When calling Call Centres to get a deal/freebie etc, if you dont get the answer you want, immediately hang up and call again. High probability you will get better deal with next operator.This works not only for mobile call centres, but for anything, utilities, Centrelink, tax office. Many call centre staff are pretty lazy and will the the easiest route to get rid of you. Having quotas of how many calls they have to get thru in an hour also doesnt help. So quantity over quality.
Just a bit of background, I used to work in a govt dept for a long time, and an inside joke (but true) was exactly that, if you dont like the answer hang up and call again, you may just get what you want. Call centres are notorious for under-training their staff. In some cases they only get 2 days training. This results in them either not knowing the product, or current deals, or just want to be a pr**ck. Either way, they next girl/guy may be more receptive, knows their job, or is a nice person and will go out of their way to help you.
I tried to find the right section to put this in but as we seem to call mobile/utilities the most I put it in here. Please mods move it if you need to.
I do this for online chat as well :P