I would respectfully submit that a true Bargain hunter would home brew their grog and only buy fast food if cooking is absolutely not an option. Ozbarganers find me some meaty meat bargains.
Can "meat" be a heading in Food & Groceries?
Dr Prepper on 26/07/2016 - 23:56
still warm?…gimme details!!!!
They were big and mostly black. One looked at me while chewing. Its eyes seemed to say
"I am a cow. I chew things. Why are you looking at me"I thought you meant fresh road kill.
@Dr Prepper: It could be roadkill.. After you get there with your car.
@Dr Prepper: would you eat road kill?
Headings are listed based on popularity. There isn't a great deal of meat deals or at least people tagging deals with meat.
I've seen some cows on the side of the road when traveling.