Checked my credit score through the free Credit Savvy service (Experian) and got a stunningly low 246! Veda's at 509. Checked the dashboard and it had 13 credit enquiries listed from 2011 onwards, but no other defaults etc.
Known factors:
-Last credit card payment was 2 days late because I plain forgot. No other late payments in past 5 years
-Moved back home with the folks 2 months ago after a year in an apartment (address change has an impact?)
-Churned 3 credit cards, closed two of them last week.
Reason for shock:
-All CC balances paid in full every month
-home loan paid on time every month
Just shocked at the super low score, was expecting that I'd be at maybe 600+.
A part of me is hating that I may have to cough up $80 to get the full credit report, and then potentially use it to correct errors. But what other options are there? Wait it out for a year? Might look at a home loan in the next year.
you should be able to a free credit report from both of them