• expired

G1W-C Capacitor HD 1080P Car Dash DVR Camera with 96650 Chip Black Colour $48.96 Shipped @ Shopping Square


HD 1080P Car Dash Cam Camera with G1W-CB Capacitor & 96650 Chip Black Colour - DS

Direct Shipping Offer*
2.7 inch FT LCD
G-Sensor auto recorder
Motion detection auto recorder
Video resolution:Maximum HD 1080P (1920x1080)
Continuous loop video: Seamless looping video, do not lose seconds
Truck switch machine:Support auto ignition boot, turn off shutdown
Automatic shutdown function
Memory card: TF card, up to 32GB(the card is not included)
Interface: USB/HDMI
High quality photos
Built-in stereo

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Shopping Square
Shopping Square

closed Comments

  • What is Direct Shipping Offer?
    The items will be shipped directly from Overseas Supplier by Air Parcel. It take 1-4 weeks (plus Handling Time) to arrive Other areas in Australia.

    Was wondering how they could do this so cheap, this is just drop shipped product.

    EDIT: Still cheap, the last deal was 54USD delivered.

    • make your mind It will take a month to come that is what I have done ordered one and start waiting after 3 weeks.

  • +1

    Is it G1W-C or G1W-CB?

    • +1

      silver ring on lens indicates G1W-C.

      • +2

        The product title and model indicate the black ring version. I'm guessing the pics are wrong.

        • +2

          someone should confirm this with Ssquare. stealth is important, lest you get thieves/window smashers/people that notice that camera and flip the bird

        • If it's black ring version I'll buy it

        • +1

          Or… the product title is wrong.

        • @KeplersLaws: how often does that happen you think? was planning to drop some $ on a Black vue.

          … will crims be licking their lips when they see it, rather than being scared?

      • +2

        Nothing a black nikko can't fix anyway.

    • +2

      most probably G1W-CB.. because linked deal says so, and also it says 'black colour' a couple of times which I think refers to the ring colour.

      i bought with paypal protection and the emailed order says 'G1W-CB Capacitor HD 1080P Car Dash DVR Camera with 96650 Chip Black Colour'
      if G1W-CB isn't delivered I will raise the issue.

  • Is there something special about the "capacitor" and the "96650" chip?

    • +6

      Capacitor: Australian summer is pretty hot! So instead of a lithium battery, it has a super capacitor built in instead. Its to prevent battery explosions in your car.

      96650: Novatek chip. Helps with processing good quality videos. It has very good performance vs cost ratio.

      Those are only the basics. I am sure there is a LOT more to it.

      Some reading material: https://dashcamtalk.com/g1w/

      • How long does one of these super capacitors work for? I am guessing Tb is needs to be hard wired?

        • Yep, definitely wired into your cigarette plug. Comes with a long lead.

    • Maybe a flux capacitor.

  • +2

    note: $1 delivery only applies to certain items.. I tried to add a memory card and it reverted to $4.95 delivery (minus 50c for 'combined postage' discount)

  • +2

    "Estimated Handling Time: 8 - 15 Working Days"

  • +7

    Thanks OP.. my first dashcam purchase.

    Heaps of info/links on these here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/238071

    Good to be able to record crazy qld police
    (wish I had it last halloween when they shut down a federal highway under the guise of an RBT, but really just to help the gold-coast cops tv show get some costumed revelers 'caught on film'.. which in turn is broadcast with adverts aimed at selling junk back to these same people))

  • +3

    If you bought this, and it doesn't save/ corrupts the last video recorded, visit this thread on dashcamtalk and follow steps to update (downgrade) to 2014 firmware. then it'll successfully write the last file and give a shutdown sound whenever you turn off the car.

    • Navigating to a corrupted clip in the in-camera playback mode might repair it, it does on mine.

  • Due to most new cars coming with rain and lane sensing equipment behind the rear view mirror I'm waiting for a smaller factor camera. The Mini 0805 comes to mind, still waiting for a deal on that one.

    • Agreed, same thinking here.

      • +5

        I have been driving for decades and am yet to own a car with electric windows or remote unlock so I probably won't have to worry about lane sensing equipment :( :)

        • Dont jinx yourself. My car finally died unexpectedly a few months back and not even the useless manufacturer could fix it without charging the amount of a new car. Had to get one and every blood thing has power windows. So frustrating.

  • Was shopping square or shopping express the dodgy one?

    • +2

      going by how tightarse and scotty regularly post sexpress deals, i'm guessing it's the former,,,

    • Shopping express is good.

      • +1

        So is it kinda recommended that I don't purchase these from Shopping Square? Thanks.

        • +1

          yeah, shopping square is pretty dodge - store reps been banned for spuppeting and custService is pretty shiet

        • @KeplersLaws: I have bought few items from these chinese sellers like gearbest, geekbuying, and most in aliexpress they claim they have items in stock but they take at least a week to sometimes two weeks to process item for delivery which I am not sure they order factory to start making stuff. They are all dodgy it is just a matter where you or me decide to buy as we want something cheap we don't want to spend $100 plus in shops around us. If you want to take a risk buy it.

  • +2

    awesome, been meaning to buy one for each of the cars but simply hadn't gotten around to it :) 3 purchased + sd cards

    • +2

      Worth every cent these days.

      • +3

        agreed, $50 to get off a neg driving charge when someone decides to merge on you and then tell the insurance company porkys

        • i had this happen, but insurance never asked for the video, just told the cops I had a dashcam of it

  • +14

    I recorded a small accident with one of these last month

    Here is the video if you are interested


    • Great video and well done my friend

    • +2

      The white car at fault?

    • +5

      You should put that on DashCamOwnersAustralia - clearly it was the cyclist's fault.

      • +3

        Yeah those invisible cyclists are so damned annoying!

      • I submitted it to them a few days ago, will be interesting to see if its in the August video!

    • I can't quite see the lanes, can someone explain what's going on or who's at fault?

      • +3

        It's a roundabout, with the blue car and the owner of the dashcam going on straight in the right lane.
        The white car is in the left lane of the roundabout. Hence, the white car must turn left or go straight.
        The white car changes lanes from the left lane into the right lane of the roundabout. Not sure why. Either they were trying to go right on the roundabout from the left lane, which is not allowed. Or, they tried to switch from the left to the right lane without indicating or giving way to the traffic in the right lane.

        Regardless, the white car is at fault for changing lanes without due care.

        The blue car has not done anything wrong.

        • +1

          I dont think the white car changed lane… They stayed on the left lane except that they did not take the second exit.

        • +2

          But from the left lane they must take the second exit. I.e. if you are in the left lane you must turn left or go straight (i.e take the first or second exits). You cannot turn right (i.e. take the third exit) from the left lane of a roundabout.

        • @bargain_knight:
          That roundabout has 5 exits.

          Dropped Pin


          How many exits can you pass from leftlane (with left and straight arrow)?

        • +6

          Check the arrows on the entry to the roundabout…
          Old mate in the white car should have exited, but kept rounding about.
          Hard to believe ppl still can't work out what happens at a roundabout.

        • @udyz: I can only see four… [looks again]… Or, five. Yep. Five. My bad.

        • +2

          @The Araldited Wallet:
          re: " Hard to believe ppl still can't work out what happens at a roundabout. "

          Agreed, although the one just outside Ikea southside of brisbane is pretty taxing on logic.. it makes you move across lanes depending on which of the 5 exits you want. I've been honked at by people who think I'm doing something wrong (they've been at fault for not giving way to all traffic already on the roundabout (I think that's a rule yeah)

      • +2
    • +4

      Good video. (the real crime is still listening to commerical radio though. ☺ )

      • +2

        Typical dashcam audio: Jimmy Barnes/Beyonce/Slim Dusty/annoying ads… [incident occurs]… The word (profanity) is used in any number of combinations… A fairly harsh character assessment of driver/cyclist/pedestrian/ deemed to be at-fault… Noisy commercial radio continues… The word (profanity), is used… Radio… [end]

        • +3

          hahahahaha sounds like someone watches too many DashcamownersAustralia compilations on yt

        • @KeplersLaws: Guilty as charged, yer honour.

      • I'm listening to 612 ABC… not commercial at all!

    • both drivers were idiot, the one who should be going left is merging right, the one who should be going straight is merging left..

      • +3

        I suggest you rewatch the video…

    • Was the recorded incident the fact you were listening to AM Talk Back radio ;)

      • I like AM Talk back radio :(

  • Hey guys, is this out of stock now?

    • yes

    • +1

      Just ordered one, so should be instock.

  • +2

    I have one and recorded a little incident a few months back too. To date I'm still not sure exactly whose fault it really is. Sent the video to both driver and rider and let them sort it out.


    • +1


      That's painful to the ears……😝

      The jeep did indicate, but not long enough for it to be worthwhile.
      The bike was lane cutting, but it seems they are trialling lane splitting for bikes in some cities, though probably only for inner city.

      As a bike rider, I use my whole lane that I'm entitled too, and am cautious of ignorant car drivers who don't look for bikes….likewise, I also don't ride in a cars blind spot between rear vision and side mirrors.

      Lucky he walked away with no real visible injuries.

      I'm not sure who to blame there, though I tend to lean towards the biker.

      • I agree with the others, rider's fault.. seemed to be going twice speed of the traffic.

        Yes, car didn't indicate long enough, however I believe you aren't supposed to take indication or lack thereof as a guide for your own actions. (in otherwords if I'm pulling out of a street, I will wait for an indicating car to start its turn before I'll trust it, if I pull out and it decides to carry on forward, the collision may be my fault (?) )

        Anyway, it doesn't seem the rider indicated correctly either.

        I do look out for bikers and cyclists as much as possible when switching lanes in heavy traffic.
        Happy for them to filter. perhaps a double tap on the horn first to alert drivers/pedestrians?? (yeah not such a great idea i know)

    • +1

      The bike rider is at fault.

      Riding a bike does not give you permission to drive/ride any differently, you don't have the right of way because you can accelerate quickly when you duck into a lane.

      To put it simply, a car in the bikes place would be at fault.

      • Seems to me that it's the Bike riders fault….

      • The rider panicked and fell off first, then his unattended bike rear ended the car.
        Bike rider shouldn't assume cars cant change lanes like they do! There was plenty of room to make a change of direction here if he was paying attention and not going so quick.
        Completely riders fault. Riders like this give other riders a bad name, lucky he would have got away with only dented pride and bike here.

        That car driver was lucky you had a dashcam!! I'll bet the rider was high and mighty until he saw the replay and pulled his head in…

        • not sure about other states but I think in NSW you're only supposed to filter lane in static or heavy traffic, and you are supposed to move slowly when filter lane so I'd come out on a limb and say it's rider's fault from initial impression.

  • keep posting in these threads but the 118C sits better on the windscreen and is of similar quality and price.

    • Why does the A118c sit better? I'm trying to decide between these two dash cams right now.

      • +2

        Better shape and mounting position and smaller… These look ugly and impossible to conceal.

        • Thanks, I've searched online and I think I'm going to wait for an A118C deal to pop up.

  • I await my Dash Cam, I will never trust everbuying after not getting what I paid for.

  • Expired? Out of stock and up to $59.95 now :\

  • +1

    Received mine yesterday, invoice states its the G1W-CW but i received the G1W-C (silver ring)
    Am i correct in that the difference between the C and CB is that the CB version has the black ring to make it stealthy looking and all other functions are identical?
    I have been playing around with the settings and for some reason when i setup the IR LED to ON the light is always ON, there is no Auto option which seems silly, if i leave it to OFF it does not record well in the dark as the IR is not on, any ideas?

    • +1

      Did some googling and found out the IR LED setting has nothing to do with the night vision, its just a simple torch feature which i have no idea what good it would be for, everywhere i have read say to leave it off.

      • I received mine today, it also has a silver ring.

        • I also received the silver ring version today.

    • got mines today
      is the box just a plan generic box? how do u know which model u get? mines has no model numbers..

  • Got mine yesterday, It's a silver ring G1W H200+ standard G1W-LiIon (battery) rather than the "G1W-CB Capacitor HD 1080P Car Dash DVR Camera with 96650 Chip Black Colour" which I ordered, I'll raise a dispute but not sure what they'll say, I'm pleased with the camera but it's not what I ordered.

    I've opened the unit, it's a more recent revision of the original G1W I already have (black). Disappointing it's not the capacitor version and the focus was also out a but I quickly rectified by attaching it to HDMI, removing the glue ring then re-focussing the lens while attached to the monitor and it's very sharp now. The camera still also has all the same NT96550 standard software bugs as my first G1W and SJ4000 with the Sharpness setting "Hard" actually being "Soft" and vice-versa, and yes, you set this from the settings when Photo mode, and it carries these over to the video, I prefer "soft" but the default is the nicest looking.

    The chip is however genuine NT96650 and it's got the second 3.5mm jack plug present which is covered by the warranty sticker so I must try the GPS module with it.

    • how did you tell it had a battery vs capacitor?
      I also received one today (silver ring), though I ordered two so going to have to raise a dispute too.

      • +2

        The battery version can be turned on and operated without plugging in the power cord. Looks like that's what I've got too.

        • Ahh cheers :)

        • yep, mine turned on straight outta the box, haven't even connected it to the car yet.

    • got mines today
      is the box just a plan generic box? how do u know which model u get? mines has no model numbers..

    • Also planning on opening the unit but found no screws. Any advice?

  • Just raised a dispute too as just received mine.
    Also ordered 2 but 1 arrived.

    See what they have to say…

  • I ripped mine apart the moment it arrived.

    Today, I got a reponse back from Shoppingsquare explaining the supplier may have given them the wrong information and that they'll follow this up which is good to hear as I bet they'll be getting a lot of queries.

    They offered me a $10 "Store Credit" or to rma the camera but I don't intend on using them again and I've also fine-tuned the lens focus so it's not exactly "As Delivered" hopefully I can get a partial cash refund, the price was still good despite it not being the capacitor version.

    With the "night vision, yes it's two white LEDS, don't bother for Dashcam use, I suspect the thinking is that the LED will reflect number plates at night but in reality you end up just getting a whole lot of glare.

    • Mine turned up in silver, too… They tried to tell me that they never advertised it in black. So that's bull$hit for starters.

      Now suspicions raised, I opened the unit. Battery.

      Shonky Chinese sellers getting called out right here.

      Shadier than an awning shop.

    • got mines today
      is the box just a plan generic box? how do u know which model u get? mines has no model numbers..

      • Yea mine is a generic box…
        HD Blackbox
        Car DVR
        <image of dashcam>

        • icic

          was thinking I got a fake one o.O

    • At least you got a $10 store credit…
      Maybe I should ask for it too and use it to buy a SD card or something. At least that can't go wrong!

  • Got mine today - it's the black capacitor version

    • Is there a way to take a photo and upload it?
      They gave me some BS saying that they only stocked 'one version' which is the silver ring one…

      Wouldn't give me anything…

      • Sure, will do when i get a chance later today

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