Original eBay 20% off tech deal post
Cheapest on eBay and reasonable price from local seller.
Original eBay 20% off tech deal post
Cheapest on eBay and reasonable price from local seller.
Prices will keep dropping on these cards as more are made and hit the market.. I wouldn't touch a GTX 1070 or GTX 1080 for anything less then $450 and $600
The time next year they will be below these prices..
GTX1080ti / Titan 2 will be twice as fast as GTX1080
due to them having twice as many cores and 4 times the memory bandwidth with HBM2
As well as AMD Vega 10 and Vega 11 with 4096 and 6000+ cores also with 4 times the memory bandwidth with HBM2
They will be the true next gen high end cards and prices of everything else will tank.
This is PURE FACT! .. for the next 6 months though Nvidia will keep milking the 1070 and 1080 for all they can get.
FYI: fun fact… the above cards maybe the LAST or second last big core GPU chips to ever be made as both Nvidia and AMD are moving to a multi gpu small chip modular future .. its getting to expensive to make these big cores on these newer techs at good enough yields to justify the price.
AMD's RX 480 claims the DirectX 12 crown in new Futuremark benchmark
Read more: http://www.pcauthority.com.au/News/430969,amds-rx-480-claims…
Why GTX1080ti? They'll release the GTX1180 the year after and it'll be even faster, wait maybe you should wait for the GTX1180ti, no that's stupid, there's no reason not to wait for the GTX1280!
GTX1180 is end of 2017 at the earliest..
The 1080ti is in the works right now and will hit the market at the end of the year/start of next.. yes the waiting game is stupid and people should by what the need now at the best price but paying $1000+ for a graphics card that will be $599 6 months from now isn't a smart move if you think your buying the best.. its going to be half as fast as in only 6 months. .. that's going to make allot of people unhappy
I'd have jumped on it already if it was still @ $789.. The current price is insulting and still too expensive.
Price was jacked up right after the coupon deal started.
PCbyte is horrible, save yourself.
I'll be posting these in every PCbyte Ebay deal i see.
Thanks for the thought but their customer service is so so horrible that i'll never ever go back there. Ever.
Imagine how good it would have been if the price would have been kept at AUD 789
And not increased 1 minute before the sale to AUD 839
Now I am waiting for the "guy" to come and tell us how the prices were not increased, because the history of the item shows no price increase (they just create a new item to remove the price history). Another story for him to "debunk".
As you said good price for it, less than 10% less compared to other places.