• expired

Wish4This Bargain Tracking Software. Normally $5 Per Month Now FREE until End of August


We are launching our Beta software and need expression of interest

Normal price for this software will be $5 per month, but for beta testers it’s free for lifetime.
Our software tracks the product you’re interested in 24x7, and alerts you as soon as it drops in price or moves to free shipping.
Currently the software works on over 70% of websites, and growing fast! Including Amazon, Ebay and more.
Signup to our membership page HERE
Or browse our website HERE for more details.
You can also see our product screenshots HERE
Works with windows 7 and above. See you there!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Have you heard of price hipster?

  • Hi
    Yes we have. But these sites give you limited products, and choices. Our software will let you choose any product on over 70% of websites. We soon hope to have this up to 90%.


    • 70% ? How did you calculate that?

      How many no.s of websites are there on the web?

      • +9

        647% of all percentages are made up

        • +8

          … and 132% of people believe that. You can believe me; i'm a politician.

      • Most e-Commerce runs on third party platforms because it's easier to do that than making a new website from scratch.

        I don't know if this is how they calculate it but I can see it would be very easy to make scripts that use the same platform and then just give it a page and it knows where to scrape the price and shipping info from because it's a common platform.

    • "Any product" - i noticed on the site that it specifies two different colours of phone in the screenshots for e.g. Say I don't care about the colour and I simply want the best price on that phone. And then say I want to follow maybe a 16gb phone but the 8gb price is dropped dramatically. Will it notify me? Or would I need to track each phone/colour/gb?

      • It will track what ever product, description, and price you enter. If changing the colours changes any of these, then yes each colour should be able to be tracked.

  • Free for life……

  • +1

    I am intrigued. It would have to be getting some decent discounts to warrant paying $60 a year for, i.e discounts that I couldn't find simply by visiting OzB or a 2minute Google search

    Without having to re-explain your entire site and any FAQs etc, what sets it apart? Is it just tracking historical prices from major stores?

    • +3

      also, why the need to install a software? Why not just a web service?

      • This is what I was wondering. I'm hesitant to install software when it seems you don't need to for the many free services.

        • +1

          This is a good question. When getting this idea developed, the software engineers recommended it would work better with software installed.
          If this is a much preferred option, i will raise this point with my engineers and look at moving that direction.
          Thanks again!

        • +3

          @Wish4This: "It would work better with software installed" is too general a claim. I'm guessing the installed app checks for price updates while it stays running, and you don't have a cloud-based service doing the checking? There are pros and cons either way, but for a product like this making it a Windows executable is a step into the past. You're cutting out everybody on other platforms: Android, iOS, Mac, Linux.

          Credentials: I'm a software dev, and have built apps for desktop and mobile, web and cloud, frontend and backend. Not looking for work.

        • @robertp:

          Sorry I missed this post. Your correct, and we are migrating over to browser as we speak. No more software :)


  • +2


    Just signed up, however, you said

    free for lifetime.

    whereas upon signup it says
    "Congrats, you have received 12 months free pro version of Wish4This. We will notify you as soon as our product goes live"

    • +5

      Maybe they only anticipate being around for 12 months ?

      • …or perhaps they will kill everyone who signs up after 12 months?

    • 12 months after you try it a sweaty man comes to your house and bops you on the head

    • Register and learn that you'll die in 12 months …fml

  • Yep, I agree with @creeps_bay, you say "free for lifetime" but signup message says "12 months free pro version …".

    Which is it?

    And this looks something like camelcamelcamel, which tracks the pricing on Amazon.

  • I was just about to sign up, when I saw this:

    "Great, looks like you made is just in time for our Beta Pro version! Sign up, and we will be in touch shortly.
    You will also be sent the latest software updates over the 12 month period."

    I thought you said free for life?
    Why does it say software updates for 12 month period?

  • Hi
    Thanks for the questions.
    creeps_bay - We visited 100 sites, and 70% of them worked. But your question has a good point :)

    albanyson/creeps_bay - I will update this on the website right away, thanks for pointing that out. We have decided to move beta testers to free for life.

    Jellykingdom - Imagine how many products you could track. And how often a product can drop $100 or more. You can easily make $5 a month with our software. We will also be offering a money back guarantee. If you find a site that your often buy from, you can track those products. If for some reason the software does not work on that particular site, let us know and we will do our best to make it work for you.

    • +1

      Dude you can't pick 100 sites and go oh look it works for 70 of them … 70%.

      100 sites is a small sample size.
      But even worse you don't pick the sites at random.

      • Ok, that's fair. We will test 1000 and let you know. We are testing the main commerce sites first.

        • Best response ever. lol

  • Please wait while I respond to the other questions. Yes ITS FREE for life for you guys. I am updating this now.

  • -1

    There are over 1 billion websites.

    Are you saying you support 700,000,000 sites?

    $5/month LOL HAHAHAHA

    I mean it's an interesting idea I'll admit, but this deal looks shady.

  • Fruit, why would it look shady ?
    Its a money back guarantee like I said. If you feel the software is not working for you, get your money back. Also, its costing you nothing as a beta tester.

    • -1

      Just a gut feeling, the over use of bold, all caps "HERE" 3 times, and the name "wish4this" makes me feel dirty.

      • :) sorry that it makes you feel that way. My marketing skills are not my strength I admit. Thanks for your interest.

        • -1

          No problem, it's just my honest and crude opinion.

  • Have changed the beta signup to free for life.


  • signed up, thanks

    • Thanks!

  • I am willing to give it ago. If you can provide a service that the OzB crowd are happy with, then it will likely be useful to all. They are a tough crowd to please though, but perhaps the best for beta testing if you want lots of feedback.

    Nick, when going to the page from the "Go to Deal' link here, Trend Micro blocks the page and states it is a "Dangerous Page". I am sure this is a false reading, but it would pay to sort this out with them (especially before you go live).

    Let me know if you want the screen shot sent to you directly.

    • Getting blocked here too by trend micro

  • Hi OzyBe,
    Thanks for your feedback. Your right I need as much feedback as possible at this stage, as its very early development.
    I will look into the trend micro block. Not sure why this is happening. Yes a screen shot would be helpful.

    • Similarly Norton blocks the site - on the "detailed report" lists threat as:
      "Annoyance factors:
      Items that don't necessarily do harm, but are a nuisance, such as joke programs or a site that isn't what it seems."

      • Thanks, i am looking into this.

  • +3

    Geez why is everybody being so critical and rude. Granted this doesn't look very polished but its a nice idea and its still a work in progress. Starting a business isn't easy and we should support and respect people who take such risks.

    Signed up (though i'm currently on MacOS).. All the best!

    • Exactly my my feeling. A business idea isn't going to be perfect, getting beta testers is really a step in polishing the business model as well as product.

      Felt like OP gets a lot of hit for offering free service

  • +1

    Thanks Edrenalin for the support, much appreciated :)
    Yes it's very early development, and i need people like you to test.
    We will develop for the MAC, if not we may move to web service first.


    • No problem :)

      I would suggest getting a web service in place first/asap. I honestly think you will have little/no traction going with a desktop application. If you need help or advise with web/mobile application development just PM me as I work in that space.

      • Thank you :) If my software engineers struggle with this field I may just do that.

  • Currently the software checks updates on websites every 30 mins. So you should be notified within 30 mins of the price dropping.

  • Will it notify me if Kim Kardashian's pants are dropped?

    • +5

      Only if it's worth something :P

  • Not something I'd pay for. I think you'd do a lot better if you focused on ads or referral links. Having a subscription runs counter to the idea of saving money as far as I'm concerned. Some users will be ok with it, but I think you substantially reduce your market and there's other ways to get notifications of deals, one being this very site.

    • Thanks if we have to the traffic, then ads may be a good alternative.

      • +3

        The other thing is developing this as a desktop application seems like a terrible idea to me. A lot of my 'bargain' checking is done on the fly when I'm at the shops from mobile devices. A web based app would be compatible with all devices regardless of where I am. I can't ever install this on my work PC and if it's Windows only, lacking mobile support is another deal breaker and that's ignoring the fact I mainly use a Mac at home or sometimes an iPad. OzBargain and sites like App Shopper can all do similar things from a browser.

        Maybe my usage doesn't match everyone, but I think a desktop client is very limiting especially if you're maintaining an online database anyway (presumably?)

        • Very good points. I will push to see if we can move this to an online service shortly.

  • +1

    So you need a windows PC to run this?
    One small problem you have is that the number of home users with windows PC's at home which they use even several times a week is dwindling. If you had an android/IOS app, then that'd do it.

    I've had windows PC for 25+yrs, but my current laptop only gets powered on several times a month. I'm not sure people would want this running on the media centre PC?

  • +2

    Yes, we are looking at starting IOS/Andriod development later this year.

  • seems dodgy if i need to install a app on my comp

  • +4

    Just some warnings about this site.

    • The entire site is unencrypted, your username/password is unprotected.
    • The site runs on WordPress. You can enter W4TB's Dashboard with this simple procedure. Log out from W4TB, log in from the WP box presented on screen. Not sure what damages I can do but I am not interested.

    Incompetent fools.

    • So like 90% of other WP sites then.

      • Hi,
        Yes the site is built on WordPress. I will have an SSL certificate used within 24 hours. Thanks for pointing it out.

        • Hopefully you guys salt your passwords and look after your WP plugins…

  • +1

    Shouldn't need to run download an application for this junk. Any modern service should be able to run from a Web browser

  • Hi
    Yes it could run from a browser. One of the main reason why we used software was because its easier to copy and paste information from the product page. But we will review this and possibly move to browser.

  • +1

    I just want to say, a big THANK YOU, for the beta tester signups. Over 250 in the last hour.
    We will do our best to support you guys, and give you the quality product that you want.


  • If you do make some of the changes suggested, like moving to a web interface, it would be great if you could post it as a bargain again. In its current form, I'm not interested in the service and I'm probably not going to be keeping track of its progress. It's great that you seem very receptive to people's feedback though, and I hope the service ends up becoming something that can bring about better bargains for ozbargain in the future.

  • Thanks Dave! Good luck in the future.

  • +2

    The amount of ungrateful whingers on here is amazing. Good on you OP for having a go.

  • Thanks for your support Hardya.

  • Our developers have already started integrating our software into the browser. It should be ready within a week. I will let you know and the beta testers that have signed up of course as soon as it's available.
    Thanks for the valuable feed back.


  • I'll give it a go.

    TBH I dont think I'd make $5 a month back from it. Not even close compared to the usual google/ozbargain/staticice, which I find easy enough. I'm into electronics etc, which are infrequent purchases that are very easy to bargain hunt for.

    There is some utility in price monitoring for odds and ends though. Doesn't suit me personally, but I can see the benefit.

    Ad supported could be a good idea. I think there will be many like me who wouldn't pay a membership. I guess you'll have to work out the best route.

  • Well, I did sign up.
    Will see how it goes…

  • Thanks guys! We will do our best. Your success is our success.


  • I really am waiting for the web part of the monitoring stuff to be set up.
    The software install doesn't sound too great.

  • Hi guys
    To install the SSL certificate for signup up we had to move hosting to a static IP. Which means some may not be able to reach the site for a while. If you cannot please try again later today.
    Sorry for the inconvenience we was not expecting that.
    Thanks for your support.


  • I just tried…and I can get on OK.

  • Yes we are still getting signups, but I cannot access currently :)

  • Sounds like a solid product, once this is a web app I will be using this regularly.
    Thanks :)

  • Your welcome and thanks for the nice feed back :)


  • Hi guys!
    The website is now fully propagated and SSL working for the whole site. This should fix some of the warnings as well.


    • I just logged in again….

      Where are the new product pages, etc?
      I can't seem to be able to do anything useful yet on the website.

      • :)
        Its in progress. We are still moving our software from PC, to web based. I will email out to the beta testers once its up live on the site.


  • Can anyone confirm its https now? I think we may have cache issue.

    • Yes, it is HTTPS now.

  • Thanks

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