If you type iPad into gumtree or eBay - you will notice there will be thousands of ads, including people who repair them, screen protectors and a 1000 other useless things. While categories do exist, I feel like it is not doing an effective job on those websites.
I remember on the xbox one elite console deal that just passed - I ended up buying one as an impulse purchase. I didn't end up actually using it and it was brand new, a couple weeks later I put it on the Oz Bargain Classifieds section and Gumtree. I put it back for the original price I bought it for $399.00 and I was offering to give my receipt, so it would be like buying brand new from a store. On that deal, A LOT of people commented saying "Damn, missed out", "No stock at my local EB Games" Etc. But when I was selling it - very little interest.
Which brings me to my point: Are we able to introduce up-voting into our classifieds ads section of Oz-Bargain? Can we also introduce categories? I think this would make the oz-bargain classifieds section very unique compared to gumtree/eBay - and it would help filter through the useless ads.
In a lot of cases, I honestly am putting up a 'fair' and good deal, that I would consider if I was in the market for it - but the ads just do not get the exposure they deserve. At the same time, if I try sell a used Xbox one for $400, I should be down voted like no tomorrow.
What is the communities thoughts on this?
The problem with the classified section on OzBargain is that the sellers want too much and the buyers want the item for too little