Im looking to digitize all my photos. Whats the most reliable platform you have used thats free…and has the most data?
I feel like I need to jump beofre my external HD gives up!
Thanks :)
Im looking to digitize all my photos. Whats the most reliable platform you have used thats free…and has the most data?
I feel like I need to jump beofre my external HD gives up!
Thanks :)
OneDrive or DropBox.
Whatever your gf tells you, size do matters.
why not use onedrive, google and dropbox so you have redundancy
If you buy office 365, you'll get more space on your onedrive.
You pay with your information.
Google Photos. You get 15gb free to store photos at native resolution and then after that unlimited photos at compressed resolution (but they don't look any different to me) also free. The sorting, classifying, deduping I have found to be awesome. I can't see any negative (pun intended!) to the service..unless you are some hardcore privacy freak who keeps "off the grid" and/or a hardcore photo nut who needs every single photo ever taken in uncompressed format (in which case additional google storage is very cheap anyway…$2.00/month for 100GB) . Download the google photos desktop uploader application , point it to your ext. hd and just let it upload the whole lot. Done!
hardcore photo nut who needs every single photo ever taken in uncompressed format
Hey, thats me…
then the $ service is for you..
Amazon has $12 a year for unlimited photos. Not free, but it is very inexpensive and allows you to store RAW as well as JPG.
This is the best answer OP, interface is a bit clunky but for the price it can't be beat. The service is free for Amazon Prime users ($99 USD per year).
Google photos unlimited storage. Terms and conditions apply.
This I pay for, I want to know that if I lose my copy of the photos I get back the same file from my backup. I did a lot of testing a few years back and often I'd find if I backed up a 4mb photo to a free service I got a 1mb file back. So I've been a happy smugmug user for a few years now. Unlimited storage of photos at full resolution and videos under 20 minutes. If you also want to share photos with family etc it is the best I've seen. I think there's a referral page here if you want it cheaper.
Hi Everyone. Thanks very much for your answers.
I will get stuck into some research with these suggestions over the weekend!
OneDrive if you have hotmail account or Google Photos if you have Gmail account.