Pascal Gen Laptops Pricing?

Hey, I was wondering if people would have any idea on the expected pricing for pascal GPU notebooks. I've only seen one speculation but i was wondering what you guys though metabox and others would charge for a 1060m or 1070m laptop.


  • **start rant
    First of all, AMD doesn't really do laptop gpu's anymore.
    (There's a couple of cheap laptops that come with APU's/combined cpu-gpu processors).

    So all that's left is Intel and nVidia.
    You can't buy the Intel gpu's, they're included in the cpu chipset.
    Intel's chips are really great for 98% of tasks. The 2% it can't do is gaming, and professional graphic applications.
    Intel almost has a monopoly on the laptop graphics (and processor) segment.

    You can't buy nVidia laptop chips, either.
    They come included in the laptop.
    With that said, you can find some around like eBay.
    But something like the GTX 950M goes for ~$1,000 … totally ripoff.
    **end rant

    There are no details for what you're looking for.
    But past history is indication of the future of nVidia.
    In the past nVidia has launched the desktop gpu's before the "M" models.
    Sometimes by a month, other times by 4-5 months.
    However, nVidia doesn't sell their "M" models to consumers, so you have to wait for OEM products.
    So the price of the "M" gpu we can't but speculate on it.
    My professional knowledge is that it will cost ~$9 to make (+ $100 for R&D), but sold to OEMs for $150-$300 in bulk.

    OEM desktop gpu's can be designed, produced, and in stock ready to sell within a few weeks.
    However, OEM laptops require a custom PCB and proper designs for power management, size constraints, and thermal throttling.
    Not to mention a million other things that can go wrong in a laptop.

    So you won't see a GTX 10x0M laptop in 2016. And probably not until June 2017 or later.
    Price of the laptop?
    You're looking at the AUD$2,000+ segment (but probably closer to $3,500).
    (gaming laptops usually come with the expensive Core i7, SSD, and other expensive features)

    But on the plus side, performance!
    Because of the die shrink from 28nm to 14nm (~double transistor).
    This is not a big deal for desktops, as it is for laptops. Meaning the gap between laptop and desktop performance is going to shrink even further closer.

    It means the lowest GTX1050M will now use much much less energy.
    But probably offer performance between a desktop GTX950 <-> a desktop GTX1050.

    It means on the mid-range, the GTX1070M will probably use same energy as before.
    But now offer performance around the desktop GTX 980 <-> desktop GTX1060 mark.

    And so on the high-end, the GTX1080M will go all out, still using same energy as before.
    This time offer performance around the desktop GTX1070 <-> desktop GTX1080 mark.

    • Haha i get the rant completely, but I wasn't asking at all about buying the gpus seperately. I was just asking if anyone had a clue what the laptops with the new gpus would cost.

      As for the rest, i thought they'd be out a lot sooner :/ I keep seeing people say they will be released or shown at some computer event mid August. I know a lot about the performance of each chip which is why I'm quite keen to see them haha.

      • +1…

        If you're lucky it will send you back ~$1,600.
        But the realistic price for a good while is actually going to be around the ~$2,400 range.

        Do you really need to game publicly?
        Might I suggest you alternatives, such as:

        • get an ultrabook with a Quad-Core i5/Intel GPU, and get a separate GTX1080, and the Razer Core unit.
        • get an ultrabook and separate desktop tower pc
        • get an ultrabook and separate "console" pc (a la Alienware Alpha, Zotac Zbox en960, en970, en980.
        • get an ultrabook and BUILD your own console killer into a Dan Case (A4-SFX) or the Silverstone Raven (RVZ02), or NFC-Systems (S4 Mini).

        What's your thoughts??

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