This was posted 8 years 7 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

KFC: 20 Pack Wicked Wings $13 (VIC)


When to see if I had any luck with this deal, no luck but found this instead.

Was at my local KFC in Sunshine Market Place VIC

*Not sure if available elsewhere.

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KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +10

    will give you a wicked waistline

    • +6

      Don't forget the wicked heart attack as well

    • +2

      your not wrong, 11500kj - thats 2750cals!

      • +8


        • That chicken has swag!

      • so only around 2000kj over the daily recommended.

        • So technically, assuming this is all you eat for 24 hours, it's not 'that' unhealthy ;)

          I kid of course…

      • Sweet. I am trying to bulkup. Sweet bargain~

      • It's actually not all that bad considering that the protein/fat count is 8g/8g. Eat 5 and share it between 5 people and you'll be fine!

    • Bulking

    • If anyone has bothered to click this obvious KFC link, you would not be the type that is worried about a waistline. YOLO.

    • These will give you wings more than Red Bull.

  • Can I get this with the $1 chips as well?

    • +1

      Of course.

    • No, you'll get locked up in prison if you do.

  • Only in VIC?

  • -4


    • -7


      • +7

        Sorry you had to finish your own joke, have a +

      • Better than the Nuggets

  • +2

    Lol shit. Lucky I didn't see this earlier.

    I went to Coles which was next to KFC and had to resist the colonel
    If I saw this deal before I did my shopping I would have ditched dinner plans and gorged myself

  • Sunshine Plaza? You mean Sunshine Market Place? You also might live steadily close to me as well.

  • +2

    Awesome! Better than the Maccas 9.95 24 nugget deal which I didnt realise already finished. At least this is real chicken!

      • +2

        you are a superstar in OzBargain aren't ya. "Real chicken" is a FACT. I don't see how chicken would be sourced from other yucky stuff.

  • +11

    Last time I had KFC a few months ago, I got really ill. I had swirling vision, wanted to puke and couldn't, and was too disoriented to get out of bed for about half a day the next day. I told myself I will never have KFC again.

    Looking at this deal it's making me want to go get some again. The hot & spicy is just way too delicious. I don't know how to and just can't resist. If anyone knows the psychology behind that I would be interested/grateful.

    The fat shaming used to work - can expect it at every KFC deals post, but it's not doing it any more.

    • It's the biology of fat and salt

    • Sounds like you had mild gastro.

    • I only have KFC 3 or 4 times a year but still cant help being jealous that we didnt get the same deal here in WA, gastro or no gastro

  • +1

    not avaliable at chirnside park VIC

  • Not available at one outside Werribee Plaza, Vic

  • +2

    These work amazing as a laxative - only down side is they only seem to work when you get the hot sauce in them and it burns on the way out.

    Oh yeah they taste pretty good too

  • +1

    "While stock lasts…"

    are they trying to get rid of bad batch?

  • +2

    The good thing about KFC is that it lubricates the bowels.

  • Not available at ashburton, Vic

    • Yeah. Ended getting 15 for $13.95 at KFC Ashburton tonight after visiting the pretty terrible (for me) Harvey Norman secret sale. I assume that was a normal price for 15.

  • Not available elsewhere in Vic it seems

  • Nope no luck

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