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FREE Power Banks @ Victorian State Library 5:15pm Today - Origin Energy [VIC Only]


Quote from the company's FB page "Battles draining all your battery? We'll be at the State Library this Wednesday from 5.15pm with a free powerpack so you can charge your phone. Tag a friend who needs a power up!"

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (33)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (573)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • +7

    epic, now I need a quick flight to Melbourne, anyone have any tickets?


    • +10

      im glad you said jk.

      Otherwise I would of thought you were serious, and this may have affected my life.

      • +3

        are you jk?

        • +6

          No, he is not Jeff Kennet

      • It's "wood of thought", not "would of thought".

  • +4

    are these to use only or are they actually giving them out to keep?

    • +2

      Considering I can buy them, retail, for less than $0.50…. I'd say keep.

      From buyincoins, the 'case' including the circuit is often about $0.30.
      The recycled LiPo batteries (usually taken out of failed laptop packs) are $0.10, or 'new ones' for about $0.80c

      It's origin energy…. even if they WEREN'T writing these off to 'advertising', they can afford a dollar per person :P

      Whats funny, is the brand name printing probably cost them the most…..

      • +6

        That price seems too cheap given they've been eye gouging us with their electricity prices.

      • The recycled LiPo batteries (usually taken out of failed laptop packs) are $0.10, or 'new ones' for about $0.80c

        I'd definitely like to see a link to where those prices can be paid. I am keen to purchase some 18650s for a project.

        • They're not consistent, you need to keep an eye out.
          Its from BuyInCoins; usually theres a minimum order of 1000 or so to reach those prices; they 'bulk' price drop is ridiculous with them.

          If you're feeling a bit more hands on, go to your local Ex-Gov computer location and ask for failed laptop batteries :P works a charm!
          Im yet to find more than a single dead cell out of usually 12.

      • looks like they just wacked a sticker on it

    • They've clarified in the Facebook comments that 'you get to keep it'.

  • looks like $5?

    • +3

      ha!, more like 5mah

      • +3

        the irony of a shit power company giving away cheap shit china unreliable power banks…

        • +8

          Wouldnt the irony only exist if one WASN'T shit?

  • +2

    Only 350 available! It will be ozbargained in just few minutes I believe.

  • +1

    If they do not show up as pokemons, noone will notice. Everyone is glued to their phones in front of the library

    • Trust me bro, "Power Bank" is the other word that can wake up a PoGo player :P

      • +3

        A cable running from a pocket to the phone is the sign of a true Pokemon master.

  • How many friends do I need to build a Tesla Powerwall from these?

  • -4

    Good work…You stole my mate's picture

    • +13

      That'd be Origin, not me

    • +5

      I suspect your mate stole the picture from origin. ;)

    • +4

      Your mate has the most Vietnamese name possible.

  • +1

    Zomg win win guys, we get to catch pokemon at ze library too!!

  • +1

    It'll probably give you a 10% charge boost… but hey its free right?

  • A battery that size.. will give you 5 minutes :p
    Time taken to get the battery is more than 5 minutes.

    This doesn't make sense!

    You're better off heading home to get your charger or plugging in a USB cable somewhere.

    • +2

      There are power points in the library

  • another reason to move to Melbourne

  • +13

    what is this?! a powerbank for ants???

  • +1

    OH NO! i just payed $19.95 for a 10000mah power pack off ebay and now theyre giving one away for free?!!

    • +7

      Relax, yours has 1000x more capacity

  • Been here since 520 (530 now) but I can't find them??

    Anyone got it?

    Edit: found the one guy at 530 handing them out and I just missed out. They must have had very few as there's hardly anyonearound holding a power bank :\

    • +4

      I was there at 5.27. Saw some teenagers with origin hat being surrounded by other teenagers in black outfit. Remembering my age, I given up and chose to lookout for another xiaomi deals posted here.

      • +1

        surrounded by other teenagers in black outfit.

        The black outfits were actually school kids dressed in blazers, who were the majority of those gathering around.

  • -1

    :< Unhappy, on power bank in SA

  • +1

    Yeah, they only have few… I was queuing there but the lady changed direction and face the other direction.

    So I didn't get it even though I was there from 5.15pm.

    They only want it for the promotion with video. Some people got it as soon as they got there without queuing.

  • must have been ozbargained by the iphone users :)

  • +16

    I was there at 5:17 (I think) and joined the large mob that surrounded the people handing them out.

    It got messy real quick as there were no queues and wanted everyone to take a pic of the event and share it on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter with a hastag (that I can't remember now). As a true OzBargainer, I didn't have mobile data and I couldn't be bothered to sign into the free wi-fi, so I decided to shuffle towards the black-hatted men and women anyway. Thankfully, I still got one by simply showing the picture of the mob on my phone.

    Not even 5 minutes elapsed.

    I got one and went on my merry way back home by train, spotting others talking about the promotion and preceding to remove the paper sticker that branded the un-branded powerbanks.

    Here's the mob at 5:17pm, before I lined up
    and the powerbank itself, split cable included.

    Oh yeah, the powerbank has a capacity of 2200mAh

    • Hmm. Not bad actually. Not bad

    • kinda looks like the ones from harvey norman for $5…..

    • It was crazy crowded! No lines or anything. We got there at 5pm, sneaked in from the side :P The boys in uniform are from MHS. Won't do that again, being little I was almost crushed!

  • NSW now pleasee

  • Looks like they're doing this again, 5:15pm today.

  • And I went in again today, same time and location as yesterday.

    Managed to wait next to a black-hatted person, where she waited for the bag of powerbanks to arrive. In the meantime, she checked all out phones to ensure pics were taken and hashtags punched in. I decided to proceed like I did yesterday - take pic and only show said pic. Once that's done, she hailed another, stating that we were good to receive them.

    As I grabbed mine, I easily turned around - which was a surprise. It seemed like the crowd hasn't noticed just yet and there weren't that much of a mob.

    Not even 3 minutes elapsed (new record!).

    The one I got was slightly different in that it had the word "POWERBANK" embossed into the plastic casing, missing from yesterday's one. I believe that Origin got their powerbanks from two (or more) different suppliers to make up for the demand.

    • Far out, had I known they make you take a photo and tag people in it on FB to get the powerbank I wouldn't have bothered to make my way there at all. Knowing my luck, that would have asked me to load up FB to show them I actually posted it.

      Giving them that kind of PR is worth a lot more than the powerbank!

      • had I known they make you take a photo and tag people in it on FB to get the powerbank I wouldn't have bothered to make my way there at all.

        I didn't upload/tag the picture at all (as I had no internet access on my phone). They handed one to me anyway.

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