GeForce GTX 970 4GD5T GeForce GTX OC - 970, 4 GB, GDDR5, 3.5 GB (224 Bit) with 0,5 GB (32–Bit), 2 Slots 1102 MHz
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GeForce GTX 970 4GD5T GeForce GTX OC - 970, 4 GB, GDDR5, 3.5 GB (224 Bit) with 0,5 GB (32–Bit), 2 Slots 1102 MHz
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The rx 480 would likely be better for Dx12 programs
I'm waiting for the 480 4 GB ….. seems to sell as quick as they hit the shelf.
a fantastic price for a good card that's able to run everything at 1080p. probably not worth it if you are going anywhere higher than 1080p.
I'm not sure on this - i have a Gigabyte GTX980 G1 Gaming edition, playing Black Desert Online on maxed settings at 1080p it was only pulling 55 fps, and it's a ~20% downgrade to go a 970. I guess it'll depend what games you are playing and what graphics settings/FPS you're chasing.
Well, technically he said run, not run well :p
Without going into a brand war, I personally think the rx480 is better value for only a little more, and should only get better with time.
yeah higher than 1080p and you'll have to settle with 30fps.
Why neg Sage?
Wonder if you would also be eligible for the $30 USD payout for the 3.5GB = 4GB lies? If so, that's a great deal :)
only if you had brought it previously, they've put stickers on the box or something now to let you know its not full 4GB
The class action affects U.S. residents only.
ohhhh finally the prices is going down significantly. tyty
New generation for sure, if the price ant much diff
FYI this card has been moved into "legacy" my Nvidia a.k.a don't expect any performance improvements on it
Legacy already? Shit.
Finally the price is right.
Will it be a good Idea to buy 2nd one for SLI with other MSI GTX 970 (red package) with 120Hz/144Hz 3D Monitor?
I'd sell my existing and get a 1070 instead.
No love for RX480 ?
No stock that's why.
970 to 480 is more of a side-grade than an upgrade, don't know why you'd do it.
Right price but should also be local price, not from Amazon.
just the deal I was looking for…2 years ago.
This or a GTX 1060 for $100 more?
I'm gonna wait for 1060
And it come with 6GB VRAM, instead of 3.5GB VRAM on 970.
How maby pcie pins does this need 6 + 6??
GTX 1060 should only be 30 dollars more. 249 usd—->$326AUD, I'd wait it out if possible and wait for the profiteering due to hype to fall.
That's not how it works.
Well 470 reviews just came out, 180USD card beats the 970
470 is 180 usd and 480 is 200usd surely it mist be worth going for the RX480 if only considering rrps.
the issue is that both the 470 and 480 are around $279US and $299US
Its near impossible to find any at $180US and $200US
Everyone stop being ignorant. The lowest 1060 in australia is $399. There is a markup on graphics cards in Australia. How hard is that to see? This is a good price for GTX 970.
Im waiting for amd 490
Now the 470 is available, I'd wait for that. Cheapest price I've seen is 179 US, but its not shipping to AU - yet. Add about 30-40 bucks AU onto that for shipping, and should still work out cheaper than this.
Given the very quick read through on benchies I've seen, I'd pick the 470 over this.
Just bought one, built a pc on the weekend have been waiting for a deal to jump up on here. been playing games with the 6700k intergrated graphics
I just checked and it says it doesn't deliver to Australia. Am I doing something wrong?
Oh that's odd, just looked at the link again and yeah they can't post to aus for some reason. I had no issue ordering mine last. They dispatched it this morning as well. that sucks :(
Playing games with an integrated 6100T Graphics.. :) runs pretty good on older stuff fine
Does MSI offer international warranty - from my quick search it doesn't.
How would you go about warranty claims on this?
Just a reminder that these cards are end of life products and won't be getting any significant updates from Nvidia regarding performance.
Upvoted you to balance the obvious nvidia fanboy neg.
The site says that the seller does not ship to Australia? Is this just me?
It appears the link has been changed to a third party seller, I will expire for now.
ooo…good price. Should I get this, or wait for the Rx 480 4GB, which apparently is about $315?