Woolworths - Free $20 Giftcard with purchase of Red Mug Machine
Can stack with $10 Rewards or $20 off if spend $51 more
Woolworths - Free $20 Giftcard with purchase of Red Mug Machine
Can stack with $10 Rewards or $20 off if spend $51 more
Seriously who buys these things. Worst idea ever
$99 and it does instant coffee, vs the many $49 deals for pod machines…?!
Why do you need an instant coffee machine? You put a spoonfull in, and then add hot water.
It's a solution looking for a problem
There is something deeply, I would say ontologically troubling about this postmodernist machine.
The idea behind instant coffee was not to have a machine or any equipment at all to be able make coffee.
What's next - instant coffee pods or even beans?
Has anyone tried what comes out of these machines??? I haven't and don't drink instant anyway, but would be interested to know if the taste varies from "regular" instant!
i'd get the machine…if it was free with a tin of instant coffee.
Why would people buy a machine for instant coffee, is it that difference to stir?
Something tells me this machine will be sub $50 in the not too distant future