Internet in My Name but Others Using It

Hi ozbargain

I have something that I need your advice on. I have been losing my sleep for the last few days.

I was living in a place and had an internet account in my name. I lived with a trustworthy person and we shared the internet access.

Now I have moved out but because we could not get around to changing the ownership, the internet is still in my name and is being used at my old place. I am not worried about my old housemate but the person who has replaced me who uses it.

Should I worry at all? It could just be in my head but it's messing with me so I need someone to give me an informed and technical answer.

Thanks again guys and I hope this is the right place to post this problem.

closed Comments

  • +1

    I'm worried about the investigators just searching my computers etc for any illegal stuff.

    Busted. Better get of that weird pron before the afp kicks down your door.

    • I don't download any stuff at all but wouldn't want to get in trouble for no reason. I am concerned about the situation so wanted a serious answer. Thanks by the way.

  • +5

    Don't worry. They (big brother) needs evidence that you committed an offence before they put you in the can. An iP address isn't enough evidence.

  • +1

    Just cancel the internet as soon as you can.

    Most online toolboxes offer a disconnect option afaik.

    Is the internet under a contract? If not, just cancel it.

    • Yeah, you just beat me to it.

      Is it under a contract?
      If it is, you can call the company and request a transfer of ownership of the contract.

    • That's what I will be doing asap.

  • I'm going to say that chances are quite slim. If anything, you'll get a warning via snail mail, and that's about it. Close your account, get a new one.

  • Instead of whining about on here why don't you ring up and cancel your account / transfer ownership of it.

  • Cancel the internet and let them open their new account. It's that simple.

  • -3

    OP has illegal stuff on computer.

    You are screwed.

  • I have received a couple of emails from a previous provider attaching a letter from a movie studio or distributor asking me to stop copyright infringement, I told my kids off and that was all that happened, never heard from anyone again.

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