Best phone under $300

I am in need of a new phone, I am looking for some advise on what I should be looking at. Things that matter to me are, camera quality and battery also can take decent size card for the pics/videos, other than that I have no preference.

Thanks for any help.



  • +3

    china droid or Oz sourced "brand"?

    china droid
    xiaomi note 3 pro ~ US$190
    lenovo k3 note ~US$100 (i have this phone and find it to be great)

    • I have k3 note and with proper custom rom, it's comparable to samsungs', except the camera.

      The dual sim support isnt bad I suppose

  • +3

    redmi note 3 pro, especially if you grab one of the "international editions" (bit thin on the ground) with 700mhz 4G support (Band 28, extremely useful on optus and telstra).

    otherwise the LeTV Le1 Pro is a great phone for under $300 depending where you get it - snapdragon 810 CPU, quadHD display, full metal unibody construction.

    $300 doesn't get you very far if you want to buy an australian phone in australia, though.

    • +1

      For an Australian option, the Oppo F1 takes a decent pic in RAW made (their jpg compression is rubbish though)

      • crappy 720p screen though. if it was 1080 it'd be a real contender. nice to get 3gb ram too.

        • +2

          720p @ 5" is still 'crystal clear' in use, Just doesn't take it into GoogleCardboard territory.

        • @MasterScythe: perhaps, but since my infocus M560 has unibody build, android 6.0, a 5.1" 1080p screen and band 28 4G and only cost me $103USD including shipping, its hard for me to see the value in the oppo.

        • @xyron:
          I /personally/ agree with you.

          - local warranty
          - local stock
          - local repairs
          - $199

          is worth it for some people.

        • @xyron:
          And camera?

        • @scubacoles: i have only used the camera to take snapshots of bills to send to my housemate and they come out sharp and clear. dont really use my camera for much else. if you value camera over screen then sure, maybe the oppo is a decent choice.

          and for some reason i thought the oppo was closer to $300, for under $200 its definitely a deal.

        • @xyron:
          You're kinda right..
          The Unlocked version is about $270..
          There's a Optus locked version for $199 (on sale can be had around $179) (can be unlocked for free if you sweet talk Optus or recharge $80)

          Still as above, for Australian stock/warranty/service, it's pretty hard to beat.

        • @xyron: You can barely tell the difference. Calling it "crappy" is just silly.

        • @Diji1: maybe to your eyes. i can definitely tell the difference between 720 and 1080, especially when reading text (i like to have it zoomed out).

          for nearly $300 id expect a 1080 screen considering the entry price for a 1080 screen with other chinadroids. under $200 is forgivable.

    • +1

      Agree, Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro Prime (Snapdragon 650, 3GB RAM, 32GB ROM) is a great phone with great performance for the price. However, the camera is as bad as people say it is. No matter what I try, I cannot get it to take decent indoor photos.

      • +1

        Are you using OpenCamera?
        I ask because the sensor is the same as some real flagships.

        Its possible the lense is dodgy, but it'd have to be REALLY dodgy.

        Possibly get a pin, and check the edge fo the lense, there is a micro-film on there for protection you have to remove

        • I tried a few apps. The one which comes with MIUI is not great. It looks like some manual options which used to exist were removed. I have the paid version of "A better camera", but its HDR is extremely slow and usually overexposed. I tried OpenCamera, which seems okay.
          Mostly I think photos taken with flash indoor are particularly poor. There is no microfilm on the lense.

  • First question:
    New or Used, does it matter?

    Second question:
    Windows Phone, iOS, or Android?

    Third question:
    Can your budget stretch a little?

    Forth question:
    What is the most important aspect of the device?

    • +1

      Some quick suggestions.

      Windows Phone… a dead ecosystem, runs okay, pick these up for dirt cheap and use as regular phones.
      The only worthwhile flagship to get is the HP Elite X3, and that's probably going to cost $1,100 in Australia.
      A cheap phone like: Microsoft Lumia 650 (<$250)

      iOS… the leading ecosystem, runs great, very pricey, look for good condition used older models.
      Make sure it at least has 32GB storage and a 64-bit processor. A new model in ~October, will mean used prices will decrease a bit.
      But this will coincide with the holiday season, so prices may not drop much/at all until next year Feb.
      A used iPhone 5S 32GB (~$350)

      Android… a thriving ecosystem, fragmentation exists, Nexus'es are first-class citizens, some flagships are second-class citizens,
      other devices with a dev community are third-class citizens, then the majority of models (>90%) are forth-class citizens.
      You may need to learn a bit of technicalities to ensure a great experience. But learning could be a good thing.
      Too many variables to list, so instead a shortlist:

      Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P

      Android One:
      General Mobile 5 Plus,

      HTC 10,
      Xperia Z5P, Z5, Z5C, Z3P, Z3, Z3C
      LG G5, G4
      Motorola Moto Z, X Play, X Style, Moto X 2
      Samsung Galaxy S7 Active, S7, S6, Note 5, Note 4

      Dev Phones:
      OnePlus One, OnePlus 3,
      Oppo N3, Oppo Find 7,
      ZUK Z1

      Other phones:
      ZTE, Xiaomi, Meizu, Alcatel, Elephone

      • +1

        He said uner $300 not $1000

      • +1

        Ios, leading system? Yeah right mate.

        • +1

          iOS, lol, not los.

          I meant leading in the term that:
          - Apps are almost always higher quality compared to Android/WP
          - Apps are almost always developed first for iOS
          - Timed Exclusivity does exist for iOS Apps
          - Backwards compatibility is no problem on iOS
          - Devices that are 3 years old are almost guaranteed compatibility with new Apps
          (sometimes even older)

          Android is a much more open market.
          And that comes with its own strengths and weaknesses.
          I would've expected that the Play Store surpass the AppStore a long time ago in some of those categories above, but the fact that iOS is the "go to" place for any computer program is just a testament to Apple's prowess and innovation when it comes to the OS, the devices, and the SDK.

          (Seriously I think its bigger than Play Store, Windows Store, Steam. Maybe bigger than all combined?)

          Disclaimer: If I am biased in any way, it is that I am biased against Apple and towards Google's phones.

        • @Kangal:

          You think appstore is better. But 80% market share for Android and 15% for ios would tell me otherwise.

          Also i said ios not los.

        • @smpantsonfire:

          I don't think Apple's AppStore is better. It just is better.
          We're talking about their app stores, and not their market share.
          But if you want to talk statistics;
          Apple might only make <19% of the market share, they make >90% of the profits.
          A huge amount of that is testament to its AppStore.

          And besides, I'm in the Android Camp.
          I'm just jealous, I wished we could have their AppStore on Android.
          (or at least make Google Play apps better quality, and cooperate better with older/newer/other devices).

          All the while, UWP users weep.
          And RIM ditches its own Blackberry World, in favour of Google Play Store.

        • @smpantsonfire: Yes, there are more Android handsets than iPhones, but I agree with @Kangal. iOS have better quality apps because it's tightly controlled by Apple.

          I've used both. There's much more choice with Android, but with that comes lots of low quality titles. So if OP is reading this (there's so much here), if you go for Android, do some googling before getting an app. I always read reviews on independent sites before getting something. Unless it's made by Google. Then I'll just install it blindly. They already have all the information they ever need about me. I can't hide anything from them.

  • Hi guys thanks for the replies, I am not fussed on the brand or where it comes from as long as I won't end up with signal issues, I understand $300 isn't much for a phone but I mainly use it for call/text and bit of Internet and taking photos. I would look at used it, I am sure I will scratch a new one soon enough. I do prefer android and never used Windows.

    • +7

      If what you use, are the core features of the phone, and you really dont care about 'apps' outside the "Top 10" of apps, Windows phone wins hands down.

      For starters they're cheap. Very cheap.
      Battery life is very impressive.
      'Core Apps' all exist; twitter, facebook, etc.
      but where it REALLY shines are the 'defaults'.

      The phone 'app' is perfect, the SMS message app is perfect with IMO the best 'out of box' predictive tex, the Outlook app is by far the best mobile email client, and the web browser renders faster than any Android based browser i've used.

      And probably the best thing? The 'Front Screen'\HomeScreen\Tiles.

      Every other phone has a 'notification draw' or has apps that need to be opened to do things.

      On windows phone, those "Live Tiles" are updating. Your latest SMS, Email, Facebook mention, Memo and Calendar event are just there, always on, ready for a glance.

      Yes, it takes a hell of a learning curve to get used to it; but once you do….. whoa boy is it productive!

      They're usually still for sale\On display in office works, go have a play with one before you rule them out.

      • +1

        Heh, negged with no informed rebuttal.
        Unpopular opinion doesn't mean wrong opinion.

        If you disagree with my advice that the OP should go and try one for himself to make his own mind up; please explain why.

        • A new challenger appears!

          Take my positive vote. Your post is correct and spot on. Whoever negged is probably not a fan of Windows apps and in all honesty they are probably very right imho in doing so. Windows phones though as a general phone are actually very good now and if all you need is core usage nad no games or bells and whistles then Windows phones are the way to go. They actually make you very productive because of all the trimmed "fat" but yeah you also don't get that extra trimmed juicy "fat". Windows phones for productivity/ Android phones for fun and everything else plus productivity/ iOS for everything else (well not really but for da richie rich rich people… Also semi better performance imo and a much more "stable" security safety free closed environment in that you hold apples hand for every step of the way.. which is fine tbh if apple does it right)

          And then there is the true linux phone haha lol but we can talk about later or another time.

        • +2

          Ive used one extensively in a business.
          While my Personal phone is a Blackberry Passport with BBOS10.
          and my "carry anywhere, who cares" phone is a constantly changing Android handset.

          So with the exception of iPhone, I use them all very regularly.

          I know I'm repeating myself, but honestly, if what you want is to "get things done", its perfect.
          Between those active tiles, and genuine Microsoft Office, you're set.

        • @MasterScythe:
          Amen brother. The only reason a part of me wants to go back to apple is because of some of the exclusivity of apps. Also as an entertainment device it has a lot more content compared to android but that is not saying much as we all know android already has a steady nice large amount of content already. I just always want just a little bit more. Also two games from the itunes app store never made it to google play and they were honestly one of the best if not great :(

          (This may be my inner aspiring app dev talking but yeah i say it how i see it)

      • Seems bout right to me …

      • Those "Live Tiles" pisse off. They only show content half the time. If they stopped their spinning they would be great.

        Windows phone has subway surfers.

        I used a Windows phone 8 Lumia 520 for a long time to get a core phone experience. It did good. After the screen broke i got a second hand Nexus 4 which was better in every single way. Everything connected better. Everything just worked. WP had a better keyboard though.

        • A good few months back now, windows phone (10) was a big leap :)

    • +5

      In this case Microsoft Lumia 640 $129( is enough for you.
      Removable battery, can take up to 256GB Micro sd card and very good camera AT this price. Downside is 8GB storage but it should not be your problem.
      Do not forget to install windows update adviser for windows phone 10.

      Last year Windows Phone Flagship Lumia 950 is $359( It has high vote on last deal. it has SD card, removable battery and one of the best camera.

      For android phone:
      Sony Xperia Z3 $305( is not a bad choice @ eBay. SD card, good camera
      Moto X Play $310( UK. SD card, good camera and battery
      Moto G4 Plus $379 Brand new with 24 mths Warranty( SD card and good camera.

      But if you dont really care about camera and just want a decent one, Xiaomi Redmi note 3 pro @ around $230 is a good choice.

      • +1

        Microsoft Lumia 640 is available at Kmart for $99.00, Locked to Optus.

        • Is there a link/website for that?

        • @dexx:
          Just goggle Kmart AU Lumia 640 and it will bring this phone to view. Also when I was in Kmart I did see the Lumia 640 in their phone cabinet for $99 dollars. Down on bottom shelf.

      • Thanks for your advice mate, the lumina range looks like it meets all my needs and I am sure I will be fine with the windows system. The company you have linked for the 950 model have you used them before, no issues?


      • "Best phone under $300" …. only 2 of your 6 recommendations fit his budget. You're not a real estate agent by any chance, are you, lol?

        • Nuh, Its my 2c, always give people more options.
          Sometime what they are looking for is not the best option. Unless paying extra $10 is like killing you.

      • Thanks for sharing. Looking for a replacement for my Redmi Note 3 as I smashed the screen this morning =(

        The Moto G4 has soon good reviews. But is the processor slower than the Note 3?

        • Snapdragon 617 is a lot slower than Snapdragon 650, specially in term of gaming.
          But for general purpose like watching video/ web surfing should be ok.

        • @windwai:

          I really love the speedy performance and long battery life of the redmi note 3 but loathe the camera.

          I'm worried about slower performance and smaller battery on the moto g4 plus. But might be worth it for the camera.

          Any other suggestions for phones under say $400?

        • @dajackal:
          ZenFone 3 camera is looking pretty decent.

        • +1


          you want:
          Good camera
          Snapdragon 650 or similar.
          Under $400

          There is only one option. Redmi Pro
          Or Xiaomi Mi Max $320. According to this review( camera is ok.

          If you dont play game, Moto G4 Plus is fine. With the - Fast battery charging it should be good enough.

        • @windwai:

          Yep exactly! Just one minor one to add to the list…has to be available today :P

          Will definitely consider the Moto G4 Plus. Gaming wise it's just Pokemon Go and Clash Royale at the moment. Any deals on this phone?

      • Just wanted to say thanks for your earlier recommendation. Ended up getting the Moto g4 plus over the weekend. Was considering a grey import Nexus 5X but local stock + bigger screen + bigger battery won me over in the end.

        Camera performance is excellent. Massive upgrade over the xiaomi redmi note 3 (unusable).

        • Your welcome
          Personally I will pick Moto over LG.

  • Xiaomi the meaning of being lonely / Is this the feeling I need to walk with / Tell me why I can't be there where you are / There's something missing in my heart.

    As others have said Xiaomi is really good more specifically the Redmi Note 3 Pro or if you want to go even cheaper the Mi 4c is also very really really good. Yes that's how good.

    Eglobal online is selling the mi 4c for around $170-195 depending on your preferences.

    • +1

      Prefer the Mi4 for SD slot and excellent developer community.

      • oh yeah forgot about that. Gonna need that expandability for the photos and videos. +1 for the mi 4

    • LOL go hard Eminem.

  • +1

    Check Huawei P8. Nice phone..

  • +1

    Moto G 3rd Gen.

  • Nexus 5x, Moto G.

  • Watever u get but get Australian Stock👍🏾

    • Why ??

  • +6

    One Answer: Nexus 5x for $312. Defeats the competition by miles in this price range

    • only issue is battery life is average given pokemon go is a thing


      low storage

    • alizain1156 where do you get nexus 5x for $312. I would like to get it if it is recommended.

  • get a nexus 5x u wont regret

  • Can I hijack this thread with a similar question? … OK Good.

    I need a phone for international roaming. I like to pick up a local sim with a few calls and heaps of data when I travel.
    I have a budget around $300 or maybe a bit more.

    • Good battery - will be mainly used for a mobile hotspot for my laptop or main phone, or even for a few people to connect when I'm with staff. Or for tethering.
    • Small size - I already lug around an iPhone 6 (which has expensive data roaming), iPad and laptop. So the smaller the better
    • Apps - just the major ones, convenient to load up my instabook and whattsap.

    Currently using an old iPhone 4s, but the battery life is sheeit and is starting to become unusable for the major apps. If it gets unplugged from a power source the battery lasts a few minutes as a mobile hotspot.

    The iPhone 4s is a great size though.

    • +2

      I would say the Sony Z3 Compact meets most of your needs, and you can pick up a new one for around $320 delivered on eBay (HK stock). Note there are two main variants- I can't recall exactly which has most AU bands.

      Great battery, good camera, fairly small size. It is bigger than an iP4 and iP5 though- see here( for size comparison. It's still considered 'compact' compared to modern day phablets.

      There was a good deal for the Z5 Compact recently but that's over now.

      Honestly though, if you're mainly using it for hotspot and some apps maybe a sub-$100 android will do? Something like the ZTE Zip or Huawei Y3 II

    • +1

      Lumia 532 (3g only, 4", 118.9 x 65.5 x 11.6 mm) often $39 at supermarket/Target/Kmark. Replaceable battery and small.
      Windows Phone does have Instagram(if that is what you mean?) and whatsapp.

      For 4g, get lumia 640 $129 but its 5"
      Or any cheap 4g mobile with Replaceable battery.

      THATs what you need really.

      Another way without roaming is a pocketable 4g modam like this( put it on a portable power charger

      iPhone 5s was $359 but you just missed it.

  • I would take LG G4, still the best phone you can get around $300 mark.…

    • The Nexus 5X will get Android N and P. Will the G4 even get N? It's going to seem old pretty quick.

      • LG G4 has bootloop issue. it happens on a lot of people including me.

        LG Nexus 5x does not have SD card slot and so so battery, but I agree it has one of the best camera.

        I personally wont buy any mobile from LG.

  • If you don't mind getting a second hand phone (you mentioned this in a previous comment) you should have a look at the OnePlus one. Can be picked up on gumtree/eBay for$250ish. Fantastic phone

  • Samsung J5 or Motorola G 3rd gen.
    You cannot go wrong with either one.

  • +1

    Redmi Note 3 Pro 32GB is what I would recommend. For a sub $300 phone, something has got to give. In this case, it's the camera. Day shots are beautiful. Indoor and night shots, you really have to hold it steady. Quality is passable, but not by much.

    Where this excels at is pretty much everywhere else.

    • Build quality, is great. Metal body, beautiful screen, loud speaker, responsive fingerprint reader, infra red blaster (no more boring channels at the cafés or doctor's office)

    • The SoC is fantastic, plus 3GB or RAM. Better than the Nexus 5X. I play demanding games like Contest of Champions. This thing handles it flawlessly.

    • Software is really great value. I love the customisations on this thing, not just cosmetic, but permissions, battery saving, etc. Plus, this has frequent updates and fixes. It lags behind Google's releases by a whole generation, which is sad.

    • Battery life is like nothing I've ever had on a modern smartphone (probably because I always go budget). I can go 2 whole days without charging (although not recommended. Lithium-based batteries should be given frequent short charges anyway). If you play Pokemon Go, you need to have a big battery.

    • 32GB built in is great, but if you're like me, I'd be keeping that for apps. Redmi Note 3 has an SD card slot for external storage.


    Bad - Camera is only passable, Android versions will always lag behind.
    Good - Build quality, great processor and memory, software, big battery, value for money.

    Personally, I was torn between the Redmi Note 3 and the Nexus 5X. I chose the Redmi Note 3 because the pros outweighed the cons. I have had no reason to regret my decision since.

    • where can you buy this phone. Xiaomi redmi note 3 pro. i believe the stores don't have it and some online website would sell it but which one ? pls suggest

      • Lots of them around. Check the stores on I got mine from I paid more for this one than I would have for the others, but only because I heard from others here that they delivered in a few days. I got mine in 2-3. I still got it for under $300.

        • KI bought a Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, a week ago (was delivered from Hong Kong). It showed some network earlier but now it doesn't show any network. I have changed sims as well but still problem.
          Did you have any trouble with your phone. Any suggestions friend.
          I didn't find any Australian support for this phone.

        • @creative: I didn't have any problems, but if you are, I'd suggest flashing the official ROM again. If you got yours from some reseller, it's quite possible they've got their own ROM on there.

          Go here:

          Make sure you get the right ROM. There are a few different ones there. If you want, download it over Wifi directly onto your phone, so you can skip the whole PC part.

          Then just run the updater, and it will install that ROM for you. It'll take a while, but once it's done you will definitely have the latest, official ROM on your phone, and that should hopefully fix any issues you have.

  • The Blu R1 HD 32gb ($66.26) and Moto G4 32gb ($237) are sold at amazon with ads. However, the phones can be easily flashed to install a custom Rom thus removing the Ads.

    Moto G4 32gb is sold on Kogan for $439.

    Else OnePlus is another phone I'd recommend.

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