Aladdin Musical Sydney

Hey OzBers

Looking to book the best available seats at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney for a special anniversary for my wife and I.

We dont do this often…. well never actually and i know how much she would like this.

Any tips on the best seats?

Is the most expensive seat the best?

Any way to get a discount (like nrma membership or amex deal) or a promotional code for or is there a better place to purchase the tickets?

Thx in advabce!


  • +3

    Been to a few Musical at Capitol Theatre. I enjoy the J,H and G rows, neither too close nor too far.

    1. walk in tickets (1 hour before the show) for best available seats for a cheaper price (high risk during the first few weeks of the show)
    2. Lasttix (towards the end of tour)

    • Thx grumpyhermit. Nice to know for future spontaneous visits.

  • +3

    Since I live in a different state, I have never been to Capitol Theatre before. Hence, I cannot provide any info based on personal experience. However, their seating plan and virtual tour here may help you choose.

    In relation to your other question, speaking from my own experience, the most expensive seats are not necessary the best seats. It depends on what you value.

    (i) If you like to see the performers' facial emotions close-up, choose the Stalls area closer to stage, rather than Dress Circle. If spectacular staging is the drawcard of the show, then some will prefer Dress Circle to have the entire stage in view. Or further back in stalls, like rows 5-10.

    (ii) How important is the quality of the sound - I prefer to hear performers' natural voices, as much as possible, rather than mainly amplified through speakers. The reproduction at some venues' speakers are also not that great. If this is an important aspect, the first few (say 5) rows offer the best opportunity for this. Naturally, the more middle (as opposed to the sides) will also provide the better sound as well.

    (iii) First few rows could mean looking up a bit. Therefore, if this is an issue, specific info for the theatre, such as found here could help. It tells you that patrons will be at eye level with stage at around row E-G.

    (iv) Beware of taking the very middle seats of the first one or two rows. Sometimes, the orchestral pit is just in front of the first row, and depending on the theatre, the conductor standing there, and conducting, may either obstruct, or be a distraction.

    For me, I usually go for the first 1-5 rows, since (i) and (II) are main criteria. Also, first few rows usually cost less, and for me that is a bonus.

    One way to save a bit is to get ticketmaster gift cards at a discount. These offers occur now and then, at Woolworths, Big W and other avenues as well, I am sure. But be careful, a max of 5 giftcards can be used for a transaction, so might be worth getting bigger denominations.

    Hope this helps.

    • Thank you for the detailed description and extremely informative info bluesky.

      It definitely helps… I had previously looked at the seating plan and was so confused.

      Have you ever sat in the Dress Circle? I'm considering this or the 5-8 rows from the stage in the centre.

      • +1

        I have, and decided Dress Circle is not for me. As I said before, I find it vastly more enjoyable when I can see the performers' facial expressions clearly. This adds tremendously to the performance. And the sound seems better from the first few rows of Stalls.

        The Dress Circle seems more removed from the performers. It is akin to sitting far away looking at a small tv - nah, maybe not that bad, but you get the idea :-). Everything is so small, one is not immersed in it. That is how I feel.

        If you are picking row 5-8 of the Stalls section, try to pick the closer rows.

        • I'm finding it difficult to find a way to see available seats.

 only allows you to select a preference for a particular session and then selects the best seats available. Frustrating!

          Any way around this that you know of?

          I have found row E seats 21 and 22. Which is almost the middle in row 10

          Maybe I've left it too late 😨

        • @BKZ: Strange, I just went and checked. I was able to select seats via the map.
          Just looking at the map, row E is row 8. And Seat 21 and 22 are not exactly middle, but not bad either.

        • +1

          Perhaps its because I'm using a mobile hence the mobile site.
          I'll fire up the laptop in the morning and give it a crack.

          Seriously your the best 👍

          Appreciate the help so much!

        • @BKZ: You are most welcome. I am sure both of you will enjoy it so much! :-)

    • +1

      Wow that's a really great insight. I have not been to Capitol but in Perth Crown Theatre I've experienced sitting in Dress Circle and at Stall (middle 2 row from stage, side 5 row from front, and middle at the furthest row).. and I have to agree, nothing beats seating up front in the middle and seeing all expression from the performers and even hear their real voice. Its more real and you really feel like a VIP having them performing personally for you

      Sitting at the back (or dress circle) feel like watching a 'big screen' in a way. Although it is still a great experience.

      The worst is sitting at the side front. Whilst I may be towards the front, I'm missing on a lot of things that cannot be seen from the side.

      I would probably splurge my money on best seat if it is a hit musical that I am really wanting to watch. But to just see/experience what the musical is all about, I'd be happy sitting at the back or dress circle and use the rest of the money for dinner elsewhere :)

      • Yeah, I agree with everything you said.

        Another thing I found is that the side front of some theatres are better than others. I always make a note of this when in theatres. (E.g. Whether there are big speakers located nearby, which can be deafening, and how much of the view is missing).

        If I really like a show and want to watch it for a second time, I might still go for side front when the price is right (huge discounts), in theatres where the sides are not too bad.

  • +2

    Once you've made a booking for a show you might be invited to go on the email list for the venue or the promoter. This will give you upcoming information for shows at that venue and sometimes shows run at other venues by the same promoter. These offers often give you access to seating before other members of the public and often at a discounted rate. This might help you out for future performances.

  • +4

    Booked this morning!

    A Saturday night.

    Found row E, works out to be 8 rows back from the stage and almost in the centre.

    Thanks for the advice! Definitely helped me.

    Naturally the Mrs will never find out I asked anyone for help and I managed to pick the best seats based on my own high I.Q and thinking process ;)

    • +1

      Haha … good thinking :-)

      Well, have a great special anniversary!

    • Hi BKZ, So how was it? Did the Mrs enjoy it?

      Now that it has been announced it is coming to Melb, the excitement is building.

      • +1

        Hi bluesky.

        It was an awesome night out. Seats were great! Your advice was perfect.

        Mrs loved every bit. I ended up breaking and telling her i found advice and b suggestions on ozbargain. Lol

        Would like to watch another soon but not sure whay at this point. Parrly to see the different theatres. Amazing seeing some of the stage actions and tricks

        • Glad to hear your good comments about it, and that you both enjoyed the show. Confirmed my thoughts that it would be a good show, and worth going. Thanks.

          But you should have played the hero and not mention OzB :-)

        • +2

          @bluesky:oh I'm always her hero.

          I thought the next time she tells me to stop wasting time I'll be able to say I'm on Ozb lookig out for some entertainment.

        • @BKZ: LOL.

  • Really bummed this is only in Sydney. Would love to see it. Anyone know if it's coming to Melbourne?

    • +1

      Not sure, but same boat as you, hoping it will come to Melbourne.
      My guess is probably yes, but they won't announce it until towards the end of the Sydney run. That way, (i) some will actually fly over and spend some tourist $, and (ii) perhaps they too, do not know yet, and want the show to run for as long as possible.

      Fingers crossed :-)

    • Your wish is my command …Aladdin is coming to Melbourne in April 2017 …

      Pretty elated with this news :-)

      Was getting concerned it will not transfer here … seriously planning to redeem flights to Sydney to catch this. But found Sydney hotels rather pricey … and started to debate if one might as well go to Broadway instead.

      Broadway means catching the brother (Adam Jacobs) as Aladdin, or Sydney, catching the sister (Arielle Jacobs) as Princess Jasmine. Both equally good prospect …

      But coming to Melbourne … best of all possible worlds! :-)

      • +1

        if you're a visa member, there's a presale available now for tickets to Melbourne

        • Thank you. Yes, I bought my tix yesterday via the presale :-)

        • +1


          same with me..

          seeing Book of Mormon in Feb, and then Aladdin in May..

        • @supasaiyan: Nice year :-) Hey, My Fair Lady coming in May sounds exciting too … So far dates released not suitable for me. But hope more will be released. Always liked that one … If I were a Sydneysider, I would watch it in Opera House - how exciting would that be, the ambiance etc. Oh well …

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