Microsoft eBooks Giveaway- Including: Windows 10, Office 365, Office 2016, Power BI, Azure, Windows 8.1, Office 2013, SharePoint

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Nerd Alert !!! - Nerd Alert !!! -
Clicking on the following link may result in great benefits to you.
You may learn something !!!
Yep, Microsoft are offering free E-books again.
Get them while they are hot.
Hot topics include
- Power BI (I can't spell that yet, but it might help you)
- Azure (Apparently it isn't just a shade of blue)
- Office (no… not YOUR Office, the Office suite)
- Windows Server (now that I CAN spell)
- SharePoint (Apparently it can be tamed)
- System Center (Yes… spelled the 'Murican way with an 'er')
- Dynamics (Now all the accountants are excited)
- SQL Server (Sorry, I don't know how to spell SeeKwel)
- PowerShell ( get-book Interesting | export-all ) - See what I did there !!!
- Other (all the other ultra nerdy stuff)

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  • +1

    Woohoo, Mum's birthday present sorted!

  • +3

    MS Press's online reference ebooks have always been free.. Not exactly a deal

    • +2

      Like he said.

  • -3


  • yeah, with spelling whatever your typing on prob has a spellcheck function. Plus if your connected to the internet…

    • *you're

      • the real irony is i intended to write "you are"

  • Thanks OP. Downloaded a few ebooks for Azure, Power BI and SSIS. They are useful for me. Cheers.

    • yea, will check if any have been updated from what I have got, I know Azure now uses Portal V2 ….. they still don't publish course notes from their instructors lead classes and neither do AWS :-( so still a bit of a gap for those studying for certs.

      • I have learning gap too. I always feel excited for new skills.

  • Thanks .. got a few..

  • +2

    Use DownloadThemAll or similar browser addons to grab them!

    Get the list of links to the actual ebooks @

  • Is it possible to pay for these and have them sent out in the form of paperback or hardback books?

  • 11 items wont download for me, anyone else having this issue?

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