Website that can tell if you're reading fake hotel reviews?

This website claims that it can identify fake hotel reviews with 90 % accuracy.

:Review Skeptic is based on research at Cornell University that uses machine learning to identify fake hotel reviews with nearly 90% accuracy. Learn more about the research at the Cornell Chronicle and the New York Times.:

Give it a try and post your thoughts.

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  • Claims on the internet, who would've thought.

    My thoughts are it's silly because it probably doesn't work. I feel safe saying this because, as with all spamming, if it starts working they'll work out how to get around it.

    Reviews that are able to be placed by "anyone" are inherently able to be gamed. And they are.

  • "The problem with claims on the internet is that they are often untrue." - Abraham Lincoln.

  • I know it's not the intended purpose, but I tried it on other things like…. Ozbargain.

    joey101 is deceptive and telling lies.

  • +5

    just tested a review of the Frankston Motel in Frankston.

    Review was "glad I wasn't raped or stabbed during my stay. Person in the room next to me was shot and lost an eye. A half eaten big mac was stolen from my locked car. Some dude tried to punch me as he said I was looking at his sister- and then he french kissed her. An 8 year old tried to sell me heroin"

    Reviewskeptic said it was more than likely true.

    • +1

      Wow! That's scary. I hope it wont happen to me.

  • We need a site that will tell us if your website is fake with 90% accuracy.

  • Thats interesting. I've thought of doing something similar myself, looking at users with 1 review, user activity and similar signup dates to see if there's shilling going on. Or googling the phrases used to detect identical patterns on other review boards. Good to see someones done it.

  • Seems pretty inaccurate to me. I chucked in 5 recent reviews I personally wrote in the past month (I travel a lot) and it said the majority of them were "deceptive". I beg to differ.

  • so they have a machine that can tell when another machine is "faking it" - omg, what will they think of next…

  • Is that website funded by the International Hotels Association? LOL
    If there is any money involved then there will be lies.

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