This was posted 8 years 7 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY £3.16 (~AU $5.5), Rocket League £6.64 (~AU $11.6) [with FB Like] @ CD Keys

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Few more CD Keys deals, credit to HUKD. You'll need the 5% off with FB Like code to obtain these prices

Rocket League PC £6.64 (~AU $11.6)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition PC £3.16 (~AU $5.5)
Overwatch - Origins Edition PC £31.34 (~AU $54.6)

Get the 5% off with facebook like here (Just enter in any random non-existant email since email confirmation isn't required). Also note that you'll need to be logged into an account for the 5% code to work.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition PC for $5.5 is a steal.

    • +1

      yea. its pretty good game.
      46GB download

      • I want this but 46gb I'm going to have to clear out my SSD!

        • You need 91GB just to install it. Although it turns out to be around 50GB at the end.

        • @Ticklemittz:

          just checked mine, 53.8 GB installed,
          i dont have it on SSD, only VIP games get SSD space :) - mostly online games.

    • Paid $4 AU at last weeks g2a sale
      yes.. i know about G2A.. but their weekly sale items are sold by the site direct. was a steal
      had never played, was quite impressed with the game :)

      • +1


      • but their weekly sale items are sold by the site direct

        They're still a dodgy company that shouldn't be given a cent.

  • It's showing up at $8.79 for me for Shadow of Mordor?

    • +1

      It's cheaper to pay in GBP with a fee free card

      • I don't have fee-free card, ended up paying AUD $6.07 with Paypal.
        The FB Like discount code also didn't work for me.

        • +1

          Were you logged into an account? Code only works if logged in

        • @lyl: Yes, I created a new account and logged into it.

  • Thank you!!!

  • Bought Shadow of Mordor, Great Price. Thanks!

  • Good to see Overwatch Origins at this price.
    I got the non-Origins version from Blizzard's Taiwanese store for around this price.
    Also, is Rise of the Tomb Raider worth it at £22.99 or Extended Edition at £32.99?

  • got overwatch origin ediiton during open beta for 57$ AUD,it was a really good deal!

  • -6

    SCAMMERS!!! Duplicate product code. Already activated by someone else.

    • -2

      I find it's normally easier to contact customer service than use LOTS OF EXCLAMATION!!! MARKS!!! AND CAPITAL LETTERS in a forum that they know nothing about.

      • I didn't come here looking for customer service. I came to warn OzBargain members. I'm so sorry if trying to look after this community offends you.

        • -2

          If you are actually trying to warn us, rather than just attract neg votes for what is, on the face of it, an unfounded exclamation - providing some evidence of said exclamation would go a long way.

        • +1

          @johnno07: Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?


        • -2

          @kamoi: And, like I said earlier, contact customer service. If they don't help you out, then you have something to complain about. Mistakes happen. One problem doesn't automatically make them scammers. I was looking for evidence of repeated issues with no resolution. All you have provided evidence for with your screenshot is of an issue that you haven't sought resolution for. See where I'm coming from?

      • Now that you've brought up customer service, I can tell you from experience that support on grey market sites like cdkeys, g2a, kinguin, etc. is completely useless.

        Far easier to just dispute through paypal.

    • Hmm it could be what happened to me too. That FB discount code didn't work :(

      • To get the FB discount, you need to create a CD Keys account and be logged in.

        • I already did, as posted earlier above.

      • It Worked for me.

    • +1

      Scammers? So far it seems like it worked for everyone else.

      • This site is banned on Reddit /r/GameDeals. I should have taken that as a warning so I guess it's my own fault. Price was just too damn attractive and I'm an idiot :(

        • /r/gamedeals have even banned "green man gamin"g at one stage. Not sure if it is still banned. However, rates cdkeys as 9.6/10 out of 1500+ reviews. (which means it is trusted)
          If you look around, people are saying good stuff about the site. I would contact their Customer Service first before negatively branding someone. Like I said. It looks like it has worked so far for everyone else.

  • Just bought and activated ok, thanks Op

  • All great games! Note that you can get Overwatch at the same price (maybe 20c cheaper?) through the Taiwanese store, by just changing the country code to "tw"

  • +1

    GBP3.16 price for Middle-Earth turned out to be AUD 5.61 using a 28 degrees card today.

  • +2

    Guys, you want to think twice before posting or recommending a deal.
    I made the purchase with but hey won't release my purchase unless I provide my mobile phone. That's a great way to get overflowed with unsolicited commercial SMS.
    I wouldn't have bought if that condition, so now I have to purchase a refund…
    When a company has DODGY practices, please warn ozbargainers.

    PS: note I got the refund immediately, so I won't downvote the deal.

    • They didn't ask me for my mobile ?

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