As the title says, I've searched everywhere and there is no Australian stock, any help?
Where Do I Buy Intel 8260 Wireless Card?
If only I could wait that long because that means I'm without wifi for 1 month because my killer 1535 is killing the wifi lol.
The killer is performing as described… :)
Yep :D
Ethernet cable?
USB to Ethernet adaptor?
Buy a Wifi dongle?
CPL said they're in stock next week, do you have any experience with them?
CPL or the 8260?
CPL used to be very difficult to deal with if you had a return for any reason. They may be better now. Caveat emptor.
Yes. They're fine.
Thanks, it's because on another site it says to avoid them.
I contacted them all, no stock.
Often with Killer stuff it's the drivers that cause the issues.
You might be able to use generic drivers like what can be done with the Killer desktop Ethernet devices.I do have an Ultrabook that came with the 8260 and can confirm it is very fast under the right conditions, and reliable under pretty much all conditions.
My machine is a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 460, wireless AP is a Ubiquity UniFi AC Pro access point.
Buy it from a Hong Kong or Chinese seller using eBay