This was posted 8 years 7 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Humble 2K Bundle 2 $1/$8/$15 USD (Battleborn + CIV V + Borderlands Pre-Sequel + Other 2K Games)


Humble 2K Bundle 2

All prices are USD I believe

$1+ Tier
Spec Ops: The Line
Darkness II
Duke Nukem Forever

$8+ Tier+
Above games plus the following:
Civilisation V
NBA 2K16
Mafia II Digital Deluxe Edition
Battleborn Summer Skin Pack
Battleborn Starter Skin Pack
Freedom Force
Freedom Force VS The Third Reich
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Railroad Tycoon 3

$15 Tier
Battleborn platinum currency (230 coins)
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Pay $1 or more to receive 10% off Humble monthly for new subscribers
Pay $1 or more for 40% off of XCOM 2

First deal so if anything needs to be changed please feel free to tell me

Related Stores

Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • +22

    Jeeze Battleborn must be doing rough if it's already down to $15 USD, Overwatch clearly won that battle.

    • +13

      Overwatch was born to win that battle.

      • +2

        If I see that ad one more damn time I'm going to hurt somebody.

      • +4

        One might even say that, overwatch was battleborn.

      • +1

        Only because of the word "Blizzard" being attached to Overwatch.

        • no.

    • Rough is being kind. Looking at the steam stats:

      Last 30 Days 617.54 average people per day at a peak of 1323 players.

      Yeah, thats not good at all. And its declining every week.

      • +1


        I heard it was pretty decent as well.

        • I play Battleborn (ps4 though) and its a great game, yeah. It has a decent number on console, PC is flailing, it had optimization issues on PC but they fixed it. I paid full price and I actually don't regret it one bit.

  • +8

    Spec and Darkness 2 for a buck is decent. DN is pretty rubbish so just consider the first 2 at 50c each and they threw in DN for free so you don't feel you've paid for it.

    • +3

      Spec is amazing

    • +1

      DN is pretty rubbish

      Not even worth a buck? I've played everything else, was thinking of getting the pack for just Duke Nukem, see what all the controversy was about :)

      • +1

        You could always gift the keys to someone.

      • +1

        As someone who played & loved the original dukes (Duke 1, 2 & 3D)… even though DNF was super delayed, and had some shitty load times.. i felt like it was still decent to play just for the nostalgic value if anything. Definitely worth a buck if you were a duke fan imo.

      • +1

        It's worth it just to play with the poop in the bathroom. Everything is downhill from there though.

      • +1

        It was horrid. It felt awful. It was terrible.

        No, no, no. Not worth $1.

        And yes I played everything since Duke Nukem 1 (actually, not Manhattan). And I finish most games I start. I did not finish DN, it felt like it went on "forever".

  • +1

    it's Borderlands: Pre-Sequel ;)

    • Cheers!

  • +1

    No bioshock, much sadness (probably because of the HD re-release)

    • +1

      "HD" re-release? :psy:

      Bioshock1 was already "HD".

  • +3

    Heads up that people are saying that Battleborn will probably go F2P at this point.

    Best value is probably the $1 tier as both Civ V and Borderlands: Pre Sequel benefit greatly from DLC, of which would account for a significant amount extra after oaying the BTA price.

    Spec Ops: The Line for $1 is a great deal.

    • +1

      $1 looks great but i don't know if i want to spend the $1 and add to the library i've never played.
      damn you ozb.

  • $7 one is very nice

  • Individual keys or tierd keys?

    I got half the tier 2 games already.

    • +2


      • Cheers mate. Looks like they get my money then.

  • Is NBA2K16 worth it? I love NBA but heard this one was really bad (pay to win).

    • +1

      I don't think it's very well optimised for PC last I saw, don't know about p2w though

      • +2

        It's very much pay to win in the multiplayer side of things in the MyTeam (Card style game) and to a certain extent in the MyPlayer side of the game however it does run well on PC as far as the single player side of things. Multiplayer is dead on PC, it's rare to ever find a match and when you do it is laggy.

        But if you like a game against the PC, it's a good game.

        • +1

          I stand corrected then, last I saw the steam reviews was a while ago

        • @JMxoxo:
          I did the only thing an Ozbargainer should, I bought anyway.

    • +1

      Nah, it's free on PSN+

  • quick question - is there a way to sell any unwanted steam games/keys?

    • Could try Kinguin but I usually just post them in PC groups

      • thanks JMxoxo will have a look :)

    • 100℅ against humble terms and conditions.

      • To give away keys? Or selling? I assumed selling might be but didn't know

    • +1

      There's a site,, which you can use to trade for other steam games. I've never had any issues with it, and it's pretty easy to use.

    • Against the HB terms and conditions. Could result in keys revoked and ban. Better to trade for other games as that is allowed. See comment above. is great.
      If you want to trade Borderlands I am happy to trade as well. ;-)

    • +1

      Give them away on r/pcmasterrace for dem sweet Reddit upvotes :)

  • +4

    Can't help but feel a little bad for Battleborn.

    • I don't. I was part of the beta and maybe played an hour - it was just garbage. If they made that abomination to compete with Overwatch then they got #reckt.

      • +1

        Respectfully, as a Battleborn player with 100+ hours played, one hour is really not enough to give it any kind of a chance. You don't even get to play 70% of the characters after one hour because they're locked. Matches in the Beta were 35 minutes long. So you did two matches? Yeah. Wow.

        If I did two matches of Overwatch and was like, 'its garbage,' people wouldn't really take me seriously.

        They actually had the idea before Overwatch, it was never intended to compete. If you've really played it, you'd know its completely different. Its more like Monday Night Combat.

        Overwatch is fun but BB is just as good, but different. I've played both way longer than an hour.

  • +1

    Anyone here thinking about purchasing Battleborn and Borderlands: Pre-sequel? Just Wondering if it's worth purchasing them at the price…any thoughts, I can't seem to decide?

    • +1

      Yep, I got the pack mainly for Borderlands. Cheapest on Steam has been US$15.99. So big bonus to get some quality in the other games like Civ, Spec Ops and Mafia II in there.

      • Looks like it's been as low as US$9.99 on Humble before.

    • +3

      Hey. I play Battleborn, I've played 100+ hours in it. I got it after playing the beta. I enjoy it, and I paid for the Digital Deluxe version, and I have absolutely no regrets I paid full price. Its a lot of content at that price. The game really tickles me. Its silly, its funny, and I like bashing peoples heads in.

      But a couple things to consider:

      So Battleborn is a FPS Brawler-Style MOBA. It also has an 8 mission campaign mode, which can be soloed or grouped. The campaign is a little bit weak at times, but I found them entertaining. There are some really funny parts, but they do have silly humor. There are 26 characters, all with a different kit, with a 27th character coming next month.

      So PVP on the other hand has 3 modes, a defense mode, an escort mode, and a capture mode. Each mode has 3 different maps, total of 9 PVP arenas.

      It differs from Overwatch in a lot of ways in PVP. For one thing, it's a 5 team. Also, your characters have levels during matches, and they have a skill-tree that they can customize their characters playstyle with in match. The characters themselves have levels too and you can 'master' them and unlock extra skills for them too. It also uses gear that can give you enhancements during matches. Also, unlike OW theres a lot more melee characters— at least 8 different characters who's primary attack is melee. They have different kinds of melee also, fists, axe, rapier, swords, dual-sword etc. All the melee characters are pretty unique. Also it is very objective based, with minions to kill and turrets to build etc. It also is more brawlery than Overwatch— a headshot won't instant kill, you will often need to use all of your skills to off someone. Because of this, it feels more teamwork based.

      If you liked Borderlands humor, you'll like the humor on Battleborn. And the aesthetic is quirky, but it grew on me.

      Also, it has a penguin in a mech suit. And he's awesome.

      A couple of caveats: There have been a couple issues of optimization on PC, although they did fix this. Some people still have some problems. Also, there is one queue for PC so you do get some crappy scrap teams sometimes. Not all the times.

      Lastly, PVP can be a little confusing to get into at first. You will get used to it, I promise. There's no tutorial for PVP. You should play the AIs for a little bit to get used to the game modes and the skill sets.

      Also the Borderlands Presequel is a fun little game, and it has quite a lot of content. If you liked B1 and 2 you'll like this. It's not quite as good, but, its fun in its own way— you get gravity jumps and stuff and the concept is 'Australia on Pandora's Moon'. I think the character skills are a little less fun, but I really did like it.

      Anyway I am off to play Battleborn now. I really hope you try it. Give it a chance. It deserves some love. I think the bundle is worth it for the Presequel alone, though, even if Battleborn is not your thing.

  • I'm really sad seeing Battleborn there, i played the closed beta, it was great but the open beta was a disaster

  • No Civ Beyond Earth is a bit annoying. It's nearly 2 years old 2K, don't be stingy :(

    • They're not stingy… they had other bundles with Beyond Earth in it already.

  • -3

    NBA2k16 was free on PSN+

    • +1

      Wow that's amazing! And that can be transferred over to Steam? Oh wait, it can't, so your comment is pointless.

      • +2

        What about the ps4 owners who didn't know about this and thinking to buy it on steam… with this information they then stop the purchase and log on ps4 and download free saving $7.

        • In your OP you used the word 'was' implying that the offer has ceased… Anyways you're both right, so internet cookies all around

  • Can anyone comment on Mafia II Digital Deluxe Edition?

    I already have it but yet to play, is the deluxe content worth it? otherwise I don't really need 2K, so I would probably stick with the $1 tier.

  • +1

    I bought Battleborn for xbox one when it came out. Major disaster. Not only was I annoyed that it ran at 30fps, but the Aus servers were broken. Laggy, unplayable, bullcrap. Turns out we were getting redirected to servers not hosted in Australia, despite 2K hosting Australian servers.

    It's been 2 months since release and a small few have reported it's been fixed for PS4. Just a shame that I bought the game on the wrong platform. 2k done me wrong.

  • Get this for Spec Ops alone. One of my favourite games of all time. Great story.

  • Anybody wants to trade any games, please PM me. Have a list of other games to trade.

  • +5

    Already owned a few games, so here are some free keys! Obviously first in best dressed!
    Darkness II - 9K0Z0-VLD3Y-74407
    Spec Ops: The Line - AAZ5G-PKHJY-N27JL
    Civilization V - 5KWV6-83FGD-W5ZGJ

    • Took Civ V. Thanks alot ^^

    • Someone has taken spec ops without thanking you 😡

  • +1

    I own some of the games from the list already. Please PM me if you would like to swap for other similar games.

    The Darkness II
    Spec Ops: The Line (underrated)
    Sid Meier's Civilization V (it's 4am already?)
    Mafia II Digital Deluxe Edition

  • +1

    if anyone wants darkness or/and spec ops for free, pm!

    • +1

      spec ops gone! darkness anyone?

      • Already have darkness, just here to thank you for spec ops, thanks man!

  • Maybe I should pre empt the next give away. I'd love spec ops for free if anyone is giving it away. PM me please.

  • I've always wanted to give Spec Ops a try, so will definitely get at least the dollar tier.

  • free mafia 2 as well! PM!

    • pm-ed

  • Borderlands Pre-Sequel: Price for Americans on Steam = $40 USD. Price for Australians on Steam = $70 USD. Go capitalism.

  • Looking for anyone who has extra copy of Borderlands to trade. PM please.

  • What do I do if I already have Mafia 2 but want the directors cut for the DLC's? will I end up with 2 versions of the game in my library? or do I already have the version with the DLC's and I don't know it (I have it from a previous Humble Bundle but have never installed/played it).

  • Just purchased and realized I had:
    Spec Ops: The Line
    Darkness II

    let me know if you want to trade :)

  • Wanting to buy battleborn PC, are there any australian servers for pc?? Read that there none couple months ago.. How about now?

  • +2

    Extra games are The Bureau XCOM Declassified, Railroad Tycoon 3, Freedom Force, and Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich.

    • I updated it this morning when I got the email, thanks though

  • I purchased but i already have Darkness II and Duke Nukem Forever. I just wanted Spec Ops The Line.

    Let me know if you want either. Perhaps give me a personal message.

  • Hi all, PM me if you want any of these and would be happy to swap some other keys in return:
    The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
    Freedom Force
    Freedom Force VS The Third Reich
    The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
    Railroad Tycoon 3
    Duke Nukem Forever

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