How Was OzBargain Created?


I'm interested in creating a similar website to OzBargain related to another countries deals/bargains. This may seem like a dumb question, but how was OzBargain created?

Is it updated/created through a WordPress type setting or CMS? Or is it all developed/coded externally?

I can see how it all works in my head, but I'm having a really difficult time implementing it.

Thank you


  • +4

    I don't want to stop you from having a go, but it's very competitive out there as many countries have their own deal sites.

  • +1

    Heavily customised variant of Drupal.

  • +7

    No one know how it was created, OzBargain has always existed. How else would humans of known what a good mammoth carcass was worth?

  • +4

    Started with an old Drupal 10 years ago, but mostly custom-developed these days.

  • Thank you!

    I assume to have users submit deals you use some kind of customised form that stores it into a database. Then that database is looped and the deals on the front page are constantly updated? Are any plugins or equivalent involved? Stop me if I'm wrong.

    May I ask where the best place to start would be? I was originally trying to develop in WordPress but I'm finding the whole theme aspect quite frustrating. I'll definitely give Drupal a go. I'm confident in HTML and CSS and have been slowly grasping other languages.

    Thank you again

    • May I ask where the best place to start would be? I was originally trying to develop in WordPress but I'm finding the whole theme aspect quite frustrating.

      I think if you're considering Wordpress as a platform, then you should first be asking questions about development frameworks on places like StackExchange. Wordpress is definitely not the right sort of platform for this kind of work. If you don't get this right at the beginning, you'll be forever fighting yourself, your knowledge and your platform to get it to do what you want.

      • Thanks, and that's what I want to make sure I get right from the start. I don't like how WordPress is set up. I've spent the last 12+ hours trying to get a start and it's just not working. I'll look into Drupal

        Thank you

        • WordPress is probably the easiest web app to get started, and it's fully capable to develop it into something like OzBargain, which the basic structure is just posts + comments. If it takes 12 hours for you to figure out WordPress, Drupal might be out of reach.

        • @scotty: I think with the effort needed to get Wordpress to work like OzBargain, you'd get much better results in developing on Joomla (for example). In fact I'd be surprised if you couldn't build a viable deal sharing website with prebuilt Joomla plugins alone.

        • @scotty: It's not that I can't figure out WordPress, I just don't like how structured it is around themes. I don't like that you are so limited in customisation without paying $60 for a "premium theme" which you still can't completely change to how you want. Either that or completely code it yourself, which I'm all for, but not at that point yet.

          I'm not complaining however! I'm just trying to find the best option and stick with it. I found it difficult to even create a way for users to submit content themselves in WordPress. Looking at Drupal last night, It's definitely different but already seems a lot more of what I'd like.

          Thanks again scotty!

        • @blitz: I'll definitely give Joomla a look! I'm impressed with Drupal and all of it's options. I'm not expecting this to happen overnight, it's going to take some hard work.

  • -5

    I think you might want a more original business model.

    • I'm actually aiming at Canada. There's really only one site and I don't find it a good site at all. There's a lot that can be improved

      • -1

        Do it. I am sure many first world countries can benefit from this. I know i do. Then maybe branch off into other second and third world countries.

        • Wouldnt even know where to begin with second and third world countries hahah

      • +1

        I'm actually aiming at Canada

        "Bargains, eh!" :)

        • +1

          That's what its all aboot, eh! Gotta save some loonies for my friends and family back home

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