This was posted 8 years 7 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Amazon Drive Free Unlimited Storage for 3 Months ($100 Per Year Thereafter)

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Nearly pooped myself when I read this just now at lunch.

Amazon is offering free unlimited storage with a 3 month trial here in Oz.

The speil from the Gizmodo article that tipped me off to this is as follows:

For $100 a year Amazon Drive now has an unlimited online storage plan — you can upload “an infinite amount” amounts of photos, videos, movies, music and other files to be securely stored and available for download at its original size and resolution.
There’s a free three-month trial on offer for Aussies, too.

You can auto-save all of the photos and videos from your phone, back up all of the content on your computer, and access any of your content at full resolution from nearly any device.

David Nenke, Director of Amazon Drive says the plan means customers don’t need to worry about storage space.

“Most people have a lifetime of photos from birthdays, holidays, family occasions, and everyday moments stored across numerous devices. And they don’t know how many gigabytes of storage they need to back all of them up,” said Nenke.

Beginning today, you can start using unlimited online storage for free with a three-month trial, or if you are an existing Amazon Drive customer you can change your plan by signing into your Amazon Drive accounts and selecting the “free Unlimited Storage trial”.

Gizmodo site says $100 per yer thereafter but the website itself says $59.99 USD.

EDIT$100 a year confirmed got THIS MESSAGE when I signed up

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closed Comments

  • I wonder how the speed compares to Google Drive and other storage providers.

    • Good point.
      I've been a big fan of Office 365 subscriptions even after the axing of the 'unlimited' storage.
      Will be interesting comparing both services side-by-side over the next 3 months as I've got 2 years stacked up in the M$ subscription.

      If this is a strong service…there's gonna be some awkward conversations with my US based family that I'm sharing 5 accounts with.

      • Hey kfuerza, it's off topic, but may I ask how you share your office 365 plan with them? I thought you can't share it with people overseas. I've got family in Europe that could use mine too.

  • CrashPlan offers unlimited for A$69.30/year

    • +1

      Crashplan also doesn't scan your files for copyrighted material.

      I know it should be encrypted anyway.. but the the principal of the thing.

      I currently have 31TB on Crashplan :)

      • +1

        Appreciate that insight as well. Haven't had a look at Crashplan in a while.

      • I'm just kicking off a 6TB upload to crashplan, great info!

    • Backblaze is also unlimited US$50 a year. ~AUD$67.

      • +1

        Backblaze is quite a bad service for multiple reasons.

    • +1

      Crashplan is slightly different service. Crashplan back ups your PC (and your PC only).
      Amazon storage will allow you upload stuff from wherever, does not have to be your PC.
      For example if you are on a holiday you can upload fotos while still on your way.
      Also if you happen to have faster connection to the Internet at work, you can upload your videos from there from a portable HDD, rather than spent 2 weeks uploading from home over 1 or 2 Mbps ADSL/Cable.

  • Can you continue to access your uploaded files after the trial has ended?

    • I'm guessing you lose them all unless you subscribe.

      That's the thing with these online drives. it's very very hard to move away from them, especially in Oz where the internet speeds are slow.

    • +3

      What happens to my content and storage after 90 days if I don’t pay for a subscription?

      If your trial has ended and you did not pay for a subscription, you have 90 days after the last day of the free trial, during which you can pay for your plan and access the full benefits of Amazon Drive. During this 90-day period, you cannot upload new content, but you can view and download your existing stored content.

      If you choose not to pay for a subscription, after 90 days your Amazon Drive account will be disabled and your content will be permanently deleted from Amazon Drive storage. This will NOT affect any other Amazon accounts that you may have.

  • +2

    I will look at this when I get NBN. Too bad the NBN I am supposed to get is HFC though, so probably not great upload speeds.

    • In my experience, HFC (Telstra cable) has better upload and download rates than ADSL.

      • +9

        Saving shit onto 1.44" disks and then riding your bike to drop them off in San Francisco has better upload rates than ADSL.

    • If you already have your stuff elsewhere (Google Drive, One Drive etc) can do it for you. Was free last time I used it but see it's now $20. Took a few hours to transfer 140GB. I went from Google Drive to OneDrive and then came back to Google Drive and it all worked well.

    • HFC is not that bad. I have FTTP NBN now and it is slower than docsis 3 cable modem I had when in Canada last year. I was getting 250 down / 20 up in Toronto last year. docsis 3.1 modems are doing 1gb down / 50 up too

      • So I'm well into my backup (20TB) and getting close to 300GB per day uploaded. Not sure what that translates to in MB/S.

  • Where did you get $100/yr figure? I am seeing $59.99 USD which works out to about 80 AUD.

    • Quoted from the Gizmodo article.
      Also, see edit a the bottom of the description with screenshot of pricing when I signed up just now.

    • I suspect the $us60 is for the US based service.
      $au100 is the for the Australian based service.

      If so, the extra $20/yr might be better for speeds as you're not limited by the international links, especially when uploading.

  • +2

    I'd say this uses S3 IA or S3 RRS based storage in the background. Either way it's quick as balls so I wouldn't worry about speed.

  • So…i need the SEPARATE Amazon photos app to auto-magically backup photos from my phone?
    That's not very impressive…

    • +7

      It's definitely no Pied Piper

      • +5

        Let me take a step back and explain how this Amazon cloud service works.

        What did you have for breakfast today? Scrambled eggs?

        And what's in the eggs? Electrons!
        And we all know how electrons exist in orbitals. Multivalent states? No?

        Okay bad example, that's on me.

        • Clearly…you too have had glorious AWS conversations.

  • Is there an easy way to move lots of data from Dropbox to Amazon Drive? (apart from using my PC to download and re-upload)

    • +2, see comments above.

  • Is the only way to access the content then through Amazon clients?

    • There's a web page

  • From their FAQs it seems to only support certain file types and they don't specify what these are - they refer you to check the help in their app:

    "What qualifies as a photo? video? document?

    Amazon Drive supports most photo, video and document formats. Learn more about supported file types in the Amazon Drive Help Centre, under “Your Amazon Drive Account”.

    So I presume this means I can't just dump a whole NAS full of all sorts of stuff onto their servers. Which would make it pretty useless for me.

    • In the help files

      You can upload photo and video formats not listed below, but previews of those files may not be available in Amazon Drive

      I just created an account and tried uploading an exe file and it worked fine.

      • Can you just select an entire NAS drive and tell it to back it up? Or do you have to select files and folders or particular file types?

        If I can do the former then I'm interested.

        • It might be a couple of days until I can try that, I only used the web page to test it. When I do I can update this post.

          If it's anything like the Dropbox program then you'll have to create a link (can't remember if it's a hard link or soft link) to connect to your NAS share.

  • Does this use CDN to view the data? E.g i upload from oz but relatives in USA view the data from AWS West Coast if they are in LAX?

    • I'd seriously assume so. It's Amazon. If anyone knows how to do cloud storage right, it's them.

  • +2

    I've been using Amazon cloud drive for a few months with a US account. I'm using duplicity to backup encrypted backups and haven't had any issues. I'm getting pretty good speeds too and uploading at 2-3 Mb/s on 100/40Mbps NBN. I was using OneDrive but switched after they scrapped unlimited. Highly recommend cloud drive!

    • Presume you mean 2-3 MB/s?

      • Which would be 16-24 Mbps. Still not saturated, but not bad.

        • Could it be the ISP?

          I have used their unlimited cloud storage for 8 months and consistently backup at 32-36Mbps on my 100/40 using the Amazon Cloud desktop app.

      • Yes, MB/s.

  • Can Amazon or any of these cloud backup providers supply a server name and address so I could just run the backup from my NAS?

    I'm thinking this would be preferable to having a client app run from a PC or laptop which would have to read the NAS data before uploading to the cloud.

    • ReadyNAS (NetGear) and l believe Q-Nap both have native apps that allow you to backup straight to Amazon Drive.

      • Hmm. I'm on Synology. Wonder if there's an app for that. Will have a look.

        Edit: looks like Cloud Sync will do it. I think I'll give Amazon a try.

  • I've just switched FROM Amazon Photos (part of Amazon Drive) to Google Photos (backing up roughly 200GB).

    Google Photos is a much cheaper (free if you let Google resize any image over 16MP) and better service.

    But if you're storing more than photos, I couldn't fault Amazon, speed was fantastic and their website/app and API were pretty easy to use.

    • we'll see what Google does. they already offer 1Tb/Unlimited for $us10/mth

  • I've been using Backblaze B2 for a few months. It's been really cheap and easy to use. Half a cent per GB.

    Use with Duplicati and it's set and forget:

    • Have you needed to restore yet? How reliable is it?

  • Just sent off an email to confirm whether data will only be stored on Australian servers or overseas.

    BTW - good look at amazon:

    • +1

      *"I regret to inform you that we do not have information regarding the locations of Amazon drive servers.

      Because of security reasons the location of the servers has not been disclosed. I apologize for the disappointment caused."*

    • Was wondering that myself.

      I've got a US Amazon account so wondering if my drive is actually US based.

      Wonder if there's a way to check?

  • Dunno what's going on here but the sign up links take me to When I login with my account there it doesn't offer the unlimited plan.

    How do I get it to sign me up for Aus?

    I even signed in to and (I already have accounts on both) and when I click on Drive it again takes me to the UK site to sign up.

    Different browser - same thing.

    • Using an existing account? Could be that it's linked to the UK and you'd have to update it.

      • I have amazon accounts in the UK, AUS and US. It looks like they are all linked somehow (I tried changing email address on one and it affected the others).

        But now this seems to be preventing me signing up for Drive anywhere other than in the UK site. Dunno how to resolve.

        • Might be stating the obvious but would suggest you contact their support if you're serious ;)

        • @dynamike:

          I have. Waiting for them to get back to me.

          Just wondered if anyone else experiencing the same.

        • I had the same issue - had to create a new account (different email address).

        • @snoo:

          Never got anywhere with Amazon so I've done the same.

        • @gadgetguy:

          Yep I never got anywhere either. I think the best advice with Amazon is to never use the same email address in different countries.

        • @snoo:

          Agreed. I expect it will now be difficult to unlink them.

  • Thanks!

    Works with Odrive & I was getting ~10mbps up all night.

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