Planning Trip around Australia - Any Advice?

Hello OzB'ers

I have some relatives from Overseas and they want to travel around the whole Australia

Here's the catch; we need to do it all in one month.

I need to go from

  • Adelaide -> Melbourne -> Sydney -> Brisbane -> Cairns -> Darwin -> Alice Springs -> Perth

(not in order)

Just wondering what attractions should I got to in each city?

Your help is much appreciated

BTW My travel dates are Dec. 15th -> Jan. 15th


  • 1 month you want to do a round trip? are you planning to hire a car and drive around or use flight in all route + hire car on land.

    The period you mentioned is a peak season therefore it will be pricey and crowd every where not mention that very expansive to book hotel room.

    • I'm thinking car + fly + any other close transpo

      • Do you have any budget per person?

      • I have been few road trips Cairns —> Sydney (10 days 3500 kms), Sydney —> ADL (kangaroo island)—> VIC —> Sydney (10 days 3000 kms)

  • +1

    Watch out for Bears😁

  • Central Australia can get VERY hot in the middle of summer. By very hot, I mean OMG!!!! HOOOOTTTTTTTTTT

  • Gee, I'd just laugh.
    Or, try to explain what a holiday is.
    Or, ask why?

  • +3

    Don't do it! Pick the eyes out of a couple of areas and hit them or you'll spend half the available month travelling. Save the rest for later. When I was a kid we drove Perth-Sydney in 5 days and we didn't see many 'sights', it was all driving and looking out the window.

    Where are they coming from? Pick some places with a different climate/features. EG from Europe, go tropical and outback. From a small town, pick Sydney or Melbourne. The pick a couple of iconic locations. eg Uluru, Great Barrier Reef, Tasmania or Bondi.

    Just don't spend the whole time 'getting to the next place' and not have time to enjoy it. If you told me I had a month I'd probably drive Sydney - far north QLD (and not back). But then, I've seen a fair bit of this island over the years.

  • +1

    Where are you located in? I'm from Perth and there's honestly not much to see here. I would recommend you visit regional areas in WA like Albany, Esperance, Margaret River (South) which is only 4-6 hours drive from Perth.

    • Adelaide

      • Yeah! We're going to Adelaide for two weeks. We got cheap flights and we're bringing fold up bikes.

        • +1

          Check out the zoo :) pandas!

  • +2

    as per previous comments, you will sweat more than David boons groin after a quick single, if you go to the outback. 1 month is to quick for all that.

    id do 1.) cairns to victoria+tassie. (pefered, more relaxing) or
    2.) darwin to adelaide (goto uluru) then Victoria or something

    ditch Perth, too far away to do in a month, unless you just goto WA for the month.

    • (you forgot brissie)

      About 16,000km, and 1 month to do it? That's about 500km/5 hours a day! And that's ignoring the fact you'll be stopping to spend time in cities.

  • You may want to shave your coat if you go to Cairns. Also traveling on car/train is a great way to appreciate the vastness of the country.

  • +2

    So are you only wanting to visit those places?!? Just the big capital cities and ignore/skip anywhere else? You know there's basically nothing at Alice Springs right?

    IMO you are skipping perhaps the best place of all in Australia - the Whitsundays. You should skip some of those other cities instead.

    Have a look at the itineraries of the professional tour companies. They know the best things to see.

    For example:…………

    You don't have to book with an organised tour but you can at least get an idea of a good itinerary by seeing what they offer.

  • +1

    TASSIE, it's cool and beautiful :-)

    Anywhere north of Bass Straight is just too damn hot to do anything during the day.

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