C'mon,'fess up; now who was dumb enough to pre-order?
Where do broken hearts go? Can they find their way home?
C'mon,'fess up; now who was dumb enough to pre-order?
Where do broken hearts go? Can they find their way home?
Well, I've haven't played the new Ghostbusters game either.
C'mon, 'fess up; Who is dumb enough to hate on a game that they haven't played… And then waste their own time creating a thread about it? Strange behaviour for an adult, OP.
I actually just pre-ordered it four hours ago… which was as soon as I saw the leaked footage. It's even better than I thought. The art and the soundtrack just nails the atmosphere. I can't wait.
I'm not sure where all the hysteria and hate online is coming from. It's almost like people were expecting it to be something else entirely.
Just pointing out the stupidity of pre-ordering is all…oh wait.
How are you finding it now? Still loving it?
It's really good*.
*If you're the kind of gamer that loved Elite back in the day or even just the wandering/exploration aspect of Fallout 3, there's a lot to enjoy. It's a great game to have a beer with and to chill to after work.
It's clear that NMS is a potential 10/10 game hiding in a 6/10 package though. If Hello Games polish some aspects of it and add the extra content that they've hinted at, it could become a classic in a year's time. When it drops to the price that it should have launched at (~$30 Au), I would say that it's definitely worth a pick-up for the type of gamer that loves slower, exploration + mining based games.
I've already put 15 hours into it and can see myself playing it on and off for my sci-fi fix over the next few years. For all of its minor annoyances (bugs, slow initial movement speed), I've had several really memorable moments in the game that I'll associate with this gen in a positive light.
Lol, I can't wait.. It looks just like what I thought it'd be.
I'll be buying it! Don't read reviews just play it and make up your own mind :)
I didn't haha! I watched Dunkey's review before it released and that put me off! Phew!
have you seen the Angry Joe's review? so funny. infact so true.
I give Paper Mario Thousand Year Door a 4/5, solid RPG.
Didn't know much about this game so I decided to google it. Apparently its buggy and didn't live up to the hype for some people.
Either way I don't mind giving it a go. The game play is interesting and I just ordered a copy via gog.com for $41 :D
How many people are actually already playing this? I haven't preordered as I've played Minecraft to death and don't want to play another endless resource gathering game but I thought it would be too early to start assuming that popular concesus points one way or the other.
It's all down to the player anyway, personally I hated Bioshock, I couldn't understand the love for them but I see some people actually think it's worth a remaster. In find it puzzling especially since it was a multiplatform release already.
How did you get it for $41? It's $60 on GOG for me :( thanks!
of course it's buggy. it's still pre-release
Anyone know where to get the best on a ps4 copy?
Local $79 at most places (apart from EB ofcourse) LOL!
Keep the petty circlejerking on reddit, would you? Don't need that cancer spreading.
LOL at all the suckers who spent money on this.
I tried before I buy'ed and after 2.5 hours I deleted it.
There is grinding and then there is NMS grinding… blahhhhh
ps: enjoy Dying Light on Nightmare restart at level 1 playing during night time only :-)
I don't own this game, I have nothing invested in it as I was uninterested from the get go but you come across as an ass with that comment.
tl;dr blatant lies from as close as 4mo to 1 day before release.
I personally like that one interview with constant lies where Sean Murray says:
You can play with other players
You can grief other players (what!?)
Animals will eat each other in a functioning ecosystem
The game will be boring only sometimes
The game will be fun (OH SNAP)
No Man Lies (Like Sean Murray does).
I also liked the one where Sean Murray jokingly said that "Peter Molyneux is at the centre of the galaxy" (proving that SM knew exactly what he was doing!!!!)
"Can I customise myself?" "You can't see yourself in game. The only way you'll be able to see yourself is for someone else to look at you" He wasn't only answering with a lie, but invented a whole line of lies to answer the question!
This game has gone from 120,000 players on Steam at once, to 45,000 last week, and it's sitting at 8,000 right now (http://store.steampowered.com/stats/). Sean Murry's reputation is now worth absolute zero…. except he, himself, and his company, is worth millions upon millions, because people can't tell false hype when they see it.
"You can do whatever you want" as long as it's one of the 8 things we let you do. "A game that promises that you can do ANYTHING focuses on NOTHING" Yahtzee Croshaw.
because people can't tell false hype when they see it
And here you are with the benefit of hindsight chastising people.
are you hating on the game when you haven't played it?