This was posted 8 years 7 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mini NES $99.95 @ EB Games


Saw this awesome product on Nintendo's twitter this morning. Huge nostalgia kick. EB Games are first to begin pre-orders in Australia. Grab em before they're gone. Please note it docent include a power brick, but any old phone charger should be fine.

*EDIT: JB-HI-FI are also doing pre-orders:…
Comes out November 10

I know this is RRP, but this will be a hot product

Product Description:
The Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System comes packaged with an HDMI cable, a USB cable for powering the system*, and one Nintendo Classic Mini: NES Controller. And whether it’s rediscovering an old favourite or experiencing the joy of NES for the first time, the fantastic collection of NES classics included with each and every system should have something for all players. The included titles are:

Balloon Fight
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest™
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Dr. Mario
Ice Climber
Kid Icarus
Kirby’s Adventure
Mario Bros.
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Tecmo Bowl™
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Each title is sure to bring back fond memories and produce plenty of new ones. Players can even enjoy playing many of these games together by attaching a second Nintendo Classic Mini: NES Controller, sold separately. A Classic Controller or Classic Controller Pro for the Wii console can also be used.

The Nintendo Classic Mini: NES Controller can also be used to play Virtual Console NES games on a Wii U or Wii console. Simply connect it to a Wii Remote controller to make the experience that much more authentic. Players needn’t worry about losing any hard-earned progress either as each game has multiple suspend points, allowing them to start where they left off at a later time, no passwords needed.

Bring back memories and make brand new ones with the Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System, launching on November 10. Relive past glories, defeat the boss that you could never beat, or simply enjoy the classic titles of yesteryear anew.

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    isnt this the rrp ?

  • +22

    normal price. no bargain

  • +1

    look I ordered 1 too, but RRP is no deal

  • Pretty sure this is RRP, JB Hi-Fi are advertising the same:…

  • JB-Hifi are taking pre-orders as well.

    My local store had 7 pre-orders in the first hour and it wasn't even advertised.

  • Amazing that people are buying these things. Almost every good nes game had a sequel or a re-release on the snes that was better than the original.

    • +3

      are you some kind of casual gamer? NES is the best to a lot of gaming peeps..

    • +3

      I didn't know there was a SNES retro console still on sale from Nintendo

  • +1

    RRP. Not a deal.

  • +5

    Are we going to start posting pre-order details of the next Appsung iGalaxy for being the next best smartphone ever being sold at RRP as deals as well?

  • +1

    Any Android set-top box is going to be able to run a NES/SNES emulator, as well as Netflix, Presto etc. Get a decent controller - an 8bitdo if you insist on non-ergonomic controllers, or a Xiaomi if you want something more modern, and game away.

    I don't know why you'd buy a single-use device in this day and age.

    • +2

      Nostalgia my friend.

    • +1

      I don't know why you'd buy a car when you can just steal one…

      • -1

        Because piracy.

      • Grand theft auto

    • Which set-top box would you recommend? How about the interface?

    • so you don't have to play around with emulators and downloading ROMS …… instant gratification ……just grab your favourite drink, some pies or pizzas and game away ……

  • Cheers OP,
    Preordered from JB Hifi, damned if I will support the thieves at EB Games..
    Got one mainly for the collectable status but the GF loves her old NES games.

  • +5

    If only it was a Dreamcast….

  • +2

    Price listed is RRP. Not a bargain.

  • Just RRP, not a deal. Then again, it is EB prices…

  • +1


  • +1

    No deal its RRP

  • engadget, "Nintendo won't offer additional games for the Classic Mini" what a shame… I would get one if it did.

    • So this won't be able to use original NES carts? 🤔

  • +2

    With this and Pokemon go nintys share price will have a good six months. Likely plummet when the next is finally announced…..

  • +2

    If it's $40 I would pay for it. But not for $99

  • I'll buy one of these but not for full rrp. Once I can get it for $80 or less I'll pounce.

  • +1

    No saving no deal.

  • 59.99 USD RRP 99.95 AUD RRP… 59.99USD equates to about 78AUD at the moment. Sigh.

    • Plus 10% GST don't forget. We win some, and we lose a lot over here unfortunately.

      • +1

        $59.99 USD also excludes sales tax, which varies over there state by state.

        • Gst = sales tax, but yeah, not so different once exchange rate and GST are taken into account

  • +3

    "*Note that an AC adapter for the USB cable is required to play the system but is not included in the packaging.'

    This bullsh*t again! Come on Nintendo. These adapters surely don't cost more than a few $$ to spit out in bulk!

    • +1

      A lot of TVs now come with USB ports that can power devices. Failing that the adapter can be used from phones/tablets.

      It could be their way of being 'green' and not over manufacturing what they think is a common household item, or they are just really cheap :P

      • +2

        I think the latter. Trying to squeeze as much profit as they can out of these fringe devices.

  • +1

    Retail :/

  • This is just an ad.

  • +1


  • Boo ): do eb even offer a price guarantee on pre orders?

  • +1

    JB has it at $99 flat. That's at least a..


  • Has anyone per-ordered did they charge on per-order on later when it ships?

    Can't find any details.

    • usually its a 10 dollar deposit for items under 100, then the rest when it ships/you pick it up.

  • Why couldn't they make the controller have a usb extension? I would buy one or two just for use with my PC. The wii has enough controllers to connect to..

  • Awesome find, thanks.


  • +5

    First we had 500ml ice cream for $15. Now RRP is considered a deal. oZbargain has changed.

  • -5

    He did post "I know this is RRP, but this will be a hot product", so pre-order at EB and get the price match if it does get cheaper. Please do not Neg the living snot out of the man.

    • +4

      This is ozBARGAIN not ozGAMING

    • +1

      sometimes its not just price, but also supply ….. I see a lot of bargains listed but there is no supply ………

  • I'm amazed this is getting upvotes.

    It would be no difference if a pre-order game was listed at full price.

    It's full price. Plus shipping.

  • +1

    No deal here just an ad

  • +1


  • Tempting to pre order one. But $99 is too expensive for me

  • +2


  • No thanks! lol

  • NES without Battle Tank, are you kidding me?

  • +1

    RRP. No bargain.

  • +2

    As others have said, this is just the RRP. I dont want ozbargain to become a site for preorders.

  • I'll wait for a price drop, if there is one. My NES is in a box a couple of metres away from me, and it would've been plugged in if I could find the cabinet I wanted at IKEA today.

  • RRP
    Where is the deal?

  • Bit pricy but ill end up getting one anyway. I wounder if I'll be possible for someone out there to mod this thing and load all the nes games on it…that would be epic

  • Belongs in the forums

    • +1

      The forums isn't a dumping ground, it's no deal period.

  • RRP

  • lol this post is 12 hours old and still active

    • +3

      That's because there are enough upvotes to keep the deal active, a bit of a nasty reminder about the election …

      • I rate your sense of humour

      • Touché!


  • No savings found

  • Dunno why you'd even bother, considering raspberry pi does this and a hell a lot more or even old console/PC with 360 controller, just doesn't seem worth the $100..

    Only for that nes nostalgia!

    • +1

      NEStalgia? :P

  • RRP, not a deal.

  • RRP is not a bargain, as others have said this is a bargain site not a preorder site

  • +1

    I love how people are still negging this 'deal' and saying the exact same thing as others from 24 hrs ago….

    • True bargainers only read prices.

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