What Race or Nationality or Cultural Heritage Leads You to OzBargain?

Have you ever heard of that joke about a Chinese or a Jew or an Indian or Arabic, about how cheap or whichever one is cheaper?

I was waiting with other 30-40 people at hurstville station for the clock to tick 9:00:00 am. The opal fees is cheaper by 30% if u tap after 9am. And I'm very certain 99% is Asian. Perhaps also because this suburb is aka Chinatown.

So what is your cultural background? I myself is South East Asian Chinese. My culture is a fusion of Chinese and Western culture, due to living in this country for a few decades.

Please respect each other, every culture have their own plus and minus, our diversity makes us perfect. This is by no mean to undermine anyone background, but to respect and appreciate them. Please don't mention any discriminative association.

Apologies in advance if you are offended by my post.

Poll Options

  • 13
    Chinese background
  • 6
    Indian background
  • 2
    Jew background
  • 2
    Arabic background
  • 18
    European background
  • 1
    South American background
  • 3
    Native Australian
  • 0
  • 5


  • +5

    You might be interested in this old post by a very attractive and charismatic OzBargainer that polls first languages:

    • Good find, rather different however, I have Chinese heritage, but can't speak the language…
      But my culture is definitely Chinese, although has become a bit more Western (Aussie).

    • attractive and charismatic

      You are talking about yourself. Lol but I guess I agree

  • How about did you grow up poor….

    • I think most stuff in OzBargain aren't cheap… They are like top of the range smartphones, computers, gadget, and sometimes cars.
      Rarely I see items for poor people.

      I think we just want the best deals for ourselves. Best bang for buck, why pay extra for the same item? With the excepton of those with infinite amount of money, this is probably true no matter how rich you are

      • No criticism here, just referencing what is more of a criteria for people to visit sites like this.

        Its why you'll see two people earning the same amount of money but one never has any savings and the other has and is here all the time. The back ground of not having is a great motivator.

  • Please explain

  • I'm from Miserland.

  • +1

    European background

    Well I guess those from Britain can't say that anymore ;)

    • We can for another couple of years!

  • +2

    Where's Convict Australian option?

    • +1

      That would probably be British, so European, I think

      • Going back 200 years feels like a stretch :P

      • Yeah, my family goes back to the first boat people (he stole a bunch of silverware from a house, his two accomplices were hanged) even though we've been here for several generations now, when people ask, I still say European background.

        I'd say his mentality of not wanting to pay for things has been passed down through genetics and that's why I'm on this site.

        • I had a European culture friend, that swears by buying full price, and despise those that look for bargain.

          He doesn't mind paying a discount, but won't look for it on purpose.

          He says I'm cheap.

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