Ok, I was searching around to ship around 3 boxes. 25 kg each size LxWxH (42x44x63)
to europe. It can be Belgium, Poland, Netherlands. Either one of them is fine as I have
relatives in all of them. There is no rush to get the stuff, I just want to have it out of
australia as I am leaving soon.
It are just personal belongings so no large stuff like surfboards etc. Well I have
a kite and board, but maybe its better to just take it with me on the plane? Or I
have to sell it off…
Anyhow. I was wondering if ozbargain has experience with this. Its a bit of a funny
business I feel. You have all the professional ones like DHL which are expensive
but I am just looking for some free space some where in a container to drop in stuff
Was looking and googling around and found these ones.
- http://www.transcocargo.com.au/our-services/personal-effects…
- http://www.packsend.com.au/sea-freight-services
- http://www.discountfreight.com.au/
I am just a bit confused as I guess the limit per box seems to be between 25 - 30kg at most
providers. But some of them do provide unlimited weight?
Was wondering if ozbargain had some hints tips how to approach my shipping project!
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