This was posted 8 years 7 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Imported English Chocolate 4 Packs for $3 at The Reject Shop


Any pom who knows their chocolate knows how hard it can be to find reasonably priced chocolate from the motherland… Also a good excuse to whinge about the Aussie made stuff!

I bought toffee crisp and twirls, but they also had Kit Kat and Smarties.

Presume nationwide. Found in Chadstone, vic

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The Reject Shop
The Reject Shop

closed Comments

  • +4

    Toffee Crisp!!!! YUM

    Wish they had Galaxy chocolate :(

    • Or English recipe Cadburys Dairy Milk.

      • +1

        Or English recipe Maltesers.

        • +8

          While we're at it..

          English bacon
          English Sausages
          Bisto Gravy
          Cornish Pasties
          Pork Pies…

          Maybe i should just go back to the UK. 🤐

        • @gooddealmate: Gammon steaks! (mind you, you can buy them at a few places here)

 - English pork sausages as well

          Go back to UK? NAH! Too cold.

        • +2


          Yum, forgot about those. You're right though, i miss the food, but wouldn't go back if you paid me.

        • +2

          @gooddealmate: Just noticed you are in Surfers. You can buy gammon steaks, pork pies and sausages from as well as cod & chips from

        • @gooddealmate: English fruits and veggies? Any different are they?

        • @virhlpool: Wouldn't say the fruit & veg would be any good if travelled from UK.

        • @whodidthat:

          Haha, tried those already. Pork pies are great. Sausages same as the aussie ones, so not so great.

          Fish and chips were lovely, shame it's an hours drive away.

        • +1

          @gooddealmate: We used to have one of the chippies near us by the lake at Warners Bay - until they sold it in December!

        • @virhlpool:

          The bananas always seemed to be better quality even though they came from places like Brazil.

        • @whodidthat: I meant if produce quality in UK is better or that here is better?

        • @virhlpool: LOL, I was a bit tongue in cheek with my answer.

          It depends, a lot of the outdoor markets in UK have good stuff but not everything.
          With some things, there's more variety and good quality (like potatoes, apples, peas, beans, greens), but the likes of citrus maybe not so good as all imported.
          Supermarkets, a bit like here with choice and quality.
          There used to be a lot more independent fruit & veg shops but supermarkets kinda killed them off.

        • +2

          @gooddealmate: Decent chippy chips…

        • +1

          @whodidthat: We used to go there a fair bit too, their haggis was sublime, as was the cod & chips…the haddock was a little 'fishy' for my taste, but ironically the wife & kids loved it! :)

          We were spewing when they shut down…not many good fish & chip shops left around Newy. :'(

        • +1

          I yearn for a proper Malteser.

        • @whodidthat: I definitely find the range of fruit and veg much better in UK supermarkets than here. I wouldn't say the quality is any different though.

        • +1

          @gasman70: I'm hanging out for a spotted dick myself.

        • +1

          @StewBalls: I was not at all happy when it sold and converted to a "normal" chippy. Loved the cod, chips and real scraps. As well as Bass Shandy.
          We got to know the owners well, she had problems with her legs and started finding it difficult to handle and he worked away a bit.

          There's a half decent chippy up at Rutherford but nowhere near as good.
          The only place we know that do fresh cut chips is at Georgetown.

          Nearest British ones now are in Sydney & Penrith.

        • @paizuri: Could try Kings Cross wink LOL

        • @callum9999: One of the things I do miss, is Kind Edwards potatoes. Our local fruit shop used to stock them and sometimes you can find them on the internet here and occasionally near Sydney and Melbourne way but not always.
          Cannot stand Sebago potatoes so go for pink skin varieties.

          Got chestnuts sorted, order them online every year, the ones in supermarkets are not so good.

        • @The Gent:

          I just bought a bag of awful chips from my local chippy for $8. You can but about 8Kgs of frozen chips at Tesco for that back home!

        • @whodidthat: no way mate, only genuine English spotted dick for me. Unless it's my mum's. Nothing going round tastes quite as good as my mum's spotted dick.

        • @gooddealmate: I love non halal food :P

        • @gooddealmate: Bisto is dead easy to find, loads of Woolies and Coles have an English section and if they do, they will always have Bisto and PG Tips in it…

    • Seen to be able to get most things somewhere or another but my desperatly seeking list is;
      Salt n vinagar discos
      U.K. Rolo in foil
      Mars Milkshake
      Riceacles cereal

      Reward if found

    • Galaxy is branded as dove in aus, can be hard to find though.

      • It is, and it is hard to find!

    • Maybe I've just convinced myself but the Aldi own brand chocolate "choceur" milk chocolate is the closest I've found to galaxy… give it a bash… just let a square melt in your mouth and then tell me If it's just me….I've got that used to their jaffa cakes I tried jaffa cakes back in the UK and didnt like them.

      • I'll give it a go. Thank you.

        We're onto the jaffa cakes as well.
        Used to get their brand of Jammie Dodgers - but they stopped selling them :/

  • +4

    woolies has UK kit kats for $3 for a big pack (I think 8 packs inside), different flavour ones too.
    They were in the biscuit section not the lollies where the other kit kats are.
    you'll see them here…

    Family doesn't like them, they like the Aussie one (which could be made in the UK for all I know)

    • Cheers PVA - going to go and check it out!

      • at our woolies they were at the biscuits isle at the end near the rice crackers.
        $3 seemed a good deal I thought.

        • +1

          Your Woolworths has a whole island dedicated to biscuits? Wow!

          Mine only has an aisle for biscuits.

        • @crayner: Biscuit Island?

        • @whodidthat: isle
          noun: isle; plural noun: isles

          an island or peninsula, especially a small one.
          "Crusoe's fabled isle"
        • @crayner: Did you know there really is a Biscuit Island?

        • @crayner:
          Yes, I take a boat to get to it. 😀

        • +1


          Haha id rather a buiscuit island then a pen island ;)

    • @PVA

      woolies has UK kit kats for $3 for a big pack (I think 8 packs inside), different flavour ones too.
      They were in the biscuit section.
      Family doesn't like them, they like the Aussie one (which could be made in the UK for all I know)

      Nah they are definitely different (prefer the UK ones for sure)
      more like Milka chocolate.

  • +1

    I don't think Kit Kats are the same since Nestle bought Rowntree's.

  • +6

    At least it's not chocolate from China.

  • +2

    Did anone pick up the Cadbury Diuble Deckers? Purchased a 4 pack today to try out, cracked em open and I'm like meh and then noticed they expired July 2014! I know they haven't been sitting there on the shelf for two years

  • -7

    Best value on diabetes and GMOs this side of the tracks!

    • +4

      Oh, go away.
      If you don't like them don't comment on every food post then.

      • -4

        If you don't like them don't comment on every food post then.

        I don't comment on every food post, so you have your wish.…

        • Another rube being deluded by extremists.

        • Another rube being deluded by extremists.

          another ignoramus being deluded by toxins, who calls someone that wants to know what is in their food (and who goes and finds out) an extremist. Hilarious. So what does that make the ignorant? Normals? A dictionary might be on the cards.

          Ignorance = bliss. Until you face the medical bills. Or become infertile.

          Diabetes at epidemic proportions. Yum.

        • @cheepwun: You know that cookies are a sometimes food, right??? ;)

        • @StewBalls:
          I remember when they used to be made without GMOs.

        • @cheepwun: GMOs!!! UMM-NUM-NUM-NUM-NUM!!!

          Actually, this has given me a great idea…we're outta cookies, I'm gonna go make some Kapai Puku cookies!!! :)

          Little do the girl scouts know, they don't need a petition. They need to get busy and go solo, yo. A little elbow-grease, ladies. Source your own REAL ingredients and start cooking.

          Better yet, dispense with the sausage sizzles and cookies altogether. There are real foods to eat (and real foods to be conditioned on while you are still young).

        • +1

          Hmmm…… foodbabe:

          In a July 2012 post (which has since been removed), Hari quoted the ideas of Masaru Emoto that microwave ovens cause water molecules to form crystals that resemble crystals exposed to negative thoughts or beliefs, such as when the words "Hitler" and "Satan" were exposed to the water.[73] Steven Novella calls Emoto's claims "pure pseudoscience" and states that "Hari's conclusions about microwaves are all demonstrably incorrect and at odds with the scientific evidence."[74] She later described the post as not her "most impressive piece of work" and noted that it was written when she had first started blogging.[46] In a widely discredited[75] 2011 post Hari warned readers that the air pumped into aircraft cabins was not pure oxygen, complaining it was "mixed with nitrogen, sometimes almost at 50 per cent" despite ambient air being 78% nitrogen. Hari deleted the post, later claiming it contained an "inadvertent error."[63][76][77]

        • @jackspratt:
          Didn't know about this; if true, dumb move. In other news, she has done a world of good because she actually cares about what she eats.

        • @cheepwun:

          Didn't know about this; if true, dumb move.

          I look forward to a similar disclaimer from you, for all your future links to dubious sites.

        • @jackspratt:

          I look forward to a similar disclaimer from you, for all your future links to dubious sites.

          Yes, people like yourself like Nanny State edicts before they take action. Despite the total obviousness that what we are eating is toxic and doing irreperable harm to health, you are still waiting on those Nanny State edicts before taking action. If then. And as we all know, you are a perfect human…it's easy to be perfect when you sit passively. Others are trying to better themselves and helping others in the process. No risk, no reward.

          Enjoy your chockies, laggard.
          Keep waiting on that disclaimer.

        • +1


          Yes, people like yourself like Nanny State edicts before they take action.

          Who needs the State, when we have the mother of all Nannies right on this site, telling us what we should and shouldn't eat; what is good and not good for us.

          And "backing" it up with links to all sorts of dubious, pseudoscience web sites.

        • @jackspratt:

          Yes, there is no proof crap food and GMOs cause problems. Same with that asbestos and smoking scare. All pseudoscience hippies, the lot of them.

          People making a difference who make a mistake! Oh dear no. They iz not knowing nothing! Plenty of science out there if you want to discredit JUNK FOOD, which is exactly what this is. But you are feeling more in the mood for arguments rather than science.

          Nanny One

    • -1

      It's clear no one likes you ,just stay off the site if you're going to be an annoying PoS.

  • -6

    I'm a bit sceptical - 4 packs for $3? Since, each pack contains 4 bars, a total of 16 bars for only $3. I think you meant to write - 1 pack of 4 bars, or a 4 pack (without the s) for $3.

    • -1

      Please someone give him a hug

      • -1

        Thanks for the hug :-)
        I would like 4 packets for $3, but you definately only get one :-(

  • +1
  • Should have Double Deckers too, or at least the ones I've been to have them.

    Much as I love British chocolate the variety you get here is awesome - like the ever changing ltd edition Mars and Snickers. Back home you get regular, or nothing.

    • I'm sure that you get them back home too. There were definitely different 'editions' last time I was there.

  • Our local one had Yorkies the other day as well.

    • +1

      I want my two dollars!

  • Top Deck and Tim Tams ftw.

  • I wish I could find Angel Delight here that wasn't outrageously priced.

  • +1

    Oh blood pudding where are you

  • +1

    I live in hope but so far haven't found any bacon flavour crisps anywhere!
    On a brighter note though - my local Coles sells decent streaky bacon and also nice black pudding!
    Sausages still an issue I agree - I have started making my own bangers. Much better and not too hard to do.

    • I've only seen Frazzles. I used to like bacon Monster Munch and bacon balls - can't get either now :/

  • +1

    What was the fourth pack you bought? Did you eat it before taking the photo in your excitement?

  • Wispa available?

  • +1

    Well if you're in the North of Adelaide, the best places for UK foods are - Mawson Lakes Woolies, Ingle Farm Coles (the one near Kmart, the other one is rubbish), the Ingle Farm Sweet Shop and the Continental Deli next door. Rite Price on occasion (have to keep an eye out). Also out at Salisbury and Elizabeth, much the same offerings. Never buy anything from town - way too expensive for so-called 'gourmet' foods.

  • Treats from Home on Collins St, Melbourne will have you covered for UK Food

  • Walkers Prawn Cocktail… nuff said.

  • $3 each in Blacktown Sydney

  • Couldn't find in Ryde, Sydney store.

  • +2

    First time trying these. Twirl tastes much better than Aussie one. Nice rich cocoa flavour.

    • I find some of the Aussie "versions" a bit sharp in taste, like Malteasers. Used to eat them all the time in UK, but don't like them here.
      But there are things I prefer here too.

      • +1

        I think it's something they put in them to prevent them melting too easily. I find them bitter as hell.

        • +1

          yep, same in South Africa. My mum worked for Cadbury when we lived in SA and that what she was told regards the different taste

  • One thing I wish they would sell here is apple & cinnamon rice krispies. Used to buy them in Florida - until they stopped selling them.

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