• expired

MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Armor 8G OC Graphics Card US $429.99 (~AU $565.11) @ MassDrop (Group Buy) with US $25 (~AU $32.86) Delivery


The MSI Geforce GTX 1070 Armor 8G OC is US $429.99 (~AU $565.11) with US $25.00 (~AU $32.86) delivery to Australia.

MassDrop is a group buying site.

This drop is limited to 80 units and as of posting, 27 have been purchased (so 53 left).

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Referral: random (77)

Referee receives $10 on a new signup with referral link. Referrer receives $10 credit upon the Referee completing a purchase.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Wowee that's cheap. I've told myself I'm not going to buy one until a pick up a 4K monitor because currently with a 1080p monitor and a second hand GTX 980, I'm more than fine.

    Also, postage should be included in the title.

    • +1

      Added postage to title (it just fit).

  • +2

    Massdrop = horrendous wait time

  • +4

    MassDrop has a borrible wait time, delivery is always delayed and any support/warranty will not be honoured as we are not in the USA.
    Ive brought a few things and have been burnt.

    • Massdrop was great when the dollar was better. Having to wait a little while for delivery isn't an issue for me, as long as I'm aware, and they always keep you updated.

    • +1

      Mass Drop sucks - long wait times, and no warranty when buying a card (MSI) that does not offer international warranty.

      If this was say an EVGA card it wouldn't be an issue as they have full international warranty.

  • +1

    or maybe this is better,better card, better dealer,
    MSI GAMING US$461.12 posted by Amazon in stock now.

    • Yeah the $20 saving over Amazon isn't worth it.

  • +2

    Buy local for $650 and actually get a warranty…

    • No way that I'm going to pay $85 to insure $565 product.

      That's ridiculous. Amazon covers you for 30 days no questions asked if it's DOA.

      • +1

        youll may $70+ to send it back

        • Amazon probably cover that. They covered a 39" Seiki I sent back previously..

        • Amazon reimburse postage. They've over compensated me for it before and allowed me to keep the difference. (Third party via Amazon I have no experience with).

      • Send just the card and cables to keep postage costs down. They will still accept it, because the replacement will be sent out before yours even gets to it (you have 30 days to return it).

        • This is mass drop, not Amazon….

          So you are out of a card for weeks. Right.

          This is also assuming Amazon continues to exercise it's discretion to offer this service, something ibcresibky peculiar as it is a loss-leader.

        • @smoke87: I intended my response to the guy who says it will cost $70 to send back to Amazon. If you throw out the original packaging and buy a smaller box or bubble envelope, it keeps your postage down.

          Amazon does not require you to send back the original packaging. It's reasonable for people to throw it out before it goes faulty.

    • Where?

  • From what height will they drop it? Won't they all break?

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