Clive Peeters Calls in The Administrators


  • cheap liquidation stock! yay!

  • Cant Wait :)

  • Wow seriously I think you only had to walk through a store to wonder if this was coming. They had staff galore and not so many actual customers. Plus their prices weren't really as attractive as their competitors.

  • Service was shite, vowed I would never shop there again.

  • +1

    The parking at the Ringwood store is shocking.Nearly had a few accidents when I was there.
    It's the parking lot design.Very bad fung shui.Because of that I never shop at CP anymore and the prices aren't competitive and the customer service is very poor.

    • Yes, that'll teach businesses to ignore Feng Shui at their peril. :)

      But seriously a lot of Feng Shui is just common sense. I guess some architects don't have it.

      • I dont think Feng Shui existed in 1971 when the Ringwood store was built!!!!

        • are you serious? or just seriously ignorant?
          Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years … as in since 4000BC

          • @Car-la-la: Nope just ignorant!

            Think back to 1971, in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, and just how many residents were practising Feng Shui.


            Some people .. I swear :)

  • This is why Clive Peeters is going into administration. What a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

    • lol

      I would be more worried about them if they were selling it for $15.98

    • Obviously a misprint. Now $2598 I could understand… ;-))

    • hahah made my day

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