I found a item from Amazon that I want to purchase though the company does not ship to Australia
Is there any possible way to get the item shipped to Australia ??
Really need your help
Thankyou x
I found a item from Amazon that I want to purchase though the company does not ship to Australia
Is there any possible way to get the item shipped to Australia ??
Really need your help
Thankyou x
Thankyou I'll look into it now
I've tryed that
All of them no not ship to Australia
I'm after a baby monitor angelcare ac1120 and Amazon has them pretty cheap compared to the cost here which is doubble the price if not triple
But then I have this dilemma..
No. Amazon does not ship certain items to Australia. However you could get them to send to one of the mail forwarders and then get them to send to Australia for you. The postage will be more which you need to evaluate whether it's worthwhile.
It's worth to look into
I hope I can get this
If the postage will cost me under $100 it still works out cheaper then to buy it here
Thankyou x
@Laila82: Expect a minimum cost of around $25 US for the first 1/2 pound and then it adds $4 per half pound or similar pricing. I've used comgateway and MyUS in the past.
Also note that most companies will combine multiple items into 1 shipment for a small fee so it can make sense to buy many things at once rather than just the 1 item…
Keep in mind that comgateway is volumetric pricing, so large items cost a lot more even if they do not weigh much. MyUS is weight based I believe (you will need to read the conditions).
Thankyou x
Hi I'm about to direct message you but you are blocking private message.
Are you SURE you want the ac1120? We owned the ac420 (brilliant model) and the ac1100. We ended up just chucking the ac1100 in the bin because it seemed immoral to try and sell it to someone else. It buzzed and hummed and we couldn't sleep next to it unless the volume was nearly off, by which point we couldn't hear if our baby stirred. I've checked the cesspool that is productreview and the (predictably negative) responses indicate the ac1120 might be disappointing.
Having said ask that I'd recommend the ac420 again ina heartbeat.
Wow Thankyou for the information, I havnt done research on it purley because a friend of mine owns one and says it's the best, now I'm thinking twice, I will research ac420 x
I have just seen the ac420 and yes there is very good reviews about this model though I am after a sound and video monitor
You must be having your first baby.
Save your $ and energy and buy the simplest voice activated audio-only monitor you can find. That's all you need. You really only need a monitor to make sure that the kid is not screaming unattended for too long.
The reason Amazon can't ship certain items to Australia is because the manufacturers has restricted them to. That's why many things sell for a lot more in Australia compared to the US/Europe.
Ship forwarding company is the best option but it can be a nightmare when things go wrong. Relatives or friends living overseas can do the same job.
Also if the item is mains powered be sure to check voltage requirements, it's 110V there, 230V here.
Yes that may be possible the reason why they don't ship it here , thanks for the info x
As above there, are two reasons (That I can quickly think of.) that a product would not ship to Australia. Firstly is the electrical certification. While a product may share the same model, the overseas model may not meet Australian Standards and Amazon may block it. The second reason is the frequencies it transmits may be allocated to another service in Australia. So the manufacturer may make two models a generic one for other countries (and cheaper, and it may cause interference on other devices or receive interference from them in Australia.) and a model specific for Australia to meet our communications regulations (and hence more expensive, but will play nicely with other devices in Australia.), again Amazon may block for this reason. Or, you could just be paying the 'Australia Tax' on the monitor.
Lol everyone is making me doubt purchasing it from over seas, might just put the extra cash and get it from here.. Thankyou for your time to reply to my post xx
My assessment of likelihood of reasons for not shipping to Australia:
Safety or technical issue - 2%
Legal or compliance issue - 5%
Too hard, don't want to bother with international postage, perceived risk of being ripped off for posting internationally - 8%
Protecting inflated profits of local distributor - 85%
Often they can't ship items if they contain a rechargeable battery.
Good point 👍
accuse the company of racism if they refuse to ship it to you
First of all open amazon and put in the name of the product that you are searching for in this case I put this in the search bar " baby monitor angelcare"
then on the left choose " Ship TO Australia" and you will get the companies that will ship to here, sometimes it still says " won't ship to Au ", but you can sometimes find someone who does.
But I did the exercise for you, and a few stores came up that ship here . Just check the postage first before you authorise payment by credit card, you can then delete it if neccesary, if postage is too expensive which it is sometimes.
different stores sell through Amazon its not always the Amazon store.
Other wise do the above suggestions and use a forwarding agent.
Hope this helps
Thankyou for your time to reply
As I've read all above posts I have relised that it May not be best to purchase a item such as a baby monitor from over seas, but in saying that I do Thankyou for the information that you have posted and will keep in mind 'if I do ' purchase any item from Amazon I will surely click to see which companies do ship to Australia xx
and check Amazon UK, Italy and some other countries that might have Amazon, one of those might deliver but the price might differ a bit or a lot :)
Good luck!
You could use a package forwarding service like Reship or Shipito.