We have just recently been told that my husband has Cancer. We are thinking it is time to get ourselves out of as much debt as possible. We have a loan with RHG (originally it was RAMS but was transferred over about 10 years ago) anyway we need to sell and pay it off. Is there an easy way to do this any advice would be appreciated as the reviews I have read about RHG are far from favourable thanku
Hi hsk, cancer is awful, so we hope your husband has a speedy recovery and that things aren't too rough for you both.
With respect to the best way to handle your mortgage and other debt, perhaps it may be a good idea to chat with a financial counsellor. In short, they don't charge for their services and places like Wesley Mission and the Financial Rights Legal Centre have excellent volunteers who, in our experience, have skills that might come in handy with the circumstances you describe. In particular, some financial counsellors may act as an advocate for you in negotiations/discussions with your creditors (such as RHG).
Hope this helps.