supplier… It's not exactly a diverse market.
I don't know, I beg to differ. WHen I order them at Hungry Jacks last time they didn't taste as good as the maccas. I don't know how much discretion they have re: what they mix with it, but certainly had more better maccas frozen coke than other places.
Then again I had ahorrid maccas one once, which the gf put down to the taste you get of an uncleaned, old/stale machine. Tasted horrid, but in general maccas always tasted better?
@SaberX: fair enough. Can't comment on the HJ's cleaning regimen, but I do know Maccas was quite strict with it.
Valid point that there are other factors other than syrup that can effect the taste.
well i've had one or two at the same maccas and they've turned out fine. I must've just had a bad day. It kinda tasted as my gf put it.. 'off coke'. like theres this initial syrupy coke taste which turns kind of vile. really distinct flavour but almost reminds me of as if someone mixed int hat sorta bubblegummy blue frozen slurpee flavour, if that makes sense? into the coke…
anyway the last 2 i had from that maccas turned out ok, so fingers crossed it's back to normal. it's literally across the road from me.. so it helps if i can reliably just go there instead of HJ's on the way to the movies :D
Good for my taxes.
Just got one now at Lidcombe, NSW for $1 still
Hungry Jack's Moorabbin was $1 last night, hope it sticks or I'm gone
I got 2 large frozen cokes yesterday for $2.
It'll suck if they go though, it has become a part of life to grab one, haha.
Where's the new hungry jacks voucher page that you guys normally post? Need our whopper boost ! Thanks in advance that someone has the latest one.
That's sucks $1 menu is standard around the world
How about the countries that don't use dollars
They stop showing the loose change menu on the touch screen ordering menus
When I was in America I told my cousins that we didn't have the dollar menu, we only have the loose change menu, where things are likely upwards of $2. They were aghast.
Well they can't really call it a loose change menu over there because they love their $1 notes so much. They tried to introduce them but the public just don't want them so that stopped production.
LCM definitely still exists, but only between 10:30 and midnight.
The syrup for the coke comes in 15kg boxes which cost $55 about 7 years ago. I think it may have been 20 litres and I guess the syrup would expand to 200 litres when diluted. So if a medium coke is 500ml and costs $2 then they would make $800 from the $55 box of concentrate, but then there is CO2 refills, power and cups which would be about another $55. I would say a $2 medium coke costs them about 25 cents.
Are the 50 cent soft serves gone too? I couldn't find it the other day!
Back in the day, these had more cream and less ice.
I remember when it went up to $1 from 30cents
Purchased a 50 cent soft serve on Sunday so still available.
Still $1 everywhere I've tried in Melbourne
Yeh, I'm guessing OP just went after midnight when it's not valid. Nothing thread.
Hi All,
Yeah, bad thread, my apologies.
Local store made a mistake, now been fixed. Back to $1 again… no idea why :)
I don't get this. I went to my local and was going to buy a burger and drink from the menu but the Loose Change Menu was no where to be found so I assumed it was over and just left.
Looked online later and it's still on the website?
Is it only at specific restaurants or are they just not showing it so you'll pick the more expensive stuff (eg you have to ask)?
Same with hungry jack $1 frozen drinks, gone!