Best Gaming Controller for PC

Hi all, just wondering what is the best bang for buck controller to use with my pc. It will be for mostly emulated gaming such as NES, MAME, SEGA etc.

I'm trying to decide between Xbox 360 and Wii U Pro Controller. The reason I'm considering Wii U Pro is because I have a Wii U.

What do you guys think?


  • Games will play nicer with a Xbox controller. As in, most games with controller support will have in game instructions, Press the blue button, Red, Green etc. The New Xbox One controller has blue tooth if that's any good to you

  • I haven't used the Wii U Pro Controller but I'm guessing it's better for retro games. I don't really like the d-pad on the 360 controller.

    • Yeah, that was one of my main concerns aswell.

      • PS3 or PS4 controllers have much better Dpads. The location of the dpad is also more natural and comfortable than the 'xbox' layout.

        another controller you might consider is the Xiaomi gamepad, which is very cheap at $21 USD ($27 AUD) just beware of a little bit on input lag since it uses Bluetooth to communicate, so if you're a hardcore speedrunner you might not want a bluetooth controller.

  • You'd think there'd be a sale by now for Wii u gear… maybe closer to Christmas.

  • If you go the wii u controller, you'll need a bluetooth adapter for the pc as well as this program

    Since you have a wii u as well, it's probably worth it.

  • +1

    Here's a rating system:

    Xbox One S - 90
    Xbox 360 - 83
    PS4 - 82
    Wii U Pro - 81
    PS3 - 70

    Xbox 360 - 70
    Xbox One S - 59
    PS4 - 50
    PS3 - 49
    Wii U Pro - 48

    Special Feature:
    PS4 - 80
    PS3 - 68
    Xbox One S - 65
    Wii U Pro - 59
    Xbox 360 - 54

    Most games are designed for the Xbox 360 controller, its a well-rounded, plug'n play corded PC controller.

    The Xbox One's controller is similar to the 360, but its still a different controller, so some games don't natively support it despite supporting the 360.
    With that said, all games can be made to support it, just like you do so for PS controllers.
    The Xbox One needs a special dongle, but the new Xbox One S uses Bluetooth like PS controllers, though its yet to be tested.

    The Wii U Pro needs custom Bluetooth drivers to work, and isn't supported by any games. But if you have one, you can get it to work.
    I personally love this controller, except for the edges of the joystick.

    The PS4 controller is a PS3 controller with better ergonomics and Bluetooth range. Not sure if/when the speaker and audio-jack will work on the PC.
    The PS4's touchpad works like a touchpad for laptops, so you can really get rid of a kbd+mouse, and use it to navigate menus.
    The PS4 also has the best D-pad and the best action buttons, great for indie/arcade games, but its shoulder buttons are average.

    The Steam controller is the wild-card. Its a bit like a hybrid of the PS4 and XB1 controller.
    But I don't think that means its better than one, or the other, or both. Maybe its the worst of both worlds?

    ….let us know what you decide on!

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