Limiting Mobile Data tethering/basic webpage rendering or text only mode

I'm tethering phone data to my laptop on a modest 2gb/month plan. I only use it for the basics such as emails, ozbargain, ebay, etc. I only watch videos or download large files over wifi e.g. at my community library.

Apart from blocking ads I was wondering what else I can do to throttle the bandwidth.
e.g. Is there a program or web browser add-on that can effectively stop images from rendering pre-download or switch to a text only function to save mb/s?

I'm using w7 with firefox and chrome. I have seen some of these browser add-ons but am not sure if they still download the whole rendered page and then block certain elelements, which defeats the purpose.


  • +1

    You could use a data data manager extension or app to check their effectiveness. Remember to clear the cache between tests and be aware that some adds, pictures, auto loading videos etc will change between visits.

    Ad blockers can reduce data use by up to 40%,…

    EDIT: BE sure to disable automatic downloads and don't go to Windows 10 yet.

    • Fyi, Windows 10 actually lets you mark a network as metered connection, so won't do any system downloads on that network

  • You can try running a caching proxy like Squid. There's a Windows version or you could run a Linux virtual machine with it on. Also, Chrome and Opera browsers have reduced data modes.

  • You can try using a data compression proxy.

    I remember doing a trial back, you had to install a program on your computer. Otherwise when the pages loaded, the colours in the pictures would look washed out.

    I think Google uses similar technology now with it's Google Chrome "mobile" Browser with the data saver mode.

    Someone made an extension to use this feature on Desktops.


    Downside is that your data will be going through Google's servers.

    You can always make your own proxy if you can find some open source code but that will require you to pay $ for a server as well, unless you already have one in the cloud.

    Caution regarding old link:

    I went to this site mentioned:

    This extension is no longer supported. I do not take any responsibility for the current version in Chrome Web Store. Please use the official Data Saver extension from Google instead.…

    Better to use that…

    • Opera does same thing if you put it into "Turbo Mode". Also spies on you but not Google so much less hair raising.

      Although last time I tried it it slowed everything down making it pointless.

  • -2

    But most OzBargainer's are on the 10 GB for $2 plan

  • See whether there's a script blocking addon for any browsers such as Noscript (this is for desktop, no idea if available on mobile) - this will stop a lot of crap from being loaded as well as increase security.

    See whether there's a text only mobile browser.

  • Text Mode Chrome Extension
    Text Only Mode Chrome Extension

    The above found by disbelief they didn't exist and a google query of "text only browser chrome".

  • +1

    Further to the above helpful comments, have a look at Disconnect ( - it will reduce considerable attempts to connect to advertising/etc sites and uBlock origin (ad blocker, not sure which one you're currently using, and I've found it quite aggressive with blocking).

    If using Windows, ensure that your network connection is marked as a metered connection.

    Also turn on the setting in Chrome which disables plugins until you right-click to enable them. Will further reduce data usage.

  • Since you are on a 2GB plan the first thing you must do is disable your Desktops OS from automatically downloading OS updates. Limit your Android OS + applications to update only over WiFi.

    I only use it for the basics such as emails, ozbargain, ebay, etc.

    For these simple and well designed sites I'd try disabling flash. Plus look at your browser settings and disable Java. Maybe even certain JavaScript settings.

    Many of the corporate websites are designed for the visually impaired and text-to-speech. There's usually enough to navigate around the websites.

    If you need to enable Flash then leave it as user prompted. Install the NoScript and Adblockers plugins. Install a good firewall which updates itself with daily updated blocked address lists.

    If you are an old school techie then consider using RSS feeds and website rippers. Then view the days contents offline. There's no way the pages can connect to external advertising servers.

    2GB was plenty for me. I survived for years on a 2GB Telstra ADSL plan without getting shaped. Was able to play CounterStrike, Team Fortress along with regular 1GB Steam updates as Telstra had unmetered websites. Perhaps your mobile carrier has unmetered websites too?

    • If you need to enable Flash

      Is there ever a good reason for doing that? :D

  • You can also block servers that no one in their right mind wants to connect to - such as trackers, ads and worse - by using a feature of operating systems that looks up the address of servers locally in a file called HOSTS (no extension).

    It is really worthwhile using this method since it requires no additional resources and it blocks at a system wide level rather than just in an application such as a web browser. However it is not for complete computer nubs: it's easy enough for many users to do but YMMV. There are many guide on how to do it.

    More info including a blocking list:

  • Thanks for all of the info and resources, guys. Some really good suggestions. This will keep me busy tinkering around with my machines for some time :)

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